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Useful properties and applications of Susak umbrella

Description of Susak

Susak is a perennial aquatic plant with creeping, rather thick root and a huge number of extra long ear lobes. Cylindrical leafless stalk reaches a height of 130 cm Basal leaves of Susak are linear-triangular form. In the lower part they are grooved. Pale pink flowers are collected in a beautiful parasols at the top of strong stems.

Blooms this herb often in the beginning of June and in July. The fruit of Susak is a put together the leaves. This plant is common in Siberia and the far East. As a rule, it prefers forest-steppe zones, riverbanks, meadow marshes and often settles on the edge of the ponds.

The beneficial properties of Susak

The main medicinal raw materials of Susak are considered the leaves and rhizomes. The roots contain a lot of gum, sugar and starch, and fats and proteins. Medicinal the decoction of the rhizomes are shown as a diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and protivosudorozhnogo funds. Externally it can be used in the infiltrates, which are formed as a result of inflammatory processes.

Medicinal leaf juice is shown in white spots and herpes. In addition, this juice can lubricate the inflamed areas of the skin such as dermatoses and leykodermii.

The use of Susak

Often when the cough is prescribed to accept funds based on the roots of Susak. To prepare this infusion you need to take 1 tablespoon of the rhizomes full Cup of boiling water. After straining to take remedy recommended 2 tablespoons before meals 3 times a day. Infusion will act almost instantly: just three receptions to cough softened.

Edema and ascites many doctors recommend to make from one teaspoon of the seeds of the plant and the glass of water special the infusion. This remedy should be boiled on very low heat for about 6 minutes and then infuse for about one hour. It is recommended to take three times a day 1 tablespoon.

In dropsy of the abdomen a decoction is shown in all stages of the disease. To alleviate the situation with ascites, it is recommended to conduct the treatment at least two weeks. Thus disappear the unpleasant swelling of face and legs, and by the end of treatment in the body will ease.

A decoction of the rhizomes also manifests itself as unusually mild laxative. In fever Susak is simply irreplaceable. On 1 tablea spoonful of crushed roots take 300 ml of water and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook it for about 20 minutes, cooled and filtered. It is sufficient to take this remedy 2 or 3 times a day, so the body temperature returned to normal.

Susak umbrella

Susak umbrella is an attractive aquatic plant that is winter-hardy and does not require complex care. It blooms all summer, starting in may and ending the middle of September. Often data are grateful to the plant are held in private garden ponds. Many fairly large flowers pink hue is located on the thin graceful legs and collected in small terminal inflorescences anticoborgo type. Since the flowers contain large amounts of nectar, Susak umbrella attracts not only bees but also other insects.

At the base of the long triangular leaves formed a dense vegetative buds from which arise young plants. Propagated this type of Susak buds and seeds. In addition, it can be propagated by dividing large sprawling rhizomes in mid-spring. This wonderful coastal plant grows well in marshy areas and along the shores of artificial reservoirs, if it be planted to a depth of about 10 cm.

Contraindications to the use of Susak

This plant is not recommended to eat during pregnancy. It should be mentioned that while a tendency to loose stools a decoction of the roots of Susak is contraindicated. Moreover, with menorrhagia to apply it is impossible, because it greatly enhances menstrual discharge.