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Black cumin

Useful properties and applications of black seed oil


Botanical characteristics of cumin

Caraway is a biennial plant belonging to the family Umbelliferae. The plant does not grow more than 1 meter in height. The cumin has a strong root fusiform. On a smooth stalk are regular leaves that are the size from the bottom of the stem to the top less and less. In the first year of life from the seed is formed only a rosette of leaves, and already in the second year forms stem. On each shoot has one flower inflorescence.

The flowers of cumin small size, white color, consisting of 5 petals. The fruit of cumin – visioplaine oblong shape, which when ripe splits into 2 mericarps. At the time of ripening of the fruit stem becomes first brown, and then completely dries.

Cumin blooms in the early to mid-summer. Ripening is at the end of the summer, but only in the second year of the life of the plant. Cumin is distributed throughout the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia and Central Asia. The plant prefers sandy and loamy soil. Cumin grows in woods, meadows, forest edges and roadsides.

Cultivation of cumin

The plant likes fertilized soil and Sunny sites. Cumin is able to move any frost, so in winter it doesn't even need to cover. Caraway is propagated by seed. Best of all, the plant develops if the seed sown to produce in the spring, as the top layer of soil still contains a lot of moisture, and cumin likes moist soil. Before sowing seed in soil you need to make superphosphate and potash, adding the greater part of the humus. Given the fact that cumin seeds slowly germinate, they need to be soaked in water for 2 days, remembering to change the water from time to time. When the seeds germinate, they need to dry. Prior to sowing seed the soil dig over. Seeds buried for 2, 3 or 4 cm into the soil, it depends on the structure of the soil. Seedlings appear after 3-4 weeks.

Due to the small amount of moisture in the soil the seedlings may be rare. When the seedlings of cumin there will be 2 true leaves, if the landing came out dense, make a thinning. In late summer the plant will have up to 15 leaflets.

To care for the cumin easy as thisenough to produce regular watering, weeding and loosening the soil.

Useful properties of thyme

Cumin has the property of increasing the motor and secretory functions of the stomach. The plant is used as a cholagogue. However, most often cumin is used as a spasmolytic drugs acting on the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract. The fruit of cumin is recommended to use nursing mothers, because they have the ability to increase (for nursing moms will be very useful article: how to increase milk supply?). Due to the content of the caraway essential and fatty oils of the plant are used as the exciting means in the presence of atony of the stomach. Cumin is carminative and laxative properties so it is used for flatulence and constipation.

Cumin is one of the oldest spices used by man. Proven that seeds the plants produce a powerful healing effect, therefore, is not only used for food. Cumin is popular in folk and official medicine. It is used in atony and intestinal disorders, flatulence, dyspepsia. Seeds plants relieve fatigue, enhance immunity, eliminate kidney stones and bladder, relieve the pain of rheumatism and gout, destroy parasites.

Cumin is useful for improving memory. For this 3 g of seeds taken along with a teaspoon of honey. If you want to display the warts, pimples, birthmarks or stop hair loss, black cumin seeds mixed with Apple cider vinegar. This mixture helps for headaches. Eating cumin seeds on an empty stomach, can improve the complexion and purify the skin.

Essential oil of caraway

The essential oil obtained from caraway seeds. The resulting oil has a tonic, improves cerebral activity properties. The caraway oil calms the nervous system, improves digestion and increases appetite. Essential cumin oil affects the fermentation process in the stomach, so it makes breathing more fresh. This oil increases urination and removes toxins from the body. In addition, cumin oil is used for colds, because it has expectorant properties. Oil of cumin is used both internally and externally. Internally the oil is used for pain during menstruation and other ailments, and externally with him take a bath and do the massage with bronchitis and problems with the urinary tract.

Cumin oil can not be used by pregnant women and children under the age of three years.

Black cumin oil

The oil from black cumin seed – 100 % natural product with authentic quality and long tradition of its use. It is particularly appreciated by connoisseurs of folk medicine due to its unique medicinal properties, due to the harmoniously balanced composition. The oil has a rich spicy aroma and a slightly bitter taste, but it is believed that the more the bitterness in the oil, the greater effect will be achieved from its use.

Black cumin oil is obtained from raw seeds of the plant by cold pressing. The use of this technology allows to fully preserve all the healing properties of this unique natural product. Black cumin oil does not apply to drugs, although well helps the human body to withstand various diseases.

