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Cause of acne on the face can be...

The main reason for the formation of acne in the chin area are disorders of the endocrine system and the digestive tract. The first cause of acne is various diseases of female genital organs, gonads, ovaries, or the malfunction of the hormonal balance in the genital area (where the level of male hormones higher than normal). In the case that acne in the chin area have become a permanent, regular occurrence, it is necessary and urgent to contact a gynecologist so that he gave a referral for a complete medical examination. Also a cause of pimples in the chin area can be a weakening of the immune system for colds and various infections.

Another cause of acne on the chin could be some pathology of the gastrointestinal tract when food is digested not 100 %, resulting in a large number of toxins, which are output from the body occurs through the skin. A possible cause of acne on the chin can be such a habit as to prop up the head, touching the face with hands (dirty). Pimples on the skin may be the result of improper lifestyle and nutrition, that is, if people consume too much coffee, tea, alcohol, exposed to stress, lack of sleep and frequent nervous breakdowns, which may also cause the formation of pimples.

Pimples on forehead

Since the skin on the forehead refers to the so-called T-zone, acne most often on this site belong to oily, because the skin on my forehead seborrheic on the face most of the sweat and of course the sebaceous glands. When the forehead is an active production of sebaceous glands, the skin in this place becomes the Shine, from this begin to form not only pimples, but also blackheads. Possible causes of pimples on forehead - the disease of the stomach or disruption in the pancreas, intestines and gallbladder. Such violations include gallstones, dysbiosis and a few others.

Acne around the hairline misleading about what occurs in the body, malfunctions of the gallbladder. Acne in the area of the eyebrow or above it suggests that the body is irritation of the intestine, which is already with great difficulty to cope with its direct obligations.

Strong eruption of pimples in the forehead suggests that there was intoxication due to a failure of the diet, namely because of the overabundance of sweet, fatty, canned or due to excessive consumption of carbonateddrinks, drugs as well as vitamins, antibiotics and, of course, of hormonal pills. This body just can't cope and burn all the excess fats and toxins, then it begins to expel all the excess through the skin in pimples.

Pimples in the mouth, on the lip

Pimples in this area of the face can attest to the fact that the entire digestive system, starting with the esophagus and ending in the large intestine, something very much affected. Man can torment frequent constipation, colic or persistent indigestion. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary in the diet to add more fiber by eating more vegetables and fruits. In addition, avoid excessive stress and stressful situations.

Pimples on nose

A large number of people on the nose, more on the skin of the nose, have the most enlarged pores, and in this area the oiliness of the skin is increased. The skin of the nose has many sebaceous glands, the opening of which occurs on the surface of the skin. Most often the primary cause of pimples on nose is adolescence, when young people occurs puberty or hormonal imbalance. When there is a rash of acne in older people, reports that in the human body there is problems with the digestive, immune and endocrine system.

On the nose acne can also occur due to disorders in the heart, intestine, associated with weakness of the muscles. If the pimples are on the wings of the nose or at its tip, this reports the violations in the field of cardiovascular system. Of course, the location of acne it is impossible to establish the diagnosis, but they can serve as a hint where in the body there are problems.

If the acne began to appear in the nose, it can serve as a serious signal that the person is very highly congested liver, which made his blood very poorly cleaned. This may be a consequence of excess of protein foods, such as milk, cheese, meat, cheese, and yogurt, and also a lot of smoked and roasted. To compete with Previn rash can help good, professional cosmetologist.

Causes of acne

The first reason: it is a natural change of hormonal balance in young people at puberty, when there is a real surge of hormones. Adolescents dramatically increases androgen levels whenoccurs puberty of the body.

The second reason: women and girls, pimples may start to form in the last phase of the menstrual cycle, that is, before the beginning of regular menstruation, when there is an increase in the level of steroid hormones.

The third reason: hyperkeratosis, if anyone knows, the so-called increase in the upper Horny layer of the skin (if the body is not enough vitamin A). It can also be a professional intoxication, when a long time or due to friction or due to exposure to skin oil develops hyperkeratosis. It should also be noted that hyperkeratosis of the sebaceous glands can develop because of hormonal influences.

Reason four: education and the development of acne may occur due to a failure, but rather the disorders of lipid metabolism.

Reason five: as mentioned before, pimples can be the consequence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also due to improper diet.

Reason six: the beginning of the development of acne can be common experiences, stress and stressful situations.

Reason seven: acne and pimples can be the consequence of some properly selected cosmetics. For example, comedogenic cosmetics can cause pimples and blackheads.

Reason the eighth: of external stimuli can also be the cause of pimples and blackheads, for example, very hot and very humid (climate), too bright and burning sun, together with humidity.

Reason nine:the appearance of new spots may be the result of extruding old, infection is only transferred from one place to another and infect new skin areas.

Reason the tenth: despite the fact that this may seem surprising, too much cleanliness may also be the cause of acne and pimples. It is worth remembering that black dots are not dirt, but just oxidized sebum. It is also not recommended, you could even say, it is prohibited to clean the face and use a scrub if the surface of the skin has inflammation of acne.

Reason eleven: perhaps one of the most common causes of acne is often touching dirty hands to the face.

Foods that can cause acne and blackheads

Coffee – it is especially dangerous to use it on an empty stomach along with sugar.

Sweets and flour – the chocolate and just candy and sugar, biscuits, crisps and fizzy drinks.

Dairy products – ice cream, a large amount of cheese in daily diet along with dairy products with high fat content.

Fats – consumption of any fatty foods is the risk of developing acne and blackheads. Fat is best replaced with vegetable oil (cold pressed).

Nuts – to be precise, it's peanuts, pistachios, almonds, and of course walnuts. They can be a cause of pimples, especially if they are abused. However, it should be noted that nuts in small amounts is even useful for the health of the body and skin.