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Easiest way to quit Smoking

Easiest way to quit Smoking - Conclusion: help to put an end to this shame

I believe that the habit of Smoking is harmful and even disgraceful for our country. The addiction to cigarettes do not paint our society, and therefore is the main issue read more...

The sudden infant death syndrome

Sudden infant death syndrome As the scientists of the University of Bristol, in 9 of 10 cases the cause of sudden infant death syndrome children is a non-Smoking mother. Professor read more...

Smoking during pregnancy

Smoking during pregnancy Statistics show that approximately 25% of women are Smoking during pregnancy. However, they do not opposed to quit Smoking, but pregnancy is a great time to implement read more...

Smoking parents doom their children to life-Smoking

To an interesting conclusion came scientists from Canada, they say that children can start to smoke not just follow their parents, but also due to the fact that their lungs read more...

pravda i vymysel o tom, kak brosaut kurit

Only 5% of people can easily quit Smoking Is there a way to quit Smoking? Or smokers for life are doomed to "novel" with a cigarette? Narcologists say that it read more...

lechenie kureniya gipnozom, massazhem, zamenitelyami, akupunkturoj, fizicheskimi i dyhatelnymi uprazhneniyami butejko. bolezni kureniya

There are people who have great will power, and when they have a desire to quit Smoking, it is not difficult, and they can do without treatment. And there are read more...

Treatment Smoking anger management

Smoking and anger management This auditory training when Smoking is designed as on a "clean brain". Presented to your attention the exercises will help you to get rid of Smoking read more...

Lung cancer and Smoking

Lung cancer when Smoking Lung cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from epithelial tissue of the lung. According to statistics, lung cancer mortality reaches 80% of all cases, and read more...

Cons of Smoking

statistika kuryashih sushestvuet statistika kuryashih ludej v rossii, i, uvy, ona daleko neuteshitelnaya, po ee dannym v nashej strane 60 % vzroslyh muzhchin i 40 % zhenshin yavlyautsya kurilshikami. bolshaya read more...

How to quit Smoking and not get better

mif ili realnost mnogo ludej, a osobenno zhenshiny, ne brosaut kurit iz-za straha, chto eshe bolshe naberut ves. no eto zhe sovsem ne dannost. kto-to posle togo, kak brosaet read more...

What is nicotine? The effect of nicotine

What is nicotine? Nicotine is known to be an alkaloid, which is part of all plants from the nightshade family, for the most part contained in tobacco and in lower read more...
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