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Properties and applications of knotweed bird

The Botanical characteristics of the knotweed

There are several types of this herb, featuring Botanical characteristics. You can meet a creeper, close to the soil plant. The stems of this grass is thin. The knotweed, rising up, the stem is more powerful, reaches a height of 40 cm Stems of this herb have many branches, leaves elliptic or oblong, regular. Flowers voronkovidnaya, there are white, green and pink with a reddish tinge. They appear in may, flowering lasts through June. As flowering ends, place each flower grow fruit, and their ripening is observed until late autumn.

Knotweed – undemanding plant, it perfectly grows on gravelly and fertile soil, propagating seeds. Its range of distribution covers the whole territory of the CIS. Grows abundantly this herb in the South-Western part of Siberia, preferring woodland and steppe. Knotweed can be found along roads, in areas near houses, his favorite places, on vacant lots, and pastures.

Billet knotweed as raw materials for use in folk medicine can be carried out at the same place every season, as the grass after mowing, it grows even stronger. It is not necessary to collect the knotweed in homes and pastures for livestock. Cut the stalks with a sickle, drying the produce on the air under a canopy or in well-ventilated attics.

The beneficial properties of knotweed

This herb is notable for high content of ascorbic acid, it contains vitamins E, K and carotene. From flavonoids in the plant discovered avicularin, hyperinflation, isorhamnetin, myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol. Noted the presence knotweed tannins and essential oils. Also in the plant contains coumarins: scopoletin and umbelliferon. Among phenol carbonic acids are Gallic, coffee, Komarova, chlorogenic and ash.

Rich plant resins and compounds of silicic acid. In flowers are flavonoids. The roots contain anthraquinones. The active ingredients of the plant: silicic acid, mucus, tannins, flavonoids, saponin, most of all affect the body in the treatment of various diseases.

The use of knotweed

The grass is highly nutritious. Knotweed – as well as alfalfa, clover, chin – loves livestock and poultry. This herblow-toxic. Thanks to the ability to regulate metabolic processes knotweed is a component of the blood-purifying teas, contributing to good filtration of the kidneys, increase urine output, excretion of excess salts.

The plant is used in inflammatory manifestations in the kidneys. This herb is a prophylactic and prevents the formation of kidney stones and bladder stones dissolves the compounds of silicic acid, which go with the urine. The nutrients of plants affect the stomach and intestines. Due to tanning agents this herb has antimicrobial properties, anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore the decoctions effective in the treatment of wounds and pustular lesions on the skin. The astringent properties of the plant strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increase blood clotting.

If necessary, the use of knotweed contributes to the contractility of smooth muscle organs, which is recommended in postpartum and post-abortion for uterine contractions. The plant has hypotensive action, normalizes breathing. As a tonic and diuretic knotweed is used in tuberculosis and malaria, and is also used for colds, because it has antipyretic properties. Knotweed is recommended in tumors and gallstones. Aboveground part of the plant used as a tonic for fatigue and weakness after an illness. For arthritis, septicopyemia knotweed anti-inflammatory effect. A decoction of knot-grass, cooked with milk, acts as a sedative for convulsions.

Infusion and decoction are very useful in diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder. Hemostatic effect of the plant helps with hemorrhoids, scurvy and gout. Knotweed is often included in the different treatment of fees used for chronic gastritis, uterine bleeding, cystitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis of the lungs.

Infusion knotweed: 3 tablespoons dry or fresh raw pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, heated in a water bath for 15 min, cooled during 45 minutes, strain and bring the volume of boiled water to 200 ml. Take 1/3–1/2 Cup 2-3 times a day before meal.

A decoction of knot-grass: the Crushed raw herbs pour room temperature water in a ratio of 1:10, put in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool 15 minutes, strain and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Three cups of decoction per dayindicated for hoarseness, rheumatism and gout, pain hemorrhoids.

Valuable is the fresh juice squeezed from the Mature plants cut during flowering. Take 0.5–1 glass 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, adding a teaspoon of honey. This tool is useful for hypertension, convulsive syndromes, diseases of the lungs, genitourinary system. The juice of the fresh herb knotweed heals wounds, ulcers, he resolves bruises. For this you need to clean the wound with the juice and put in place of the damaged tissues soaked in the cloth.

Knotweed (Polygonum) bird

This simple grass carpet covers the yards, river banks, meadows. In the spring of knotweed pale emerald green, dark summer green, autumn turns the color of ochre. This species blooms from may to September. The herb is used as astringent, styptic, helps to improve the condition after a serious illness, regulates water-salt metabolism and metabolism. Inflammation of the throat, beriberi, inflammation of the lungs, severe bronchitis, and the pleurisy plant promotes faster recovery. Knotweed bird is a diuretic, hypotensive action, able to act as a General tonic, is a source of vitamins.

