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All women hurts only these 11 problems

Any woman at least once in your life met with more of the below described problems. We offer you some simple tips on how to get rid of these illnesses, and what illnesses turn to the doctor.

Bad mood

The spleen, passing feelings of fatigue and indifference to everything happening around, nothing pleases are common symptoms of depression. Unfortunately, we don't pay attention and blamed on the usual fatigue. However, depression can be a precursor to more complex diseases. It could be anemia, or thyroid dysfunction can be hormonal problems. I will remind, problems with the thyroid gland in women more often than men. So bad mood is also a reason to visit the doctor.

Not just in a bad mood

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) for this reason often men joking and teasing, but women are well aware that the joke is not. Naturally, each woman's severity is different, it depends on the personal characteristics of the organism. But it usually occurs with symptoms such as irritability, water retention in the body. So awful mood plus dissatisfaction with their appearance due to swelling in any part of the body temporarily increases, this does not improve the emotional state of women.

But it's all fixable. You just have to take vitamins and minerals, preferably magnesium. Magnesium improves the production of pleasure hormone dopamine, thus easing the symptoms of PMS. Also improves the absorption of calcium, potassium and vitamin C, regulates the metabolism, has a positive effect on teeth and heart. So eat lemons, grapefruit, nuts ( especially almonds), apples, legumes and green vegetables. Even magnesium reduces fluid from the body.

Unsuccessful epilation

Certainly not one woman has never dovilas to take up a razor or wax. Not rarely home hair removal procedure, fails. Such consequences like ingrown hairs, irritation, infections, bitch Tits they have to consult a dermatologist. This happens most often in the summer, then this procedure becomes daily. The same procedure in the beauty salon a long-term effect, not everyone can afford. Therefore, experts strongly advise, be very careful during this procedure and certainly after it. In the smallest cut in the skin can get infections. Here are a few simple recommendations:

After hair removal with wax is not worth itswim in the pools or in open water for about two days after the procedure.

Hair in the armpit, it is possible to remove, using soap and water. They have such structure and direction of growth that this procedure can safely be held. While in the wound can not get soap or moisture, they cause the formation of so-called "bitch udder", or hidradenitis.

Lower back pain

Each person, regardless of whether you are a woman or a man for once in your life, but aching back. Although if you believe the statistics, women have similar disease overtakes more often.

The consequences of pregnancy and hormonal characteristics of the organism, as well as the bust size. Besides, women have weaker bones than men, and the skeleton begins early to lose density.

There are ways to prevent premature osteoporosis, this will help ordinary exercise. To do the exercise to strengthen abdomen and back, as they well support the spine. Give an example of a simple exercise: lie down on your stomach, rest on your elbows, raise your spin, tighten your abdominals, from the floor up to have the body and hips, and the fulcrum should be the knees and elbows. Count to 20 and relax. Do this exercise three times, morning and evening.


Often with this unpleasant disease women try to fight for yourself and applying different moisturizing creams and hygiene products. But it does not give long-term effect, as the bacteria remain in their seats. The best thing to do is go to the doctor, who will prescribe antibiotics to destroy the infection. In the meantime, in order to alleviate these unpleasant symptoms, can often just change sheets. The bacterium that causes thrush – Candida loves synthetics and moisture. For this reason, it is best to wear cotton underwear, casual.

Another thrush with their symptoms are very similar to diseases such as vaginosis. Also felt a burning sensation and discharge with a characteristic odor. But the cause is not infection, and in violation of the bacterial balance of the genitals. This imbalance can occur again from the wrong underwear from love to hygienic pads or from the frequent use of scented soap. For this you need to use a special means for intimate hygiene.

Vaginosis is treated with tablets, but often intended for this purpose gels.

Vitamin D deficiency

Recently oncologists and dermatologists have become negatively related to the tanning or simply under the sun. The assurances of the doctors, this procedure leadsfor skin problems, even causes cancer. Many women began to abandon the sun and on the beach including. Or use a special sunscreen. They do not even realize that thereby deprive themselves of the main source of vitamin D!

Of course everything is good in moderation, so sunbathing should be in moderation, and to reject this is not necessary, as you can also harm your health. Vitamin D is needed, and bones and for the health of nails and hair. Lack of this vitamin could trigger early osteoporosis and even rickets in women.

In order to be benefit for the skeletal system and not cancer, sunbathe no more than twenty minutes a day.

"Faded love"

Another issue not only of family matters, is the lack of sexual desire in women. For many couples, the problems in the intimate sphere is disastrous. But you should know that a long period of abstinence for women does not Bode well. Regular sex life is a way to protect against depression, good immunity and a healthy heart.

So where does the desire? What causes decreased libido? These are the questions we will try to answer you. The elementary reason is menopause or premenopausally period.

Usually at this time there are other health problems. Therefore, the visit to the doctor with a request to normalize your hormonal status, and tell us about the "intimate problem", the doctor will prescribe you the right medication.

Weak intestines

Intestinal discomfort, diarrhea – typical symptoms of irritable bowel (RSK), which affects the majority of women and men worldwide. Of course every discomfort to the doctor will not run, but to help yourself at home.

As the doctors advise gastroenterologists in order to get rid of the trouble with the bowels you should not consume dairy products. Many wrongly assume that this will help alleviate the condition. Just everything really, on the contrary, if you have diarrhea in the gut cells produce enzymes to break down milk will not work. So for the past two days to digest milk just can't. But if you in all of this will have cream Yes, cheese, that will only aggravate the situation.


Often this problem simply explain, they say you eat something incompatible, and try to resolve it with the help of activated coal. As it turned out this should be treated more seriously. As bloating can talk about conventional IBS, and in other cases about the "hidden killer"- ovarian cancer. In cases when the swelling is bothering you for two weeks or more, and to get rid of it not help neither tablets nor alteration of diet, then please consult your gynecologist.

Constant fatigue

Women with a complaint of not passing fatigue are sent for a blood test to determine iron levels in the body. If its not enough I recommend dietary supplements or medications containing iron, to treat anemia. If the iron is normal then the doctor just advised rest.

In fact, it turned out in cases where analysis of normal, it may indicate the opposite of anemia, the diagnosis. And it's called – hemochromatosis. This disease is genetic, when the body contrary to absorb iron and it accumulates in all organs, the organs is disturbed. As well as using blood tests that the disease will not detect when this disease will reveal, it is already damage to the body caused considerable. But if you still suspect, that the disease is not difficult to detect, and during prescribe the necessary treatment.

Premature aging

The appearance of gray hair and wrinkles, natural processes. As it turned out, in our power to speed up or slow down this process.

Very much contributes to aging skin, Smoking. Even modern scientists have found that sweet contributes to aging. Easily digestible carbohydrates contained in certain foods raise the sugar level in the body, this in turn leads to the formation of free radicals, they destroy the cells of our body, contribute to aging of tissues and organs. So if you do not want too early to turn into an old lady, eat less chocolate and cakes. And better to replace them, the nuts and fruit.