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Growing, useful properties and applications of recipes licorice

Botanical characteristics of licorice

Glycyrrhiza glabra is a perennial plant that belongs to the legume family. This plant has a strong rhizome. From the rhizomes out subramose stems, the height of which can reach two meters. On high stems are the next leaves with narrow stipules. Flowers are collected in inflorescence-brush. Fruit licorice – Bob bare, slightly curved, elongated, brown in color, which has 2 to 6 seeds. The seeds are greenish-gray or brownish color, but in any case, they're brilliant.

Flowering plants begins in June and lasts all summer. The fruits ripen after a few days after flowering. Found this medicinal plant in the fields, steppes and polytape, on the banks of steppe rivers and on the sand. Licorice grows in Central Asia, Europe, North Caucasus and the lower reaches of the Volga and the don.

The cultivation of licorice

Licorice – undemanding plant. For its cultivation it is necessary to choose a site with fertile soil. Best Glycyrrhiza glabra grows in partial shade and in places that are sheltered from the wind. Licorice can easily tolerate and overheating, and cooling of the soil, however, could not survive the long freezing.

To licorice can propagate by seeds or division of rhizomes. Seeds can be sown in spring or autumn. If the seeds I decided to sow in the autumn, then they need to be before planting stratify. When the seedlings grow, they require thinning and replanting in the ground to a permanent place. The second propagation method is by division of rhizomes suggests the separation of the rhizome and planting it on another area. For this method of reproduction suitable plants, which are more than three years. It is possible to sustain part of the rhizomes in the sand until early spring and then plant them in the ground.

If the soil in which grow licorice, too wet, the plant may be affected by fungi, of which the rhizome begins to rot. Most often, the licorice you can see the moths or caterpillars. To get rid of these pests can be, shaking off or removing them from the plants and throwing them. If licorice is grown only for the sake of branches and leaves, and rhizome plants do not need, in this case it is simply treated with insecticides.

The beneficial properties of licorice

Licorice has expectorant, laxative and antispasmodic properties. This plant is capable of enhancing the secretory function of the upper respiratory tract. Licorice root is an excellent diuretic. Due to the content in the plantuseful substances, similar in structure to the steroid hormones, it is used as a powerful tool for a variety of inflammatory processes. In licorice contains active compounds that help to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Licorice is included in different teas, decoctions and syrups used in the cough and cold and gastric diseases. The plant is used as a means of preventing or stopping the development of tumors. Licorice is used for the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body, and it also has analgesic effect, so it is used for various pains and ailments.

The use of licorice

The national medicine long since uses licorice for the treatment of many diseases. Licorice helps with stress, irradiation and after undergoing complex operations. This plant has the ability to heal purulent wounds and trudnozazivate. Folk healers recommend this plant to use people who suffer from atherosclerosis, diabetes and have problems with the thyroid gland.

Mainly for the preparation of drugs used rhizomes, which are used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, infusions and powders. Licorice is used to treat pain throat, cough, arthritis, low blood pressure and even dermatitis. This plant will help to cure edisonova disease and liver disease. It apply in the case of food or drug poisoning.

Licorice cough. For cooking this means you need to take 1 tablespoon of the crushed root of the plant and pour it with 200 ml of boiling water. Hold for 20-30 minutes in a water bath, removed and cooled infusion in an hour. Strain the finished medicine, it must be brought to the original volume with boiled water. Take the infusion as an expectorant three times a day 1 tablespoon.

Tincture of licorice root. Take 1 teaspoon powder of licorice root and fill a glass of vodka. Put the composition in the dark for 10-12 days. Daily tincture should be shaken. Strain the finished tincture, it is used in diluted form, namely, take 30 drops of tincture, dissolved in a tablespoon of boiling water and drink three times a day. Tincture has reducing properties. It is taken for allergies, gastritis or lung disease.

Syrup of licorice root.Take 1 teaspoon of root of the plant and combined with 100 ml of sugar syrup. There also add 15 drops of any alcohol and everything is stirred well. The syrup must be taken 4 times a day 1 teaspoon. The product has an expectorant, soothing and softening properties.

Contraindications to the use of licorice

Preparations of licorice can be used for a long time, as it will lead to stagnation of fluids in the body, which means there will be swelling. Due to the excessive medication of this plant can increase blood pressure, lowered sexual force, man can go bald.