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Useful properties and applications of vzdutoplodnica

Botanical characteristics of vzdutoplodnica

Vzdutoplodnica is a perennial herbaceous plant with single stem, reaching a height of 70 cm. Root thick, many-headed. Stem erect, rarely slightly branched. The leaves of vzdutoplodnica basal lobed, ovate, greenish color, sometimes they are simply not on the stem. The leaves are small, clustered in umbels with almost equal rays. Fruit broad ovate, with stiff short hairs.

Blooms in June-July, ripening in August. Found in the South-East of Transbaikalia, in the Krasnoyarsk region, in the West, the Amur and Irkutsk regions, as well as in the mountain-steppe regions of southern Siberia. Grows on slopes of hills, on high river terraces in the steppes.

The beneficial properties of vzdutoplodnica

For therapeutic purposes, using the root of vzdutoplodnica. It contains pyranocoumarin and a large number of different trace elements. Harvesting the roots are produced from June to September, thoroughly cleaning them of soil and other impurities. Cut into pieces approximately 5-7 cm in length and then longitudinally. Dry on an attic, under a canopy or in a well ventilated area, turning occasionally. The root is considered ready, if you bend it breaks. Store raw materials in a dry place for five years.

The use of vzdutoplodnica

In folk medicine, the roots of this plant to treat tuberculosis of the lungs, gastroenteritis, diphtheria, nervous diseases, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. When cancer of the stomach and esophagus prescribe a decoction of the roots. In medicine widely used preparations made with extracts of the roots of vzdutoplodnica. It is prescribed for peripheral vascular spasm, Raynaud's disease and milder forms of chronic coronary insufficiency. In addition, it has a vasodilator and antispasmodic action.

Broth: 10 g of roots, it is recommended to boil 6-8 minutes in 300 ml of water, to insist 2 hours, strain through a thick layer of gauze and take half a Cup 4 times a day an hour before meals.

Contraindications of vzdutoplodnica

Preparations of vzdutoplodnica not recommended for people suffering from hypotension, atonic constipation, flatulence. The first sign of overdose is dizziness. The appearance of such symptoms, treatment should bepause. In severe cases, hospitalization is required. Preparations of vzdutoplodnica better to use under medical supervision, as the plant is toxic. They should not be taken by pregnant or lactating women.