Useful properties of black seed oil. Modern research has shown that black cumin oil has many useful properties, especially standing out among the oils of other plants. It normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, activates the immune system, contributes to the strengthening and growth of hair, restore their original colors. Oil kills certain types of harmful bacteria, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, has choleretic effect. It is a powerful antioxidant, promotes active excretion of free radicals from the human body.

Oil can be used as a preventive measure and as a tonic. It acts gently and delicately. If during the day to drink at least one teaspoon of oil, such beneficial Supplement is able to normalize metabolism in the human body and enhance its defenses. The use of black seed oil been proven time and again in scientific research, and so many people know about it from my own experience.

Composition of black seed oil. The composition of the oil includes a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. According to experts, similar acid in this percentage are found only in seafood, and nowhere else. In addition, the oil contains vitamins A, E and D, beta-carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and other macro - and micronutrients, promotes normalization of function of all human body systems. Contained in the oil also phospholipids, amino acids (including arginine), flavonoids, mono - and polysaccharides, phytosterols (kuperstein, beta-sitosterol, etc.), alkaloids, tannins, saponins, enzymes, essential oils (up to 1.4 %).

The use of black seed oil. Black cumin for more than 3000 years cultivated inthe countries of the East, and the same time people use the oil of this unique plants for the treatment of various diseases. Even the famous physicians Hippocrates and Dioscorides, mentioned in his medical treatises about its amazing healing properties. The statement of Avicenna, black cumin oil contributes to the life energy of the person, helping to overcome fatigue and exhaustion.

Modern scientists have revealed the fact that the oil is actively stimulates the production of bone marrow and has a positive effect on the functioning of the thymus gland, very important for the normalization of human immunity. It is also an excellent preventive tool in the prevention of cancer of the blood.

Back in black cumin oil contains hormones that help with infertility and enhancing potency. It is used for flatulence, diarrhea and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, it facilitates breathing in bronchial asthma and blocked nose, cures a cough SARS and influenza.

This is one of the few natural oils that are ideal for the treatment of oily skin and can easily cope with the formation of pimples, dilated pores and contaminated. It helps with fungal infections, various skin diseases and allergies.

Contraindications to the use of black seed oil. Contraindications to taking the oil, not so much. It is not recommended to use if you are hypersensitive, pregnant women and people who have undergone transplantation of organs. Topical application of black seed oil in some cases may experience local skin irritation and allergic reaction.

Black cumin oil for weight loss. To maintain health, youth and beauty of his body ancient Greek women used black cumin oil. Nowadays, this oil is also very popular among dieters. For best results it is recommended to take 2 times a day: morning and evening 1 teaspoon 15 minutes before meals. If you add to it 1 tablespoon of honey and drink 1/2 Cup of boiled water, the effectiveness of oil impact will be even greater.

To lose weight, you need a special scheme for 2 months. Under this scheme, before taking the oil to eat it is impossible, after his admission should pass at least an hour before eating. In the first month from the diet should exclude all carbohydrates (sweets, potatoes, flour) and eat butter in the following order:

  • 1 week – 1 teaspoon of oil and a glass of water before Breakfast;

  • Week 2 – 1 teaspoon of oil and a glass of water before Breakfast anddinner;

  • 3 week – 2 teaspoons of oil and 2 cups of water before Breakfast;

  • 4 week – 1 teaspoon of oil and a glass of water before Breakfast.

The second month, water is excluded from this scheme and along with this the diet the maximum fat removed. Their use shall be not more than 20 grams per day. It is also necessary to monitor the dosage of black seed oil.

  • 1 week – 1 tablespoon of the oil without water;

  • 2 week – 2 tablespoons of oil without water;

  • 3 week – 2 teaspoons oil half an hour before meals 3 times a day;

  • 4 week – 1 teaspoon butter and 1 Cup of water 2 times a day.

In warm time of the year, black cumin oil is used as a dressing for salads and cold they can be used to season sauerkraut. Naturally, the usefulness of this unique product depends on its quality. The oil shouldn't be sediment floating flakes and white residue near the neck. For its reception it is necessary to use a wooden or plastic spoon. Depending on the manufacturer regimen, and the dosage may be different, usually it indicated on the packaging.

