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Useful properties and applications of Campion drooping

Botanical characteristics of Campion

Campion is a perennial herb with erect, slightly branching, naked stems 30-60 cm tall Leaves of the plant are glaucous, opposite, slightly fleshy, ovate-lanceolate. The flowers are white, collected in a loose inflorescence. Fruit – rounded boxes with reniform seeds. Blossoms in may-July.

Growing Silene roadsides, among bushes, on meadows, in close proximity to housing. Homeland of the plant is southern Europe. It also grows on the territory of Russia – in Western Europe and in the Altai.

Useful properties of Campion

Campion as a medicinal plant often used in folk medicine. The official science has not yet researched this herb and its chemical composition is not fully understood, but we know that in all parts of the plant are useful substances saponins. Folk healers have long noted that Campion has a calming effect on the nervous system of humans and has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antitoxic properties.

Tinctures of this herb have long been used in depression, a depressed state of mind and certain nervous system disorders. Inflammation helps the use of external tinctures Campion in the form of lotions and compresses. Many experts note the positive impact of plants on the human condition.

Application Campion

As a medicinal raw materials are mostly used grass and roots of plants. Tea from a grass bladder Campion is widely used in folk medicine as an effective diuretic or the drug in dysentery. As a compress it also helps in the treatment of lichen. In old times a decoction of the roots Campion was regarded as an effective remedy for tuberculosis and excessive panting. The decoction of inflorescences of this medicinal plant is often used in chronic bronchitis and as a sedative.

Preparations Campion is quite effective in diseases of the bladder and kidney, the juice of the plant helps with conjunctivitis, and rinse the mouth with decoction of herbs soothes toothache.

Infusion Campion: a glass of boiling water, pour 10-15 g of dried and chopped herbs, leave for 30 minutes and taken twice a day half a Cup before meals. This tool is useful in dysentery.

The brothCampion: 10 g of dried herb pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and languishing on a water bath for 5 minutes. Broth should take two tablespoons three times a day.

Campion drooping

This species is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 60 cm with branched stems. Campion drooping widely distributed in forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia. It is often used in folk medicine for the preparation of drugs. The aboveground part of the plants are carefully cut, washed and expanded for drying in a room with good ventilation. Ready medicinal plants are usually stored in a paper bag at room temperature.

Tinctures Campion drooping is most often used for disorders of the nervous system. They have sedative and analgesic properties, as well as prevent the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.

Silene vulgaris

Silene vulgaris is a perennial herbaceous plant glaucous-green color. She has narrow, acuminate or lanceolate leaves and white flowers, which are located in the thyroid semiumbels.

Grow this species in Siberia, the Caucasus, the far East, Central Asia and throughout the European part of Russia. In folk medicine, Silene vulgaris used to combat chronic bronchitis, dysentery and several other diseases. In addition, the tea of this herb known as an effective sedative.

Silene angustifolia

This kind of plant is notable for one extraordinary fact: scientists have managed to germinate seeds of bladder Campion angustifolia, whose age was more than thirty thousand years. They were found at a depth of 38 meters in permafrost.

In this way, science has made progress in research on freezing and subsequent revival of some cultures.

Contraindications Campion

Some species of Campion is contraindicated in colitis with constipation, and gastritis with low acidity of the stomach. Also the drugs based on this plant is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Before starting treatment be sure to consult with your doctor.