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Useful properties and applications of sterculia platanolistnoy

Botanical characteristics sterculia

Sterculia, is a genus of plants, which comprises 200-300 species, native to tropical regions of the planet. Most sterculia is trees, shrubs, rarely shrubs or herbs. The majority of species the leaves are palmated simple or lobed, flowers large and unisexual, often with an unpleasant odor, gathered in a beautiful brush. Fruits plant – boxes. In some species the fruits are in the shape of a five-pointed red star, inside of which are black seeds and edible pulp.

Sterculia, widespread in tropical regions, some species in subtropical and warm temperate areas in the Northern hemisphere. The plant can be found in Western Asia, Northern China, the Himalayas, Japan and California. It grows in various places, from tropical rain forests and ending with savannas and deserts.

Useful properties of sterculia

In the chemical composition of sterculia seeds contains alkaloids: caffeine, theobromine and kolatin. Stems of sterculia, native to India, is extracted gum, bark used for the production of fibers that go into the manufacture of cordage, rope and coarse cloth.

The wood of some species of sterculia are used in shipbuilding. It is an excellent material for posts, beams, furniture. The roasted seeds are eaten. Seed powder is used for medical purposes.

The use of sterculia

Preparations of sterculia seeds have antispasmodic and hypotensive action. The substance theobromine that is present in seeds, causes a much less pronounced effect on the Central nervous system, unlike caffeine.

Seed powder is used as a very efficient tonic, it is added to chocolate, and in the world-famous sodas. In pill form, powder from the seeds of sterculia used by climbers, skiers, pilots.

Sterculia platanolistnoy

This is a high deciduous tree with a round crown and a smooth light-brown bark. Homeland sterculia are platanolistnoy subtropics of Indochina and China. As decorative plants it is common in Russia on the black sea coast, the Caucasus, and in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

In order to use medicinal leaves sterculia, they rip off the branches before they begin to turn yellow. Raw material is dried inwell ventilated rooms or in special dryers with good ventilation. The finished product is Packed in cloth bags, the shelf life of raw materials – 1.5 years.

For therapeutic purposes usually apply tincture sterculia. This drug is a good tonic and stimulant. It is prescribed for mental and physical fatigue, asthenic conditions, fatigue, exhaustion after serious illness and hypotension.

Contraindications to the use of sterculia

When you receive drugs based on sterculia possible side effects: dry mouth, irritability, loss of sleep, heart palpitations. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dosage or to stop using. Drugs undesirable to take before bedtime and for a long time. Contraindication is hypersensitivity.