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Verbena officinalis

Useful properties and applications of verbena officinalis

Botanical characteristics of medicinal verbena

Verbena officinalis is a herbaceous plant or shrub, with erect or creeping stems, growing up to 100 cm Leaves small, opposite, oblong. Small flowers are collected in inflorescence-panicle. Verbena flowers can be different colors and shades. Verbena blooms from early summer to mid-October. It grows in North America, Europe and Asia, in Russia (except for the Northern part of the middle band). Stems, leaves and flowers are harvested during the flowering period, the roots harvested in autumn or spring.

Growing verbena

Growing marigolds requires no special knowledge and efforts, but still there are some peculiarities of its breeding. To obtain seedlings, the seeds should be sown in February, after germination you can already in March to plant the sprouts in the area. The soil it is advisable to use a loam containing humus. It should slightly pre-fed with nitrogenous fertilizers, overuse of them will lead to the fact that the plant will not bloom. Verbena likes a bright and warm place and abundant watering.

Useful properties of verbena

The chemical composition of verbena is content iridotomy glycosides, flavonides, tannins, steroids, carotene, alkaloids. Beneficial effects on the human body have a mucous substance, essential oil, bitter, soluble silicic acid.

Vervain has antispasmodic, sedative, choleretic action. Its tonic and restorative properties help you easily cope with various illnesses. Verbena officinalis normalizes metabolism and improves the digestive tract. In the postpartum period, the reception means on the basis of verbena enhances uterine contractions and stimulates lactation.

The use of vervain

In folk medicine verbena is used for colds, headache, colic in the intestines. Tea and a decoction of the leaves and flowers of verbena is a wonderful medical drug. Verbena can excite the appetite, is used for cholecystitis, atopic dermatitis, gallstones, gastritis, hepatitis: 1 tablespoon of herbs, pour 1 Cup boiling water for 20 minutesdrain. Take the infusion of 100 ml 2 times a day.

The use of vervain promotes rapid recovery from laryngitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis, diaphoretic, thanks to the properties contained in the plant substances. This is a useful plant effectively to improve well-being and getting rid of pimples, boils, psoriasis, ulcers, eczema. Grass is well acts on the body in chronic gastritis, increases the content of gastric juice.

For cooking and medicinal broth 1 tablespoon chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of water, cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Broth insist 45 minutes, protsezhivayut, add boiled water to get the initial volume. To take the medicine recommended 1/2 Cup 4 times a day.

Outdoor use plants in the form of compresses, lotions in inflammatory diseases of the skin, rashes and hard-to-heal wounds provides the body with antimicrobial protection helps to purify the skin. When inflammation of the oral mucosa use infusion of vervain as a rinse, it is effective and getting rid of the odor. The root is brewed in the treatment of scrofula, mumps, used as a means of resolving the sores.

Cleaning of the vessels vervain

Verbena is an excellent raw material for making miraculous means to strengthen and cleanse the walls of the arteries and veins, restore damaged capillaries and vascular tone. The ability of blood vessels flowing blood depends on the saturation of each cell in the organs with oxygen and nutrients. If these functions are disrupted, there are problems with health.

Preparations of verbena and reduce blood viscosity, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and effectiveness of complex therapy of strengthening immunity, improve microcirculation, normalize the metabolic processes at the cellular level, reduce cholesterol level.

Tea from verbena

The roots of the nettle is effective in cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Is fatigue and chronic fatigue in the treatment of verbena diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, disorders of cerebral circulation. With peripheral circulatory disorders, degenerative, and sclerotic diseases of the eye improves health, eliminates the headache.

Essential oil verbena

A fragrant essential oil vervain has a positive effect in irritability and apathy, helps eliminate spasms of brain blood vessels, dizziness , and nausea. This is a great tool that can be used in asthenia and dystonia. Regenerating properties of essential oil of verbena contribute to the rapid recovery of tissue after injuries, fractures and sprains, accelerating the process of resorption of hematomas.

The application of oil on the skin can cause a tingling sensation, a feeling of warmth and redness. If it lasts only 2-3 minutes, the oil can be used. Do not use essential oil on an empty stomach and more than 3 drops per day. Take it should be mixed with honey or drink acidulated water.

Tincture of vervain

Tinctures from the aerial parts and roots of the verbena contain essential oil, ascorbic acid, bitterness, tannins, flavonoids, verbenalin, aukubin, silicic acid, vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients. Medicinal properties of the infusions of vervain is used in tumors of the reproductive organs and sexual weakness.

Verbena works well as a diaphoretic and contraceptives. The plant increases the secretion of gastric juices, tones the nervous system, normalizes liver, helps with respiratory viral infection and pneumonia.

Contraindications to the use of verbena

Treatment with medicinal vervain is contraindicated in hypertension, hypersensitive to any component. Not recommended taking children under 14 years. Pregnant women are advised to refrain from the use of infusions and decoctions, teas and essential oils. Long-term use of drugs on the basis of verbena can lead to irritation of the intestinal mucosa.