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Convolvulus arvensis

The cultivation and use of useful properties of convolvulus arvensis

What constitutes such a plant as the convolvulus arvensis?

Convolvulus arvensis is a plant belonging to the family Vukovich. This species has a long tap root penetrating up to three meters deep into the soil. Naked and creeping stems are up to 120 cm in length. Stems all depart from the root collar, forming a dense rosette. The leaves of bindweed are arranged for cuttings of great length. Already visible from afar beautiful, large, pink or white flowers. Each stalk is from one to three such beautiful flowers.

The fruit of the plant is a box like an egg. There are seeds with a rough surface, brown or dark gray.

From early summer to the first days of autumn stretches a flowering vine, ripening lasts only a month, namely from August to September.

The field bindweed reproduces only in two ways: by seeds and root suckers. To see this plant in the CIS. Bindweed prefers fresh loamy soil. In a forest glade, along roads, in places of gathering of garbage and gardens, you can also find bindweed.

In fact, the field bindweed is a poisonous plant, but without fear used in the preparation of drugs for the treatment of diseases in folk medicine and also as food for pigs.

Growing convolvulus arvensis

As soon as the boxes of bindweed will be a light brown color, they need to collect. Next you need to sow the seeds of bindweed in the open ground. May is the best month for sowing seeds of plants. 7 days after seed planting appear shoots of bindweed. Immediately they need to be thinned so that between shoots there was a distance of 15-20 cm.

70-80 day will start flowering plants (June), which lasts until early autumn. If the plant gets plenty of nitrogen fertilizer and a lot is watered, it grows very rapidly but flowering is weak. In the period of initial butonly make a full mineral fertilizer. Water the plant only if there was a strong drying of the soil.

The useful property of convolvulus arvensis

For medicinal purposes use grass and plant roots, seeds and flowers are used less frequently. Bindweed has a laxative and hypotensive action. Preparations from the vine are used as a choleretic and diuretic. The seeds of bindweed improve the secretory function of the colon, enhancing peristalsis. Given the fact that in the process of drying plant loses a lot of nutrients, it is better to use fresh.

The use of field bindweed

Convolvulus arvensis is very popular in folk medicine. From all parts of the plant made many drugs that saved people muscadine various diseases.

For example, the roots of the plant are used as laxative. In neurosis, toothache, gastritis, bruises and wounds decoctions, powders, tinctures and teas of this plant used as antitumor, analgesic and diuretic. The juice of the vine, as well as the ointment prepared on the basis of the plant, help with ringworm and dermatitis.

In tuberculosis, diseases of the throat, ear, mouth, fever and atherosclerosis using preparations from the aerial parts of the plant. In the postpartum period, chronic bronchitis can help a decoction or tincture of bindweed.

If there is disease such as boils, there will use the outer leaves of the plant. By the bite of a poisonous snake, you must use products from the leaves of the bindweed, which have a detoxifying effect.

For fainting, neurosis, dermatitis substantial assistance will provide the infusions and decoctions of flowers of bindweed.

To cope with cough, constipation, edema of various etiologies, nephritis, dysuria will help decoction of the seeds of bindweed. The therapeutic effect is due to the fact that the broth has a diaphoretic and laxative effect on the body.

Treatment with convolvulus arvensis

In therapeutic purposes, infusions, decoctions and tinctures of the field bindweed. On how to prepare each of these drugs to be written on.

The infusion of seeds of convolvulus. For its preparation it is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of seeds powder and bindweed pour 200 ml of boiling water, put everything in a water bath, closing the lid. After 15 minutes, the infusion should be removed from the water bath. You are then required to leave the infusion to steep for 45 minutes and strain. This infusion is used for colds as a diaphoretic. Every day, 70 ml for a quarter of an hour before meals need to take this infusion. Drink this medicine to 3 times during the day.

Tincture of the herb convolvulus. For cooking this means you take 10 grams of herb plants and pour 50 ml of alcohol (70%). Leave the composition for a week to infuse. Take this tincture in half or whole teaspoonful 2 or 3 times daily before meal. A tincture should be consumed in case of fever, atherosclerosis or haemorrhage.

extract of the roots of bindweed. Take 1 tablespoon of crushed roots of a plant and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Stir and leave for 25 minutes, cover with a cloth. Taking a cotton cloth, strain the finished infusion. This infusion for rinsing the mouth in the presence of inflammation and this medicine helps relieve toothaches.

A decoction of the vine in milk. To make it, take 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs and pour a glass of milk. Put on the heat for 5 minutes. After that, strain the finished broth. Then, the entire volume need to be divided into 4 parts. And now for 4 admission per day, you must drink all of the prepared broth. This decoction is taken mothers who have difficult births. People with syphilis and metrorrhagia will also help this drug.

Fresh juice of the vine. Take fresh herb plants and squeezes out the juice. Now take 2 tablespoons of juice and dilute 200 ml of boiling water. Accept this medicine a quarter Cup three times a day before meals. Indications for use of this juice is the inflammation of the spleen and liver.

Fee for chronic disease of the bladder. Take 1 teaspoon of the following herbs: convolvulus arvensis, leaves of bearberry, cranberry with flowers and herbs yarrow. Now, take 2 tablespoons of this collection (it should be crushed in advance) and pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave this infusion for 2 hours in a warm room. Further filter means. Used this infusion three times a day 200 ml at a time.

Contraindications to the use of bindweed

Don't forget that ivy is a poisonous plant! Therefore, one should only correct dosages and with caution. In case of overdose or poisoning by the seeds of the plant will appear vomiting, nausea and pain in the abdomen.

Pregnant women are categorically forbidden to take the seeds of convolvulus arvensis, as their use will lead to miscarriage or premature delivery (which is undesirable).

Before you decide to use the vine for medicinal purposes, consult your doctor! Be careful!