Tarragon: beneficial and therapeutic properties, contraindications
The composition of tarragon:
- Essential oils containing useful chemical compounds;
- Micro - and macronutrients – potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese;
- Phytosterols, ash;
- Tanning substances;
- Alkaloids;
- Flavonoids;
- Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
- Vitamins B, C, A in large quantity.
The aroma of tarragon is reminiscent smell of mint and anise spiciness. He felt it at least once, the smell is impossible to forget. Tarragon can be found in a wild condition and quality of spice crops grown in home gardens. It can prepare for the future, air-drying of top leaves, bound in small bundles. Dried tarragon stored in glass jars with pritertymi tightly closed lids.
The content of the article:
Useful properties of tarragon
Due to its composition the tarragon has been successfully used as medicinal plants in folk medicine in many countries of the world. It enhances sexual potency and appetite, relieves nervous tension, fights insomnia, heals the mouth condition of the digestive tract.
The effect of tarragon:
- Tonic,
- Tonic,
- Antiscorbutic,
- Analgesic,
- Diuretic,
- Stabilizing the nervous system
- Normalizingdigestion,
- An appetite stimulant,
- Regenerating,
- Normalizing menstrual cycle,
- Antispasmodic,
- Anti-inflammatory,
- De-worming,
- Improving the potency.
In addition, tarragon is used for fortification of feed for farm animals.
The therapeutic properties of tarragon
Traditional medicine could not ignore this valuable plant.Tarragon successfully normalizes the human condition under the following conditions:
- Reduced immunity;
Amenorrhea and hypermenorrhea, unstable menstrual cycle;
- Swelling of different origin;
- Scurvy, gum disease;
- Insufficient digestive activity;
- Violations of smell;
- Reduced potency;
Tarragon is a component not only of recipes of traditional medicine, but in homeopathic preparations for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, cystitis, urolithiasis.
Traditional recipes based on tarragon:
- Neurological disorders – infusion of 200 ml of boiling water and a tablespoon of dry herbs tarragon divided into 2 doses and drink half a Cup before meals;
Sciaticais a painful place smeared with butter mixed with chopped tarragon or powder from the dried herbs;
Eczema – affected skin smeared with honey, mixed with 1 tbsp herbs;
Inflammation of gums – the Foundation of teeth and gums rubbed ointment 100 g butter and 1 tbsp of tarragon;
Toothacheis to chew the leaf of a plant, providing anesthesia;
- Varicose veins – infuse a handful of the herb tarragon half a litre of curdled milk, soak a gauze with this mixture and make a compress on the patient's vein, wrapped it on top compress paper or oilcloth;
- Fatigue is to drink half a glassa decoction of 200 ml of water and tablespoons herb tarragon;
Insomnia – make a compress from a decoction of 1 tsp of herb in a Cup of boiling water, put on the forehead;
- The lack of appetite brew in a tea infuser 1 tbsp herbs of tarragon, 3 tbsp green tea and pomegranate peel, use the infusion as welding to prepare the drink.
The use of tarragon
Although tarragon is used in medicine as a medicinal plant, the kitchen of many Nations of the world would have lost much without the use of the spice. They filled salads and vegetable dishes, interspersed with unusual flavor soups and dishes of cheese, added to marinades and sauces.
The ability of tarragon to kill pathogenic microorganisms used in preservation of mushrooms, vegetables and fruits. Fish and meat dishes benefit from the proximity of this spice, it is included with sauces to dressings. A very common flavoring of alcoholic and soft drinks this original spice that she gives a noble taste and aroma
In diets designed to decrease excess weight the tarragon plays a role. Its application allows to decorate the dishes taste kefir or salt-free diet, give them a spicy tinge, partly to replace the salt. Chewing fresh leaves of tarragon, it is possible to successfully fight hunger by conducting fasting.
In cosmetics the juice of tarragon is used in combination with various means for skin care of hands and face. Lightening of pigmentation, skin regeneration after damage, mild inflammation, slight analgesic effect properties, manifested in the infusions of tarragon.
Cosmetic recipes:
- Toning infusion – 1 tsp. dried or fresh herb pour a glass of boiled water for a while, wipe the skin of face, hands and neck.
- Rejuvenating lotion – a mixture of cucumber juice and juice of fresh tarragon, combined in a ratio of 1:1, with the addition of 2-3 drops of essential oil of this plant, will support the aging skin of the face and neck, if you RUB it 2 times a day.
- The essential oil of tarragon is used in the preparation of baths for relaxation and to combat melancholy, and aromatherapy for the relief of neuralgia and rheumatic manifestations.
Infused tarragon
There are several options for the creation of alcoholic beverages on the basis of the tarragon.To create a liqueur with original taste and unusual aroma need the following ingredients:
- Greens tarragon,fresh and roughly chopped – 50 g;
- Vodka – 0,5 l;
- Honey – 1 tbsp;
- Sugar – 1 tsp
The grass mixed with sugar for 30 minutes, after a while it will separate the juice. All the ingredients are sent into the bottle, sealed and insist 3-4 days in a cool dark place. Then filter the tincture obtained, pass it through a carbon filter. To save a wonderful emerald hue tinctures, it is stored in dark, away from sunlight.
Mint and tarragon – another tincture
3-liter jar mix the following components:
- Tarragon – 100-150 grams (a big bundle);
- Mint – 20 g;
- Juice and zest of ¼ lemon;
- Sugar – 2 tbsp;
- Vodka to fill the jar to the brim with all ingredients.
The infusion of the beverage occurs within weeks in the dark at room temperature. The strained beverage is cooled, in use. All the useful properties of tarragon are preserved in tinctures of this herb in full.
How to cook tarragon drink at home?
The benefits of home beverage far superior to the beneficial properties of its analogues, store-bought - there's no sugar, no preservatives.
Recipe No. 1 - a step by step preparation of the drink tarragon at home:
In 1.5 liters of water to dissolve 7 tablespoons of sugar.
A pot of syrup is heated on a slow fire until the sugar is dissolved.
At the same time in the syrup lay the cut stalks of tarragon, leaves is left to add them later.
When the water boils the pot is removed from the heat, put the chopped leaves to keep in the drink a maximum of vitamins.
After half an hour of infusion of the beverage is filtered, diluted with one liter of water, adding the juice from 1/2 lemon.
Pour in glasses and enjoy a refreshing and tasty drink.
Recipe No. 2 (cooked very quickly, no cooking required):
Wash and coarsely break up a big bunch of tarragon.
Add lime juice, lemon juice and ? Cup of boiled water, chop grass mass in a blender, or just mash everything thoroughly.
Strain the juice, squeeze it fromchopped greens.
Dilute the resulting liquid with cold water in proportion 1:4, add ice cubes. Sweet lovers can add sugar syrup to taste.
This amount, the resulting beverage will be enough for 2 servings. The color of the lemonade is not as bright as usual beverage, produced in an industrial environment, but the taste and use it is definitely a win.
Contraindications to the use of tarragon
For all their virtues, tarragon should not be used in large quantities and for a long time, as in excessive quantities it can cause poisoning with all its attendant symptoms: headache, cramps, nausea and vomiting.
Medical contraindications:
- Pregnancy because of the threat of miscarriage;
Ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
- Idiosyncrasy in the form of allergic reactions;
- Gastritis with high acidity.
Widely using tarragon in cooking, in the preparation of beverages and medicines, you need to keep a sense of proportion, be aware of the contraindications.