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Common thyme

Growing, useful properties and applications of thyme

Botanical characteristics of thyme

Thyme is a shrub, growing for many years and with a pleasant aroma. The stems of the plant are branched, red-brown in color, growing no higher than 25 cm On thin woody stems are small, oblong shaped leaves with a point of iron. Edges of leaves are curled. Flowering thyme starts from June and lasts all summer. However, in the southern part of the range of possible re-collection, prioritywise for the period after the end of fruiting (September-October). The flowers of thyme are small, they are pale pink or pinkish-purple, clustered in inflorescences. The flower buds of thyme are at the top of the branches. The fruit of thyme – mnogooreshek with a spicy aroma.

Thyme can be seen wild, but this is rare, as most often this plant is grown fans. America, Africa, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia – countries in which thyme has long been successfully cultivated for medicinal purposes. In Germany, people grow thyme in the garden, though sometimes it runs wild.

Propagation of thyme

Thyme is easily propagated from seed or cuttings. Most often use the second method of propagation is cuttings. For this method you must wait until the plant over the stage of flowering, and cut the shoots with sharp scissors. The lower part of the escape must be free from leaves. Next make a small hole that needs to be watered. Now it is planted prepared the stalk. Cuttings poured on top of the ground and immediately produce watering. Water the cuttings every day until until the formed first true leaves. Thyme – a plant that needs to catch on, and then it quickly and grows well and grows at large distances. As regrowth shoots them prishpilivayut to the ground. When you see good roots, the plants can be transplanted to another place.

The seed method of reproduction is also common. Collected seeds of thyme are planted in the spring, closing up not more than 1 cm into the ground. If sowing seeds is carried out before winter, the seeds are incorporated into the soil not necessary. Thyme seeds germinate slowly and poorly developed. The plants were stronger and grew quickly, while planting seed in the soil add lighthouse seeds of plants. Seedlings are grown on ridges, as the sprouting plants are transplanted into holes, covered with earth and beat the peg.

Growing thyme

Thyme is sun – loving and drought-resistant plant, it is badtolerate excessive moisture in the soil and even in the air (in the summer). Because thyme a shallow root system, the soil does not need deep processing. The main thing to consider – a place to land must be cleared of weeds. Before planting the plants the soil should be loosened to include limestone chips (wood ash). Roots bury 10 cm deep into the soil, and on the surface of the earth is decomposed stalks of a plant.

Winter thyme need to till, then cover it with spruce branches. If the plant is planted in a shaded area, it will not only grow poorly, but still flavor it will not be so strongly expressed, as in plants growing in bright places.

Thyme prefers alkaline or neutral soils, however, and a slightly acid soil can develop. The plant tolerates transplanting and great root in a new place.

Useful properties of thyme

Thyme is a strong antiseptic, the plant is able to relax the muscles. Thyme has a good expectorant properties. Drugs of this shrub are not allowed to develop pathogenic microflora. The plant has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative properties. It can be used as a good sedative, for example, for insomnia or neurosis.

Thyme is able to stop the bleeding, to establish the digestive system and enhance sexual strength. The plant is used as a means of helping to quit drinking or Smoking. Thyme has tonic properties so it is used by people who suffer severe illness. The plant is used for snake bites, problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Thyme is beneficial for women, especially for those who have cancer.

The use of thyme

Thyme is a plant which is popular in folk medicine. It is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, topically and as a tea. Tea used for cramps, coughs, whooping cough, bronchitis in the acute stage, asthma and digestive problems and thyme tea raises the appetite and improves functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thyme is able to normalize the stool, eliminate spasms and fermentation in the stomach.

Bath thyme is taken for cough and whooping cough, rheumatism, and bad bowel habits. The plant helps in the treatment of belching and flatulence. Due to its expectorant, enveloping andantiseptic properties thyme is recommended for use with laryngitis, tracheitis, and bronchitis.

Infusion and decoction is used externally in inflammatory diseases as a means for rinsing the oral cavity or throat. Lotions of decoction of thyme is used in skin diseases.

Infusion of thyme for coughs. Take 1 tablespoon of herbs thyme and fill it with 100 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes in a water bath. Cool and strain the finished infusion, raw squeeze. Next, bring the amount of liquid boiled water to the original volume. Ready infusion take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Infusion for baths. For its preparation you need to take 100 grams of herb thyme and pour two liters of boiling water. Now put this mixture in the oven for 40 minutes. Pulling out of the oven, strained and added to bath water.

Gathering thyme cough. Take 10 grams of herb thyme and mix them with 5 grams of fruits of anise and so many same number of the root of the primrose. Add to this mixture 5 grams of sundew and the leaves of plantain. Now take 2 tablespoons of this collection and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes to stand and filtered. This fee is taken every day 1 Cup three times a day in the form of heat. You can optionally finished in a warm gathering add a little honey.

Tincture of thyme. For its preparation take 150 grams of fresh herbs of thyme and cut it very finely, put the chopped herb into a glass jar and pour the brim with alcohol (96%) in 300 ml. Leave the tincture for 15-20 days to infuse in a warm place. Do not forget to occasionally stir the composition. Strain the finished tincture, it should pour one and a half cups of boiling water. Mix medium and pour in others, a smaller volume bottles. Ready tincture to rinse a sore throat 2-3 times per day.

The essential oil of thyme

The oil is extracted during the flowering plants from the leaves. Essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the tops of the plants are in the flowering stage. Oil is at the stage of rectification, so that it has removed all irritants. Thyme oil is used to improve appetite, boost immunity and inflammation and respiratory diseases. also the product is used for painful menstruation, for detoxification of the body and inflammation in the genitourinary system.

Thyme oil is used for bathing, massaging, rubbing and rinsing. Rubbing oil of thyme make for rheumatism, colds, myositis. Baths of the essential oil of thyme are used in detoxification, cystitis and othergenitourinary infections.

The oil must not be used by pregnant women and people with diseases such as epilepsy or hypertension.

Contraindications to the use of thyme

Kids infants and pregnant women this plant is strictly prohibited to use. People with kidney disease, stomach ulcers and diseases of the liver can be used preparations of thyme, but be careful!