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The first symptoms of stroke and 7 measures emergency first aid

Often, medical professionals are in the wrong place at the wrong time. And when you do, you begin to notice how many people smoked cigarettes or how many of them lies in the ashtray, and the amount of alcohol consumed or scattered randomly taken or medicines. After these checks, as usual, read a lot of morality or various tips. And we behave as usual in such situations. Nodding my head, agreeing with doctors, but proper attention said not allot. And, by the way, is doing something wrong.

Now the details. The most important and difficult problem is in the lack of workers. And in this moment, in the time of the troubles, when life is close to us person or family member is under threat, our knowledge and skills acquires a priceless value.

This article has a relatively small size and its reading will take not much time, about 7 minutes. But, these 7 minutes will make a huge contribution to your knowledge of the emergency. It will help you to arm yourself a very affordable and effective means which will not let you get lost and will help resist even this evil enemy, like a stroke.

What is the so-called brain attack or a stroke?

Stroke (brain attack) is an acute disorder of blood circulation that develops in the blood vessels of the brain. A stroke can occur in various circumstances, such as hemorrhage, thrombosis, spasm, and so on. The result of this is that some part of the brain is left without food and can survive a fairly short amount of time. This, we can conclude that pre-stroke conditions, and the stroke requires emergency care.

In such important moments, you just don't have the right to confusion or fear. You must be confident in their actions. They should be clearly and coherently. If you have a competent and modern skills of care, the patient will have more chances of life, and that after a stroke he will be able to be rehabilitated and return to normal life.

Now for the first symptoms of a stroke

There is a very effective and easy test that allows you to quickly recognize the first symptoms of stroke. As mentioned onthe simplicity of the test, so just going to remember it. Each letter will you suggest what should be done.

SLM test to detect the first symptoms of stroke:

– Ask the patient to smile. At the initial stage of the stroke patient will smile curve or skewed. This is because half of the face is no longer obey the patient as a result of this one of the corners of the mouth is pushed down. As for the language, it will be located asymmetrically. It will fall to one side and begin to acquire an irregular shape.

Z – Ask the patient to talk with you. In a potential stroke patient's speech becomes slurred. It can be compared to a very drunken man speech.

P – Ask the patient to simultaneously raise both arms up. Of course, if the patient will be able to do it. The result is obvious. The hand with the affected body part will be raised significantly less than the other. In any case, the level of arrangement will vary.

The following symptoms can also be symptoms of stroke:

- sudden and severe headache after any activity or without any apparent reason;

partial clouding or complete loss of consciousness in the patient;

- loss of ability to speak, and loss of ability to understand the meaning of foreign speech;

- severe dizziness, acute disorder of coordination and balance;

If the patient manifested any of these symptoms, immediately call an ambulance.

Read more: Full list of symptoms of stroke, its consequences and the best methods of treatment

7 measures emergency first aid

Now what you can do to help the patient to the ambulance.

  1. Immediately call an ambulance, when you call, try how can you accurately describe what is happening. People affected by stroke need help neurologists. So from your story the Manager must correctly understand you and guide you to the team, which will really help.

  2. The patient must be put so that his head was above the level of the surface on which it lies approximately 30°. You can use blankets, pillows, clothes.

  3. Provide the patient the freedom of respiration, that is, remove from it, if you have a tight belt, narrow clothes also provide fresh air into the room where the patient is located.

  4. If the patient began nausea orvomit, his head must be careful to turn to one side, this will protect the airway from vomit. You also need to carefully insert a plastic bag or bowl around the patient. After the bout of vomiting has ceased, it is better to clear the patient's mouth.

  5. It is necessary to measure the blood pressure of the patient and record the readings to inform your doctor. If the pressure is high, you need to help the patient appropriate medicines. If they are not, then you need to put on the feet of the patient a heating pad or bottle with hot water. To prevent burns, you need to control the water temperature.

  6. In such a situation, you can not make a fuss and show your concern to the patient, we will not talk about how to show your own patient. You must speak calmly and in all possible ways to provide moral support to the patient.

  7. The arrival of the ambulance you must inform the doctors a complete picture of events. Your speech should be fast, but distinct. Words should be short, but the maximum informative.

And now we need to summarize what was said.

The first moment a potential stroke condition determine the course of the disease. So your help plays a huge role for the patient. Quick and timely recognition of stroke symptoms in Alliance with quality pre-hospital care will help preserve the life of the patient and to provide him with further rehabilitation.