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Useful properties and the use of syrup of licorice root

The beneficial properties of licorice

Licorice has a wide range beneficial to the human body substances. Its chemical composition is diverse: in the roots and rhizomes contain saponins derived glycyrrhizin, a substance that is a mixture of potassium and calcium salts of glycyrrhizic acid tribasic.

In the plant revealed the presence of 27 flavonoids, ascorbic acid, steroid, estriol, have some gums, resins, essential oils, and asparagine. Flavonoids have several effects on the body – as an antispasmodic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory.

Funds from licorice expectorant and different mitigation properties, in some cases, have protivotoksicheskoe action. Therapeutic effects on the body licorice root is due to the carbohydrate, glucose, fructose, starch and cellulose, and organic acids – fumaric, malic, citric, succinic.

The use of licorice

Licorice is recognized as official medicine, and to date, based on it created a large variety of products with different spectrum of action. Ingredient of licorice possess versatile biological activity, their anti-inflammatory properties similar to cortisone. Due to the glycyrrhizic and glycyrrhetic acids became possible to use licorice in Addison's disease and metabolic disorders in the body.

Derivatives of glycyrrhizic acid affect inflammatory processes like "Phenylbutazone": they reduce the cyclic changes of the endometrium. The most important pharmacological property is the stimulating effect of glycyrrhizic acid that promotes faster recovery from stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer. This acid imparts a sweet taste of licorice, and so it can be used as a food sweetener for diabetics. And it is the presence of glycyrrhizic acid allows you to take licorice for poisoning, infectious diseases, manifestations of intoxication. It is an excellent detoxifying agent, neutralizing toxic effects of chemical medicine.

Licorice syrup

Licorice syrup has the same excellent therapeutic properties as the root. It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the healing of ulcers, exhibitsantimicrobial activity to Staphylococcus.

Syrup of licorice root children will be very useful, it is very soft and pleasant to the taste of the liquid, the kids enjoy drinking it. The syrup can be prepared at home.

The recipe for the syrup of licorice: 4 g thick extract of licorice root must be mixed with 80 grams of sugar syrup, add 10 grams of alcohol. Store the tool in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Use the syrup in cough, colds, tracheitis, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer disease.

How to make syrup? Dosage: 5-10 ml syrup with 200 ml of water or tea 2-3 times a day after meals.

Licorice children

In Pediatrics licorice is used as a syrup, it can be drunk with a dry and a wet cough, some gastrointestinal diseases in children are also an indication to receive licorice. All the useful properties of the syrup is determined by the composition of the rhizomes of licorice: it has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic effect. Licorice syrup is a natural product promotes the release and excretion of phlegm, mucous healing and boosting the immune system. The course of treatment syrup can not be more than 10 days, to extend it only after consulting your doctor. During treatment, the syrup can be side effects: rash, itching, swelling, inflammation of the skin, diarrhea. In these cases, treatment should be discontinued.

Licorice root

Licorice root regulates the water-salt metabolism. It has adaptogen – a substance that can increase the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency and positively acting on the hormonal system.

Also, studies have detected a high estrogenic activity of the plant. Foaming saponins enhance the secretory function of the epithelium of the respiratory organs under their influence is the thinning of phlegm, relieves breathing during the period of colds.

Licorice has antiviral and antipyretic effect. Bioflavonoids spazmolitichesky affect the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, bile ducts and intestines, inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. Also the flavonoid compounds that strengthen blood vessels, and normalizing their permeability.

Sodium salt glitzirrizinova acid inhibits the activity of protozoa worms. On the use of licorice to mention the manuscripts with the recipes left by the descendants of the Eastern healers. Long since in our days the plant is used indiseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.

The popularity of root is used in medicinal fees for acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma caused by high efficiency of treatment, which proved the centuries-old practice. It is useful to make funds on the basis of licorice in lupus, chronic skin diseases, allergies, pemphigus, eczema, neurodermatitis and allergic dermatitis. In the treatment of the skin have resorted to the external use of decoctions and infusions of licorice. The use of the root of the plant is recommended when the kidneys. The cures will come faster, if you apply complex treatment, which would include collecting some herbs, for example, birch, knotweed, horsetail.

Licorice root is prescribed in case of pyelonephritis, inflammation of the bladder, urolithiasis and for the prevention of these and many other diseases.

Decoction of licorice root helps with chronic fatigue, rapid fatigue, restore the nervous system, normalizes sleep. A decoction of the roots of the plant, cooked in milk that are useful to children with whooping cough. When dryness of the throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis the root should chew.

Licorice root is an incredibly powerful tool to protect and restore liver functions. There is a lot of evidence that a miracle-the root can reduce the probability of occurrence of cirrhosis and liver cancer, to reduce the concentration of enzymes-transaminases (elevated level in the blood indicates damage to the body).

Ancient Chinese doctors claimed that the licorice root maintains the beauty and youthfulness, prolongs life, increases the body's resistance to disease. It is recommended to use by the elderly, by equating properties to ginseng. It significantly reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, adjusts endocrine system, stimulating the secretory function of glands and strengthens the immune system, tones, exhibits antidepressant properties. The proper use of licorice root will necessarily lead to positive outcomes.

How to take licorice root? In the use of plant root as a medicinal raw material should follow the recommendations of traditional healers and doctors. We must remember that it cannot be taken in combination with drugs of heart failure with lowering blood pressure and has a diuretic effect: there may be a arrhythmia, myopathy and muscle atrophy. It is important not to exceed dosage. Usually adults appoint broth 1-2 tablespoonsspoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

Licorice root for children in the form of decoction is assigned to 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon, depending on age. Infusions is recommended to use an adult to 1/3 Cup, children – 1 or 2 dessert spoons, 30 minutes before a meal. the reception means is in the form of heat, the number of receptions is determined by the severity of the disease.

