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Jerusalem artichoke

Growing, useful properties and application of Jerusalem artichoke

Botanical characteristics of Jerusalem artichoke

The Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial plant with low branching stems. On the stem of the artichoke are the leaves, the shape of which varies according to the location: upper ovate and arranged alternately, and the lower one opposite, similar in form to the heart. The large flowers are yellow, collected in inflorescence-baskets, which bloom later. The root system of the plant developed and has many roots of different shape and size. Flowering Jerusalem artichoke starts in late June and lasts until September.

The Jerusalem artichoke is found in the wild in many places of Ukraine and Russia, in addition, it is grown in many countries.

The cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke

Though the plant is undemanding to soil and climate, but keep in mind that if the soil is heavy, it should not be too wet. Multiply can artichoke tubers or seeds. The tubers are planted in the ground in late autumn, but spring. For planting it is better to use tubers that are dug up in the spring. Immediately after planting the tubers should be pour into the soil humus. The shoots appear early, so just before closing you need to make hoeing between the rows. The plant tolerates hilling. The Jerusalem artichoke is not afraid of weeds, it can grow in dry air and is able to withstand short-term flooding.

For the cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke, any suitable soil, except saline and waterlogged. If the summer was dry, to obtain a good harvest, the plants are watered regularly and abundantly. In one place the artichoke grows about 40 years. Dig the tubers in autumn, but often more of them left in the soil (where they are better preserved).

When will a light frost, you need to cut off part of the aerial shoots of plants. Jerusalem artichoke makes a cold of about 40 degrees below zero. Store Jerusalem artichokes in the basement or in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Healthy properties of Jerusalem artichoke

Unique chemical composition of Jerusalem artichoke is an amazing medicinal plant. It contains pectin, insulin, minerals, enzymes and vitamins of different groups.

Artichoke reduces vascular tone in hypertension and increases hemoglobin. The plant is useful for the bile production. It also has the ability to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. The Jerusalem artichoke is used as a tool thathelps to get rid of stones in the bladder. It also used for elimination of toxins and radioactive substances. Artichoke binds salts of heavy metals in the body, he owes it to its chemical content.

The use of Jerusalem artichoke

The national medicine long since uses Jerusalem artichokes in the salt deposits, headaches, constipation, sciatica, colic in the intestines and diabetes. Fresh juice of the plant helps to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Jerusalem artichoke is cooked dough that is used for burns, psoriasis and gout. The leaves of artichoke help in osteochondrosis, arthritis and after injuries of locomotor apparatus. People with atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities is recommended to take baths with Jerusalem artichoke.

The tubers of Jerusalem artichoke for diabetes, insomnia. Take 150 grams of fresh tubers of the plant, wash them and eat 3 times a day. Fresh Jerusalem artichoke tubers used in stomach ulcer, gastritis, insomnia, thrombophlebitis, and constipation.

Powder from tubers of Jerusalem artichoke. Take the tuber of the plant and crushed them into powder. Now take 2 tablespoons of powder, pour two cups of boiling water and leave to cool. Take 200 ml each day 15 minutes before meals with leukemia, anemia and other diseases.

Infusion of artichoke. To make it, take 1 tablespoon of the herb Jerusalem artichoke and pour three cups of boiling water. Leave for 10-12 hours to infuse. Take the medicine in the form of a filtered 100 ml three times a day before meals. Indications for use of this infusion are colds, stomach illnesses and other.

Tub of artichoke. Taking 10-15 leaves of the plant, and fill them three gallons of boiling water and leave for half an hour to infuse. Strain through cheesecloth, pour the broth into the bath. Bathe no more than 15 minutes. The course of treatment for such procedures is 7-8 baths.

Contraindications to the use of Jerusalem artichoke

Most importantly – you need to take into account individual intolerance. People who have a tendency to flatulence, Jerusalem artichoke is better not to use, as it has the ability to increase flatulence. In addition to these two contraindications, other the Jerusalem artichoke is not available. However, as with other plants, it is necessary to know the measure and not take the Jerusalem artichoke in excessive amounts.