How to take black cumin oil? In preventive and curative purposes as well as to strengthen the immune system black cumin oil is recommended to be taken in the following dosage:

  • children (from six years) – just half a teaspoon per day;

  • adults – 2 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach one teaspoon and one in the evening.

The oil is recommended to drink on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before eating. It is washed down with either a half glass of water, which dissolved a tablespoon of honey or half a glass of carrot juice. The duration of the course typically lasts 3-4 months. The course may be repeated with a break of 2 months.

High blood pressure can use the following mixture: 100 ml of oil, cumin, lemon juice and honey, mix and take on an empty stomach every morning and evening for 1 tablespoon. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

Treatment of black cumin

As a medicine, black cumin is used for more than 3000 years. Since 1959, various research institutes have conducted research to identify useful properties of this plant. Black cumin is almost irreplaceable natural product for gaining health, strengtheningimmunity and restore human forces after a long and debilitating illness. In folk medicine it is used to treat a huge number of different diseases.

Treating cancer with black cumin. In the study of black seed in cancer Center scientists have come to the conclusion that the substance timokhino derived from plants that can not only slow the growth of cancer cells, but also to reverse the process. Mostly the studies were conducted on cancer of the pancreas, and it is intractable form of this disease.

Scientists believe that timokhino alter the genetic code of cancer cells that leads to their destruction. Based on these data, they intend to develop a drug for the treatment of liver diseases.

As the results of another group of researchers, black cumin reduces the incidence of skin cancer by 34 %. This treatment cumin tolerated much easier than biochemistry, affecting bone marrow and the number of blood cells. Cumin prevents side effects produced by the treatment chemicals.

In the treatment of cancer folk medicine recommends to lubricate the affected area with black seed oil and the seeds the plants make with freshly squeezed carrot juice or natural honey.

Treatment of prostatitis the black cumin. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. The main cause of the disease is a bacterial infection. Inflamed or infected prostate manifests painful urination and ejaculation. If the disease is not timely cured, then there can be serious consequences. Prostatitis is the third, after cancer and benign hyperplasia, and the place is more than 25 % of diseases of the sexual sphere in men.

The main causes of prostatitis are persistent hypothermia, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged abstinence of sexual activity, delayed urination, bad habits, and a number of accompanying diseases of the genitourinary system. There are several effective ways of treatment of this disease black cumin:

1. Oil plants daily is recommended to lubricate the lower back and scrotum, producing rotational motion. RUB the oil should be up to until it will not absorb into the skin.

2. One tablespoon of black seed oil should be mixed with a spoon of honey, a teaspoon of dried chamomile and dissolve it in 100 ml of warm water. The tool then you need to strain and take several times a day.

Treatment of hemorrhoids black cumin. To the formation of hemorrhoids are chronic constipation, lack of exercise, heavy exercise, and most importantly –a sedentary way of life. Discomfort, burning and itching in the anal hole to create a knotted veins. After having stabbing sharp pain and bleeding when having a bowel movement. To help improve the patient's condition can black cumin. It stimulates digestion and has anti-histamine action.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids use the cream, which is prepared from the ash of charred seeds of the plant. To prepare this cream you will need 30 g of seeds and 15 ml of black seed oil. Seeds should be fry in the pan to a state of "obgorelo". When they are cool, you should grind them into powder, and then add it to the cumin oil. The drug should be applied on the anus twice a day after bowel movements. After four weeks of use of the patient's condition will improve dramatically.

Treatment of psoriasis with black seed oil. In addition, black cumin is widely used in cosmetology. It is effective in the treatment of various skin diseases, including psoriasis. A small amount of black seed oil daily to lubricate the affected areas of the skin. While it can be mixed with other oils such as sesame or peanut.

However, there are cases where application of oil does the opposite and promotes greater formation of rashes. If within one week after the drug will not be noticed by the improvement, the oil of caraway is suitable for this skin type and for this reason it is best to consult with your doctor.

Black cumin oil for infertility is a fairly effective tool, tested by many women. The composition of the oil contains hormones that promote potency and capable of curing infertility. Due to high content in oil seed variety of useful substances, the drug improves the potency and libido, normalizes testosterone production and beneficial effect on the process of spermatogenesis. Regular consumption of black cumin helps to cure male and female infertility.

