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What is good about green tea

500 years have passed since the time people have put tea leaves in boiling water and drank with great pleasure of the drink. What he liked about this drink? Is it possible that people already knew about the beneficial properties of this drink? We know we can not, but this custom gradually spread around the globe, and people began to gather for tea.

Not so long ago, many are interested in green tea, which was circulated only in Asia. Now green tea has won fame worldwide as a healthy drink. But it would be still to know, what does he have useful properties.

What's inside

To find out what useful properties of this drink, let us examine its component parts:

- Green tea contains polyphenols, phytochemicals that have properties of antioxidants, they give the tea a bitter taste.

- Green tea contains 6 catechins, and contains more than in black tea or Oolong (a type of Chinese tea).

- Epigallocathechin gallate (EGCG) is the most active and most studied catechin found in green tea.

Stimulating effect green tea has, due to its content of alkaloids (though in smaller amounts than in black tea).

Does green tea

To date there is no clear answer about the usefulness of this tea. Some studies have shown that green tea indeed has a positive effect on health. However, scientists believe that the facts for the final decision is not enough.

Nevertheless, green tea is useful in the following diseases:

Cardiovascular disease

Some large studies suggest that consumption of green tea reduced the risk of stroke and coronary artery disease. Although the results are a bit confusing. Drinking green tea reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, but absolutely no effect on blood pressure. Because of this ambiguity and uncertainty, in many countries, manufacturers of green tea are not allowed to claim his benefits for the heart.


Can drinking green tea prevent cancer? The results of the research conducted with the participation of the people is ambivalent. A study performed on animals gave very convincing results.


Ongoing research showed the use of green tea or pills with green tea extract accelerates the metabolism that promotes fat loss. Again, the results are not entirely unambiguous.

There is some evidence that green tea is useful fordiabetes, stress, dental caries, and viral infections. However, the exact appointments of doctors on the use of green tea is not, as data for this is not enough.

How much green tea should you drink?

If the green tea benefits, so why not drink? To what extent it can be consumed, how many cups per day? Numerous studies have shown that drinking three to ten cups a day have had a positive effect on people's health. Therefore, in this range, everyone will be able to decide how much to drink cups.

How to prepare green tea

The maximum benefit you will bring freshly present for 3-5 minutes for hot tea. Brewed in this way is obtained the highest concentration of catechins. You should pay attention to the fact that the older the tea leaves, the more they contain catechins. In tea, caffeine-free, tea in bottles or bags, as a rule, these substances contains a lot less. In contrast to the capsules of green tea extract, they just can compare with freshly brewed tea. The recommended dose of green tea polyphenols 250-400 milligrams per day, which is about three cups of tea.

Will there be any impact on the properties of green tea adding milk?

As a rule, milk in green tea is not added. What is the impact on catechins has milk, just impossible to say. Some studies have shown that milk inhibits the catechins and some are not.

Can green tea be harmful?

The composition of green tea includes caffeine, it can cause undesirable reactions. Caffeine easily penetrates the placenta and in breast milk, for this reason, pregnant women or nursing mothers, this fact should be taken into account, perhaps they would want to give up drinking green tea.

Green tea also contains tannin, which prevents the absorption of metals from fruits and vegetables. However, the lemon compensates for this effect, due to the high content of vitamin C, so feel free to add lemon to tea.

Also when consuming certain medications should not drink green tea. Often this is in relation to the contents of caffeine in tea. Not recommended to use green tea with adenosine, beta-lactamase antibiotics, aspirin, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, chemotherapy, ephedrine, oral contraceptives, etc. in the use of drugs – consult your doctor.

Find out more: the Benefits and harms of green tea - the most complete information!

Video about the benefits and harms of green tea

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