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What are you hiding from us, the employees of McDonald's

A book written by Eric Schlosser "fast food Nation"has shocked all macdonaldtown institutions of the world. For some time the journalist Eric Schlosser studied systems fast food. As fast food has radically changed the human diet has changed the landscape of America, as influenced by other continents.

He found out where meat comes from ( so I did not have minced beef), why fried potatoes are so tasty, what is the real cost of a hamburger you will not see over the counter. All this he wrote in his book. Thus he angered the sharks of the American food industry, and the responses to his book are as follows"Sit half an hour with this book will get the best diet", "This reading enough to turn Schwarzenegger into a vegetarian" and others.

"McDonalds"can be found in the school, and on the ship, and in the hospital. Look at the history, in 1970 year on this food in America has gone 6 billion dollars a year, in 2001, this amounts to over 110 billion. This amount exceeds the cost of higher education, computers, cars. Also exceeds the cost of books, movies, magazines, Newspapers, videos and music – combined. In the modern world of fast food will not disappear. Each year, only 90% of the jobs belong to McDonald's. Every year at McDonald's to work take a million people, with all this, there is the small salary. Salary less only the fields by immigrants.

The average American eats three hamburgers and four fries each week.

In the US, almost every eighth working person, worked at McDonald's.

For the"McDonalds"bred a special breed of chicken with large Breasts,"Mr. MD". Of breast meat cook all the famous dish "chicken Mcnuggets".And it altered the entire industry chicken production. If 20 years ago the chicken was sold only as a whole, now cut into pieces. Almost all American preschool-aged children familiar with the clown Ronald McDonald. The only one who surpasses him in recognition is Santa Claus.

The creators of the McDonald's primarily relied on family. In America in the mid 70's, just had the baby boom, but places to stay with family was very poor. As usual, the baby could come, and parents and grandparents. At this time opened a place of rest, with colorful slides, ball pools, clown Ronald. Organized these vacation spots, thanks to the TV show, the kids of course enjoyed it very much and especially the food in bright packaging.

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«ploshadki privodyat detej, deti - roditelej,  roditeli – dengi». pomimo vseh etih udovolstvij, detej privlekaut igrushki vhodyashie v nabor vmeste s gamburgerom i koloj i nazyvaetsya « heppi mil». posle vyhoda na ekrany novogo multika ili filma, vypuskaetsya celaya seriya igrushek, prichem voznikaet zhelanie sobrat kak mozhno bolshe igrushek. vse eto privelo k tomu, chto segodnya deti obedautsya gamburgerami, put litrami kolu, i vse eto bolshe chem 30 let nazad. v amerike kolu daut pit uzhe dvuhletnim malysham.

v osnovnom klienty v fast fude - eto deti. eto to chem pitautsya deti, prichem svou pribyl oni delaut tozhe rukami detej. osnovnaya rabochaya sila v etih kafe eto kak raz starsheklassniki.

bolee poloviny rabotaushim tam, eshe net i dvadcati let. rabotaut tam za mizernuu zarplatu i ispolnyaut nehitrye operacii. rabotniki menyautsya postoyanno, tekuchka kadrov sostavlyaet primerno 400%. obychnyj rabotnik fast fuda uhodit s etoj raboty uzhe cherez 4 mesyaca.

na rabotu ne redko berut podrostkov iz maloimushih semej i immigrantov, v osnovnom iz latinskoj ameriki, mnogie iz nih ne znaut anglijskogo yazyka, znaut tolko nazvaniya blud iz menu.

mizernuu zarplatu i otsutstvie zashity truda podmenyaut  sozdaniem « duha komandy» u molodyh rabotnikov. menedzhery «makdonaldsa» znaut, kak nuzhno gramotno pooshryat unyh rabotnikov, dlya togo chtob oni poverili, na skolko oni ne zamenimy. eto namnogo vygodnej po sravneniu s povysheniem zarplaty.

