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Veronika medicinal

Useful properties and applications of Veronica officinalis

Botanical characteristics of Veronica

Veronica officinalis is a plant of the plantain family. This perennial grass grows up to 15-30 cm in height, forms derninki with rushing up the branches. Stem creeping Veronica, with a uniform surface pubescent, rooting at the nodes. Leaves lanceolate or linear, acute, finely toothed, occasionally entire. The flowers are gathered in many brush growing from the axils of the upper leaves.

Veronica medicinal blooms from mid-summer to autumn. The fruit is a glandular-pubescent with flattened box. The habitat of the plants identified in Madeira, the Azores. Veronica also grows in Europe, Turkey, Transcaucasia, Iran, Sakhalin, Dagestan, in the European part of Russia.

Useful properties of Veronica

Traditional healers harvest the aboveground part of Veronica. In the stems, leaves, and flowers contain carotene, ascorbic acid, bitter glycosides, tannins. The plant kills germs, has disinfectant properties. Identified analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound-healing effect of Veronica officinalis.

The plant is characterized by a content of alkaloids, malic, lactic, citric acids, trace elements. Also in its aerial parts revealed the presence of anthocyanins, fatty and essential oils, vitamins, aromatic compounds. The decoction of Veronica can be taken as an expectorant and antispasmodic remedy.

Application Veronica

Herbs Veronica is used for topical treatment of any wounds and skin diseases. Washing and baths through drugs based on Veronica is effective for non-healing wounds, ulcers, purulent rashes, skin itching. From the infusion of herbs makes a great cure to get rid of fungal infections of the skin, used for sweating feet.

Veronica is used in homeopathy, this is an excellent cholagogue. Include it in the composition of breast tea, which is recommended in dry cough, bronchial asthma and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In the gastro-intestinal diseases, gastritis with low acidity Veronica, because it contained her bitter and tannicsubstances that quickly restores the body, stimulates the appetite and normalize the bowels.

Recipe broth has long been known: 2 tablespoons of herbs pour in a thermos with two cups of boiled water and take 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Diuretic properties the infusion Veronica is useful in diseases of the urinary tract, helps with gout. Veronica drug used in nervous excitement, in the period of menopause. The soothing properties of the plant to eliminate insomnia, headaches. receiving funds Veronica drug helps stop bleeding – both internal and external. Fresh decoction, taken orally, can be saved from the effects of the bites of poisonous spiders, snakes, and the locations of the lesions should be made steamed grass Veronica.

Veronica Dubravnaya

Veronica Dubravnaya has a stem, erect or spreading, dotted with two rows of small hairs. In June-September there are small light-blue flowers, gather in the axillary loose brush, located opposite each other in the upper part of the stem. The fruit of the plant – tapered box with numerous ovate, smooth and flat seeds. Rhizome slender, creeping. Medicinal herb grows in forest edges and clearings in the European part of Russia, in Altai, Western Siberia, far East, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Decoctions and infusions of the plant are assigned to traditional healers for colds, bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma. The use of Veronica is acceptable for liver, kidney, bladder, stomach. Herb cures rheumatism, stops internal bleeding, promotes well-being during menopause, helps to cope with insomnia, exhaustion of the body.

Externally the herb is used as a lotion for boils, burns, to washing wounds. For the treatment of the skin from fungal infections need 1 Cup of juice of the herb of Veronica pour 1 Cup of 90% alcohol and insist 10 days.

Contraindications to the use of Veronica

Contraindications for the use of Veronica drug is not revealed.