The seeds of black cumin

The ancient healers believed that the seeds of the black cumin heals almost all diseases. In our days the scientific studies confirm that they can be used to treat many childhood and adult diseases, including cancer

The seeds of black cumin – a large, black, pyramid-shaped. They are quite tasty and have refreshing effect, tastes like fennel or dill. This refreshing property of the seeds is widely used as a remedy for putrefaction and fermentation in the gut.

Bloating the child him do an enema of caraway water. When flatulence and stomach pain and used a decoction made from the seeds of cumin withthe addition of sugar. Pellets from grinded seeds mixed with rye flour and peppermint, relieve inflammation in mastitis, applying them to his chest. The treatment course lasts for a few days.

Caraway drops should be used with constant tearing, and to increase lactation recommended to drink milk in which cooked cumin seeds (5 recipes to increase lactation based on black cumin seed). For the prevention of various diseases are advised to take the seeds of black cumin, mixed with orange juice.

Black cumin slimming

For weight loss widely used the seeds of black cumin. They are very useful to chew on an empty stomach or take the oil out of the plant after food to improve digestion. Cumin is diuretic and normalizes metabolism, thus helps weight loss. For taking internally you can use a decoction of cumin seeds. It is prepared from two teaspoons of seeds, filled with 500 ml of water. The mixture is then heated in a water bath at least 10 minutes then filter and drink 100 ml 1 hour before meals three times a day.

For outdoor applications use a mixture of cumin oil with grapefruit oil and rose oil. Before applying some warm oil in palms, then apply the mixture in small circular movements from the ankles to the waist. This massage can be done in 5-7 minutes on each troubled area of the body until fully absorbed product. The procedure should be done before bed to prevent hypothermia. In addition, black cumin tightens the skin from the sagging, which often happens with weight loss.

The use of caraway

Cumin is used for pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis and prostate cancer. The plant is often recommended for colds as the means for rubbing the chest. And cumin used in the presence of skin parasites such as mites and others.

Cumin is used in dyspepsia in children, gastritis, anemia, and hypogalactia (lack of milk production in lactating mothers). And a decoction of cumin is recommended for intestinal gas. Caraway seeds include a digestive, sedative and carminative fees.

A decoction of caraway seeds for colds, hemorrhoids. Take 2 teaspoons of the seeds of the plant and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Put on the fire for 10 minutes. Strain the composition and take 1 hour before meals three times a day for 100 ml. Broth has an expectorant effect for colds, as a laxative, for hemorrhoids.

A tonic made from cumin. Take 200 grams of cumin seeds andgrind into a powder. Fill them with milk to cover the seeds completely. Leave for 12 hours to infuse. Then add some sugar and take 50 ml three times a day as a tonic.

Cumin against malaria. For preparing this medicine need to get seeds in the amount of two grams and combine them with two tablespoons of the juice of the Chinese bitter gourd. Well the components are mixed and taken as needed.

Cumin against worms. Taking 10 grams cumin seeds, fry them in a pan without oil. Further adding 15-20 grams of onions. Take this medicine one spoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

The cumin in the urinary tract infections. Take cumin seeds (5 grams) and fry them, add the juice of one lemon. This also added 1 gram of sea salt and half Cup water. Mix all and take twice a day morning and evening.

Tincture of cumin. Take 15 grams of cumin seeds and grind it into a powder. Then place powder in a glass bottle and pour a glass of vodka. Closing the jar tightly, put the tincture in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain the finished medicine, it is taken 1 teaspoon before each meal. Tincture improves digestion, cleanses the blood vessels and relieves gas in the intestines.

Cumin for weight loss. Cumin has many useful substances, and one of them is the fact that the herb promotes weight loss. Weight loss will occur due to its diuretic property of the herb. Cumin also normalizes metabolic processes in the body and helps get rid of constipation. For weight loss prepare a decoction of cumin seeds (above).

Contraindications to the use of black cumin

Despite the fact that cumin is one of the most efficient medicinal plants, some contraindications he still has. The seeds of black cumin is not desirable to take during pregnancy, as they contain plant hormones that stimulate labor. Also contraindication is individual intolerance and hypersensitivity. Is strictly prohibited the use of oil to those people who are the recipients of different organs.

In addition, topical application of cosmetic products made with cumin, possible side effects. In this case, you should discontinue their use and consult a doctor.