kak vsem izvestno molodezh lubit i poshutit i nashkodit. iz nekotoryh videozapisej proizvedennyh v fast fudah  los - andzhelesa  mozhno uvidet kak eti unye rabotniki chihaut v edu, oblizyvaut palcy, kovyryautsya v nosu, tushat sigarety o produkty, brosaut na pol produkty. v dvuhtysyachnom godu arestovali treh podrostkov rabotaushih v fastfude v nu – jorke, za to, chto oni v techenie vosmi mesyacev plevali i mochilis v edu. v miksere obitaut tarakany, myshi brodyat po nocham na razmorazhivaemyh produktah…dazhe sami rabotniki kafe ne pitautsya v svoem fastfude, esli tolko sami ne prigotovyat sebe porciu.

vkus kartoshki fri iz makdonaldsa nravitsya prakticheski vsem. kartofelnaya industriya sformirovalas v amerike eshe v 20 gody, dvadcatogo veka. v to vremya amerikancy iz kartofelnyh blud otdavali predpochteniya, varenoj kartoshke, pechenoj i pure. no v 1802 – m godu prezident dzhefferson privez iz francii recept kartofelya fri, on dostatochno bystro rasprostranilsya vezde. preuspevaushij kartofelnyj fermer dzhej ar simplot bystro etim vospolzovalsya. ego himiki bystro uluchshili metodiku bystroj zamorozkipotatoes. At first, buyers had little, while the founders of McDonald's potatoes were the problem. The potatoes were very popular, but it was a lot of fuss. Just started to buy from Simplot his frozen fries. Visitors of cafe spoofing not found. As the price of potatoes was less a demand, he began to use more and its consumption has increased in 8 times.

Modern potato plant potatoes are sorted, washed, dried fallow until fall off the skin. Automatically cut, by means of cameras located on different sides found the tubers with the defect, they blow steam in a special compartment where the defect is carefully cut. In large vats of sliced potatoes fried in boiling oil until light crunch, freeze, sorted by computer, special centrifuge is placed in the right direction, packaged and delivered to the restaurant. In the fall potatoes add sugar, spring is not added, this the taste of the potato is always the same. Initially, the taste of potatoes at McDonald's, directly dependent on the fat in which it is fried. This mixture consisted of 7% cottonseed oil and 93% beef fat. In 1990, the year people began to actively fight cholesterol, for this reason fast food restaurants have switched to 100% vegetable oil. But the taste we had to leave the same!

If you want to see in "McDonald's"data on the composition of foods, at the end of this list notice it says"natural flavor". This explains why everything is so tasty.

If you want to know the recipe of potato or hamburger, in cookbooks you won't find him. Rather, it can be found in such books as "Technology of food industry"and"food Engineering". The bulk of products coming into the cafe pre-preserved or frozen, and sometimes dried. It is in the kitchen in a cafe, this is the last link in a complex chain of industrial process.

Approximately 90% of the products we purchase, already have been pre-processed. Although we all know that conservation, or heat processing destroys the natural flavor of the product. Therefore, no chemical plants here can not do. In America, in chemical plants new Jersey for 50 years work in fast food.

Industry taste is a secret process. Major American companies will never tell you the formula of your product, will not disclose names of its customers. All this in order that the visitors of fast food thought that work here are wonderful chefs and excellent cuisine. Before you visit one of the factoriescompany "international Flavors and Fragrances" ( "International flavors"), Schlosser had to sign a pledge about not disclosing the names of the products constituting the company's products.

He visited the laboratory of "snacks", there are responsible for the taste of bread, chips, crackers, cereal. In the confectionery laboratory "doing"flavor of ice cream, candy, cakes and toothpaste. In the laboratory of drinks responsible for the taste"100%"juice and proper beer. Using 350 chemicals can"make"the smell of strawberries. The large number of additives and dyes go into the soda. This way you can any dish to"make"the smell of freshly cut grass, and you can smell of unwashed bodies....

Moreover, the difference between"natural"and"artificial"flavors are almost nonexistent. And those and others produced at the same plant using highly advanced technology, and consist of one and the same. The only difference is that"natural"flavors are getting, exposing the chemical reactions of natural products. And"artificial"is produced from chemicals. In addition to the taste of the food, there's also produce scents, detergents, shampoos, etc. Odors such as popular brands of spirits:"biutiful" "Estee Lauder"and"Tresor" "Lankoma", also produced at the plant.