Licorice cough

Cough appears when colds or Smoking the bronchi require getting rid of phlegm. With a difficult separation during dry cough resort to the help of licorice that stimulates the protective forces of the body, dry cough goes into productive form. The plant is well affect the healing process of respiratory diseases, increases the amount of mucus, derived microbes from the lungs. Licorice is useful in early disease and in advanced forms of pneumonia and lesions of the upper respiratory tract. This is a very strong and positively acting means and for patients with tuberculosis.

There is an old recipe from a debilitating dry cough and for its preparation you will need the collection, consisting additionally of marshmallow and elecampane. Licorice root cough is the main ingredient of the drug.

Cough infusion: it is necessary to mix 1 tablespoon of crushed roots, 2 teaspoons of the mixture pour 400 ml of cold boiled water, to insist within 8 hours and take before meals 2 times a day for 100 ml.

Licorice extract

Extract, licorice extract is a thick mass of brown color with a peculiar odor and a sickly sweet taste. This is the best means of caries, it is suitable for healing of scars and treatment of dermatitis.

Glitzirrizinova acid stimulates interferon production – antiviral substances, and this means that the licorice treats herpes. It rejuvenates, relaxes and calms, it has a soothing and cleansing effect. Outdoor use can reduce age spots, erythema and accelerates production of collagen.

Licorice during pregnancy

Because during pregnancy the female body is subject to influence of microbes and infections, a decrease in the immune system, to prevent these problems are assigned to various natural remedies. Although licorice is one of the most useful plants that can protect the body from diseases, in the period of carrying a baby it is unwanted.

Licorice root during pregnancy may cause harm by changing the water-salt balance, causing unwanted edema, high bloodpressure, increased hormonal activity.

Syrup of licorice root in pregnancy can be taken if other means are powerless, but it is necessary to dilute it with water.

Recipes based on licorice

The juice of licorice root: 1 gram of licorice juice should be diluted in 0.5 cups of hot water, divide into three portions and take warm 3 times a day. The tool recommended for gastritis and gastric ulcer.

Licorice can be brewed like regular tea to treat colds and cough.

Recipe no 1: 20 grams of licorice, 10 grams of Iceland moss, rose hips , and plantain leaves need to be brewed as a tea.

Recipe No. 2: 20 grams of root and aerial parts of licorice, 5 grams of mint, herbs centaury, and leaves of lemon balm is recommended to be brewed as a tea and drink daily 1 Cup after meals.

Tincture of licorice

Water infusion restores the health of the adrenal glands, also it is used for gastritis.

Recipe tincture licorice: it is necessary to fry 2 teaspoons of licorice root in a pan, and pour the infusion to two cups of boiling water. After 6-8 hours, the drug was ready for use. Should take 30-40 drops to use this infusion can at the arthritis, peptic ulcer disease, and tumors.

The infusion of licorice

Extracts of licorice are pleasant to the taste, has a peculiar fragrant smell.

Recipe No. 1: 1 teaspoon dried minced licorice pour 1 Cup of boiling water for an hour and a half, cool, strain, take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.

Recipe No. 2: 2 tablespoons minced raw pour 500 ml of warm water, insist 2 hours, drink 0.5 stakana1–2 times a day before meals.

Valuable properties of licorice and retain broth.

The decoction of licorice: dry root (10 g) placed in enameled pots, pour hot water (200 ml), incubated in a water bath under kryshkoj15–20 minutes, insist 40 minutes. After cooling the product to a drain, bring the volume to 200 ml and take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

The leaves of licorice as a medicinal raw material are not used, but in folk medicine, a pastefrom the pounded leaves is recommended for sweating feet. Some cosmetics manufacturers are using an extract of the leaves to improve the quality of hyaluronic acid.

Cleansing lymph licorice

In violation of the functions of the lymphatic system occurs disease – lymphotoxins. It entails stress on the liver, intestines, kidneys, and sometimes doctors put a disappointing diagnosis: hepatitis, enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis. Has slowed the release of the products of metabolism, stagnant bile, the formation of constipation, bladder inflammation (cystitis). Rashes appear on the skin, neurodermatitis, psoriasis , etc.

All these troubles can be corrected by applying licorice root. If 1 tablespoon of syrup, diluted in a glass of hot water, drink on an empty stomach, the purification process can be felt in an hour.

Licorice for weight loss

Excess body weight is one of the main indicators of the health of a person. This may be the result of consumption of high-calorie food that will necessarily entail a variety of problems – diabetes, malfunctions of heart, etc. weight gain may be the consequence of dysfunctions of the endocrine system and other serious diseases.

Licorice root restores the normal functional capacity of the gastrointestinal tract, laxative effect helps to cleanse the body of toxins, normalizes acidity, eliminates heartburn. Useful substances of a plant protect the gastric mucosa, calming effect on the nervous system.

Contraindications to the use of licorice

Contraindications to the reception means on the basis of licorice are increased activity of the adrenal glands, hypertension, heart failure. Prolonged use herb causes swelling, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that licorice promotes the excretion of potassium from the body, so its application is excluded when taking diuretics.

Estrogenic properties of the plant – also serious contraindications during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the licorice can cause severe uterine bleeding. For this reason, it is contraindicated in bleeding disorders, with predisposition to bleeding or thrombocytopenia.

Possible side effects – dizziness, nausea, pain in the joints.