The seeds of knotweed

Knotweed seeds are formed by the end of summer. Small dry fruitlets black have three faces, they like to eat sparrows, domestic and commercial poultry, they carry the seeds that promotes the growth of this weed and beneficial plant. In folk medicine, the seeds are not used: they are not digested in the digestive tract and therefore does not bring any benefit.

How to drink knotweed

There are many folk recipes for decoctions and infusions of knotweed, their proper application promotes faster recovery. It is important to follow the recommendations when taking herbs, preparing herbal teas, you must follow the specified recipes in ratios of ingredients.

Knotweed during pregnancy

Causes of infertility can be organ pathology, stress. To the long-awaited pregnancy, you should help yourself by including in the comprehensive treatment of folk remedies. Knotweed contributes to the conception, for that the ancients used the recipes of the concoctions. Treatment with herbs can be effective natural properties of nutrients can work wonders. Such tools are sometimes better drugs chemical based.

The recipe decoction of knotweed: 20 g of grass, pour a glass of water, heated for 15-20 minutes in a water bath, infuse 45 minutes and drain. Recommended to drink 2 tablespoons of broth 3-4 times a day before meals.

A decoction of knotweed

Many recipes boil the knotweed has reached us from ancient times, many result from observing the effect of nutrients the modern healers-healers.

Recipe No. 1: you will need 1 tablespoon of knotweed and Cup of boiling water, they should boil in water bath for 30 min., leave for ten minutes and drink 100 ml after the intake of root decoction of rose hips, helps with gallstones.

Recipe No. 2: you need to mix one part of knotweed, horsetail, 5 parts of Potentilla goose, three parts of centaury, then take 1 tablespoon of the mixture boil, to insist 1 hour, strain and drink in small SIPS throughout the day the pain in the critical days.

Infusions knotweed

Recipes infusions have long been known. Here are some of them.

Recipe No. 1: you need to take 3-4 tablespoons of knotweed, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, to insist 4 hours in a warm place or use thermos. Recommended to drink 0.5 cups means 4 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals. This medication is effective in women's diseases. When chudesatee and obesity observed normalization of metabolism. Infusion gives strength to the elderly, helps with nervous exhaustion and weakening of the muscles.

Recipe No. 2: 4 tbsp. of herbs pour 1 Cup boiling water, to insist in a thermos for 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1/4 Cup three meals a day. It is an excellent remedy for whooping cough, colds, dry cough, stones in the gall and urinary bladder.

Knotweed, kidney

If plagued by kidney stones and the disease does not rest, it is possible to use folk remedies and make the decoctions and infusions of knotweed. Modern healers, like thousands of years ago, know the secrets of longevity: to be healthy, you need to clean the kidneys of accumulated toxins, stones and sand. This will help the knotweed with it gently and painlessly passes cleaning of the kidneys, improves health, the method is very effective.

A decoction of knotweed: it is prepared in the morning. 1 tablespoon of knotweed, you need to pour a glass of boiling water, 30 minutes steamed in a water bath, cool, strain and take (mornings only) in combination with grass cocklebur as follows: drink a glass of decoction of knotweed, in ten minutes take half a Cup of decoction of cocklebur.

Knotweed for men

Knotweed is ideal for the treatment of male problems. It normalizes sexual function in men. This natural remedy helps inmost of the disorders in the male sexual sphere. Medicinal herb used as a means of relieving inflammation. Due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties knotweed kills germs, promotes healing of various wounds, restores integrity of tissues and normalizes metabolic processes.

When used correctly knotweed gradually dissolves the stones and removes sand from the bladder, helps to restore the diseased organs, improve emotional background, tones and strengthens the body. Positively affecting all the systems of the male body, knotweed is a plant number one to prevent most diseases. These include impotence and cancer.

Tea from knotweed

Knotweed is part of the teas used in diseases of the lungs, severe cough. This medicinal drink can be prepared at home.

Tea recipe: 2 tablespoons with the top of the herbs, pour 1/4 litre of cold water and bring to a boil, then strain, take 2-3 cups.

Knotweed for children

Knotweed is incredibly useful in convulsions in children, whooping cough and cough.

A decoction of knotweed on milk: two tablespoons of herbs are boiled in 0.5 liter of milk to 5 minutes to Drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day.

It is recommended that a course of treatment of knotweed in acne rash in adolescents. In the spring and fall to clean the skin daily for several weeks to take tea from knotweed.

Contraindications to the use of knotweed

Knotweed is contraindicated in pregnancy, as it has the properties that affect the tone of the uterus. Do not use the herb in acute diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. During the reception knotweed is contraindicated eat garlic and onions.

Not recommended knotweed and excess sputum (bronchitis). People suffering from low blood pressure, you need to remember that grass helps to reduce pressure. Not interfere with the care and varicose veins and blood clots.