All this is the result of the same action. And wash and shave you almost what you eat for lunch. A proven truth that tastes and personality, is also determined in early childhood. The kids eat at fast food restaurants, and it is the most common meal. Cowboys and ranchers have always been heroes of the American West. But over the last twenty years more than half a million of them, sold their livestock and changed the field of activities. Almost the entire meat industry, the subjugation of corporations supplying fast food. Changed everything from feed for livestock to the earnings of a butcher. Work at the factory in America is considered the most dangerous.

Also changed the way of slaughter. However, it is the last link in the chain of those changes in the meat industry. The farmers cows were grazing on pasture and eating grass. The same cow which is raised for fast food before slaughter the whole herd being driven on a special platform, where they feed exclusively grain and anabolics.

One cow eats about 3,000 pounds of grain, at the same time gaining weight, like 400 pounds. While the meat is greasy, very suitable for stuffing.

The rise in price of grain, have exacerbated the situation. Prior to 1997, 75% of the cattle in America were fed the remains of sheep, cows, dogs and sometimes cats from shelters for homeless animals. In 1994cows in the United States ate 3 million pounds of chicken manure.

Since 1997 cattle feed consisted of supplementation of pigs, horses and chickens mixed with sawdust from the chicken coop. In the early twentieth century, hamburgers were considered food for the poor, which were sold on the street mainly in factories or fairs. In the local press of that time could read "eating McDonald's is like eating from the trash."However, the company White castle was established in sight of all their grills, and thereby corrected a bad reputation of the hamburger. Then was formed the"McDonald's" with its family policy. A loaf of bread with a cutlet is considered the most good food for kids, easy to chew, easy to hold in hand, hearty and cheap. And again suffered from hamburgers also children.

More than 700 children in Seattle became ill, and in 1993-m to year six children died after eating in fast food "Jack in ze Box". After this sad event for eight years this infection has received a half a million people. Stuffing found colibacteria it hundreds of people were killed. In 1982 colibacteria 0157n7 allocated for the first time. This bacterium normal bacteria of the intestine mutates releasing a toxin, which affects his inner shell. 5% of people with this infection die in terrible pain, do not save antibiotics. Colibacteria hard to kill, acid, bleach, salt, frost powerless, she lives in the water for weeks on the shelves, in order to infect the body enough for five such bacteria. Also the bacteria you can pick up a refreshing swim in the lake or sit on your carpet.

This stuff lives in cows for decades. All the innovations that have occurred in the breeding, slaughtering, constituted the perfect conditions for the spread of the infection. In cow pens, the terrible sanitary conditions, which can be compared only with the medieval city, where flowed the river of sewage. When Stripping the skins at the factory, particles of manure and dirt fall into the meat. Because of this, a piece of raw meat in our kitchen, it is a danger. The results of the tests carried out by microbiologists, found that the kitchen sink are more bacteria than on a toilet seat.

Not so dangerous to eat a carrot that fell in the toilet, than if she fell in the kitchen sink.

As for meat, then things are even worse. According to the research results in 78.6% of ground beef are bacteria spreads through the feces. In the medical literature in the Chapter on food poisoning often occur, such euphemisms: "the level of forms of colibacterin", "aerobic number"... However, everything is much easier to explain: the meat is crap, so the hamburger can get sick. Allthis is even complicated by the fact that the meat in one hamburger contains meat from dozens or even hundreds of cows. Therefore, even without colibacteria there is a lot of infection. Every day in America, approximately 200,000 people get food poisoning, 900 are in the hospital, 14 die.

Those who constantly eats fast food a few years be the fat. 54 million Americans are obese, 6 million incredibly fatty their weight is above the norm of 100 pounds(45 kg). It is the only nation in the world that grew fat very quickly. And the portions at fast-food outlets only become more and more. Had invented a "three-Decker"hamburger sandwich"Great American", and "Monster", and big Macs. Soda drink in 4 times more. In 50-ies of the serving of coke was 230 g, it is now a "child's"portion 340 grams and the adult 900 grams. More and more people began to absorb the grease and sugar. Obesity has become the second after Smoking reason of death in the United States. From obesity annually 28 thousand people. British fans of fast food the obesity rate has increased in 2 times. Food in Japan is mainly consisted of seafood and vegetables and thick they almost was not. Today, the Japanese"thanks" fashoda caught up with everyone.