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Sour sorrel

The cultivation, care and benefits of sorrel

Botanical characteristics of sorrel

Sorrel is a perennial plant, not exceeding 1 meter in height. The plant stems are much branched. The root of the plant has the ability to form buds that give shoots. The leaves, depending on location, vary in form. Upper leaves are sessile, they form elongated. The leaves at the bottom of the stem – petiolate. But at the base of the stem are arrow-shaped leaves. Red or yellow sorrel flowers are unisexual and are collected in a panicle.

Flowering plant in the period from late spring to the end of the first month of summer. The fruit of the sorrel – shiny nut on the red leg. Sorrel grows throughout Russia in the meadows, near lakes, in gardens and woods. And sorrel grows in the Caucasus, the far East, in Siberia and Ukraine.

Growing sorrel

Sorrel is a plant, resistant to cold and can winter. For growing sorrel is best suited moist, fertile and clean soil. The best soil for sorrel are sandy loam and loam. The plant prefers a rich soil humus. On peat soils and drained sorrel also grows well.

Sorrel sown in the summer, spring and winter. Summer sowing of seeds is carried out in the middle of summer. In this case, next year we can expect a big crop of sorrel. Summer needs to be regularly watered crops. In the winter, the seeds of sorrel are sown in October-November. The seeds are planted so late only because before the onset of heavy frosts, the seeds will not have time to grow. In the winter, sorrel is best to sow in countries with a temperate climate.

Sorrel seeds are planted beds with a depth of embedment of not more than 2 cm Shoots will be visible in 2 weeks. Immediately after seeding the soil is compacted and rolled down. This will give a lot of seedlings of the plant.

Caring for sorrel

During the year after sowing sorrel soil should be regularly loosened and weeded from weeds. In addition, you should fertilize, protect plants from pests and combat disease. 30-45 days until frost the leaves of the sorrel must be cut. Cutting the leaves is necessary in order to protect the plant: it is otherwise perish under the snow.

Autumn should add humus or compost to the soil in which grow sorrel. A year after sowing fertilizers, although in small quantities.

To the subsequent crop was more in the soil should be made not only organic fertilizers, but nitrogen.

The beneficial properties of sorrel

Sorrel contains a lot of useful and medicinal substances, assisting the body. The plant has an analgesic property that is used for painful menstruation. In addition, sorrel is used in scurvy, and pain in the lower back. Due to its chemical composition the plant is recommended to use for cystitis in the form of baths. Sorrel has diuretic, choleretic and anti-fungal properties. It is known that the plant is able to stop the bleeding, so it is often used for bleeding.

Sorrel – an excellent astringent, which is often used for diarrhea and dysentery in children. A decoction of sorrel to treat boils and other fungal diseases on the head. The juice of the sorrel has a good effect on the body in the treatment of scabies, rheumatism and fever. A decoction of sorrel is recommended for use as a means for rinsing with sore throat and bleeding gums.

The use of sorrel

Due to its healing power sorrel for a long time and is widely used in folk medicine. In addition, the plant contains organic acids and vitamins of many groups, so that it can be used not only to treat existing disease, but also to prevent their development.

Sorrel has a positive effect on the intestines and on metabolic processes in the human body. In the grass contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which helps to cure the deficiency and bring out harmful cholesterol from the body. A decoction of the leaves of sorrel are used as an antidote in some types of poisoning. The plant is recommended to use for hemorrhoids, colitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A decoction of the roots of sorrel hemorrhoids. Take the roots of sorrel 1 tablespoon, fill their Cup of boiling water and put on fire for 20 minutes. Removing the tool from the heat, raw materials squeeze and take the medicine three times a day for 1 tablespoon. The same broth is used in colitis and rectal fissures.

A decoction of sorrel diarrhea with blood. To make it, take 1 tablespoon of dried fruits of the plant and pour 200 ml of water. Put the composition on the fire for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and insist 1 hour. This remedy is taken three times a day for 1/3 Cup.

A decoction of the seeds of sorrel with burns. Taking 10 grams of seeds, pour 100 ml of water and put on 15 minutes on the fire. This broth moistened burns or bedsores. The samethe decoction is taken for diarrhea 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Sorrel in the treatment of wounds and ulcers. Collect fresh leaves of sorrel, washed them and applied to festering wounds or ulcers.

Sorrel for rinsing with sore throat. Take fresh sorrel stems along with the leaves and scald them with boiling water, then chop all raw ingredients and wooden spoon to make a slurry. Further, taking the gauze and enamel bowl, squeeze the juice. The finished juice is put on fire for 5 minutes. Take this juice three times a day at mealtime for 1 tablespoon.

Contraindications to the use of sorrel

Sorrel is contraindicated for pregnant women. Too frequent use of sorrel will be the cause of kidney stones. People with stomach ulcers sorrel is also contraindicated.