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What he says about Bubnovsky herniated?

Every day human is a series and not very pleasant surprises. And how much we enjoyed an unexpected gift, as much we are saddened when there is a need to go to the hospital.

With some truly phenomenal stubbornness and resourcefulness of people postpones trip to the doctor. And the result, as you know is always negative. After all, the most difficult to treat chronic disease.

It should be remembered that no matter how good the hospital you choose. After all, there are a number of diseases which medicines do not cure.

After all, how can pills to cure intervertebral hernia, if the disease resulted from injury or human laziness. How can anesthesia to cure rotten teeth. No, and no again.

So being in the hospital need to always be on the alert. Interested and asking questions. Do not be afraid to look stupid. After all, you are worried not just. Are you worried about the most important thing for themselves - about their health. After all, how would not be the person successful or rich disease, and war of the call.

A disc herniation is not a disease that can just go and do not progress. Lingering pain, numbness in the extremities, difficulty walking, headaches, cramps. And this is not a complete list of what causes disc herniation of the spine, but the most unpleasant that the disease can cause complete disability.

So ask, ask, read and watch TV about health. Because no matter how different are people, but many of the diagnoses in the medical cards are the same.

And if the patient's age 20-30 years and the patient have identified the intervertebral hernia, there is always the chance if not cure then at least to stabilize the patient.

But what do people who have long crossed the 60-70 year mark? After all, they also want to be happy and healthy. They watch a lot of movies in which people of retirement age travel, and play in the clubs, driving a car. And nagrazhdaetsja simple question, do they have stronger health, or their life was easier.

They just do not fitfully worried about their health. Watch your diet, exercise, not Smoking, not abusing alcohol.

Just do not need to despair that nothing can change. . In this life all is possible. Just need to not be lazy and put a lot of effort.

And be prepared for the fact that if you're 40 years old, not treated osteochondrosis,in 60-80 you will have in parallel to treat intervertebral hernia, hypertension, diabetes, and possibly undergo rehabilitation after a stroke or heart attack. It seemed unless it's all connected. And, it turns out. One disease causing all the others.

And to blame the man himself. The human body, this unique well-established mechanism, and our diseases are disturbances that prevented him from working.

Sergey Bubnovsky has his eyes on the treatment of degenerative disc disease. His ideas have practical application, and gives good results. Sergey says: "Sooner or later everyone starts to do some gymnastics! This is also the phenomenon of man, on the one hand, is reasonable, with other disillusioned in pharmaceutical medicine, but continues to live!.. There are many ways out of the disease. One way – believe in your own strength."

And if there are those who really wants to recover and not to drink another cure, if you accept discomfort and pain in the treatment, the method kineziterapii, which is used in the center of Dr. Bubnovsky is for you.