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Beware of reducing Smoking

Some smokers are trying to reduce the consumption of cigarettes up to a certain amount. Thus, they either want to increase the number of cigarettes to zero and eventually stop Smoking altogether, or just try to make the "little monster"that lives in them, has become more controlled. Even some doctors advise smokers to reduce cigarette consumption. You think you feel better, but the reduction of Smoking, by contrast, is very harmful on the way to a complete rejection of cigarettes. That smokers partially get rid of Smoking, they never achieved the ultimate goal. As a rule, after failed attempts to quit Smoking, the smoker tells himself that he can no longer live without cigarettes, and he gives his word that he will now only smoke on holidays or on special occasions. He believes that if you can reduce their attempts to smoke to a minimum, you will be able to control himself, and in consequence is generally to quit Smoking. Such thoughts usually go to the smoker in a few days after, when he decided to quit Smoking and did not take the cigarette.

Only after the smoker has given his word that he will smoke only in special cases, in his life begin to happen very, very bad things. Now he's addicted to cigarettes, and again supports the life of a little monster. Now the smoker will be only one wish, that the time between puffs lasted much faster than before. Before, when he wanted to smoke he just took a cigarette and smoked, no matter how many hours or minutes have passed since then, as he smoked the last cigarette. But now smokers have to control myself, to wait a while and looking forward to the moment when he finally can smoke. Besides the fact that he is experiencing normal daily stress, it will now be to condemn myself to suffer between cigarettes. Until then, as he began to reduce the number of cigarettes he just smoked, and each cigarette was for him everyday. He didn't get any pleasure from them smoked cigarettes. But now he understands that the gap between cigarettes is great, and every cigarette for him – a gift. Previously, the idea that he gets pleasure from cigarettes, was only a figment of his imagination and remained only in his head. And now every cigarette is really a source of joy and pleasant emotions. And since positive emotions from each cigarette is in fact the excitement caused by the craving for nicotine. The longer you suffer, the"nicer"each cigarette.

The biggest problem is faced by the smoker who wants to quit Smoking,and does not depend on chemical dependency. This is just the smallestthe reason causing discomfort. When a person sleeps, it is not plagued by bouts of desire cigarettes. And when he wakes up, he'll be able to even leave the room to eat Breakfast and then smoke their first cigarette. Some smoke only when they come to work.

Smokers can survive completely without cigarettes for ten hours. And it does not bother them. But a day smoker would have to climb the wall from the enormous desire to smoke.

Some smokers not smoke in their cars because they don't want to spoil it. They also abstain from cigarettes in public places, for example, in theatre, cinema, shop. And public transport was also not recorded any cases with difficulty in refraining from cigarette smokers. In fact, all smokers get implicit pleasure from the fact that you can not smoke for any length of time. Thus, they have hope that someday they will be able to abandon the dependence on cigarettes.

When you want to quit Smoking, the main problem is the psychological impact on the human psyche. Thus, instilled in us the idea that a cigarette is a form of support of our body and morale. We always pursue the idea that a cigarette would our lives be different much worse and completely without pleasure, because now to obtain satisfaction from any cases will be simply impossible, as not cigarettes. If a smoker wants to reduce the periods of Smoking, he makes a big mistake, as this option does not lead to success. Reducing the number of cigarettes forces you to think about what cigarette is the center of the universe and your consciousness. And life becomes mere existence in the period without her. So you'll really have to wait and crave that next cigarette. So happiness is for those who want to reduce Smoking, it is simply impossible. There is nothing worse than to reduce the number of cigarettes. A smoker thinks that the less he smokes, the less he will want to do it, but in fact things are quite the opposite. The less he will be Smoking, the more time between puffs, and the greater will be the desire to live up to this moment in which we could smoke. Thus, the cigarette will become even more desirable, and the moments of puffs longer, but the taste of the cigarette each time will become worse and more disgusting. However, smokers it does not stop. The taste of the cigarette does not care about any smoker. And if still concerned, then vryatanybody ever smoked. Do not believe? Well, then let's look at the example. What do you think, what cigarette has the most disgusting taste? Of course, this is the first cigarette in the morning. Well, now you can still say that smoke just to get pleasure from the taste and smell of cigarettes? No. You smoke to quickly put out the burning desire that was in you for nine-hour abstinence.

So, before you want to quit Smoking, you must realize that cigarette is not have any pleasant taste and smell. If you leave this illusion to yourself, and at the same time will make the step to a life without cigarettes, then all your endeavors will be a failure, you just again step on the same rake. Let's smoke right now. Make six deep puffs, after pumping lungs full of smoke this great tobacco, and ask yourself:"What, in fact, so great is contained in this flavor?". Maybe you think cigarettes have taste only when sikuriada at a certain time. But why, then, do you smoke all other cigarettes? Maybe it's because I think that used? And anyway, why do people smoke cigarettes, if you think that they taste disgusting. And why the cigarette smoked in a certain time of day, have different taste? Try to smoke a cigarette after a meal and check to see if it really taste better? Know what is the real reason why the taste of cigarettes becomes more enjoyable after a meal or when partying with friends and drinking alcohol? Just in such moments you are happy. But you will never be able to fully feel happy without inhaling because you depend on that little nicotine monster living in you and constantly demanding another batch of poison. And after eating cigarette and can not be delicious, you still do not eat it, right? Just you will Feel unsatisfied if you do not reduce your pangs of withdrawal from nicotine. And it's safe to say that between Smoking and not Smoking is the difference between feeling happy and unhappy. So smokers who smoke immediately in the morning, do not feel happy independently, they smoke now or not.

System reduce Smoking

It is not valid, and also very cruel. Because when a smoker increases the time between Smoking, he thinks that the way to wean yourself from the habit of Smoking, but actually it's not a habit, and dependence. And when you are a dependent, your appetite can decrease, they can only increase. Therefore, the reduction of Smoking the smoker remains only to discipline yourself and use willpower.

Chemicaladdiction to nicotine is not the main problem in getting rid of Smoking. The main reason is that smokers always believe that cigarettes bring them great pleasure. The problem is that we've had this idea even before we started Smoking. But with addiction this is misleading increases. And reducing Smoking further reinforces this misconception. Thus, the idea that cigarette is all in the life of the smoker and without it he simply can not, will forever remain in the human head. And he doesn't want to have to live without this nicotine source of imaginary fun.

But as I have argued, the reduction of Smoking never leads to anything good, because all the time you have to keep yourself within and to cultivate willpower. But if you still don't have enough willpower to quit Smoking, it is unlikely that it will be enough to last at least a week with such an abstinent lifestyle. But actually quitting Smoking is much easier than to reduce Smoking.

I know millions of cases when the reduction of Smoking and abstinence from it led to very poor results. A few successful attempts that I know of, have been achieved by abrupt cessation after quite a short period, during which the smoker has reduced the number of cigarettes smoked. But in reality, these people have stopped Smoking not due to Smoking, and just did because of him. It gave them only an extension of agony. Such unsuccessful experiments give the smoker only the opinion of himself that he will never be able to quit, and will always depend on nicotine. Typically, these thoughts compel the smoker to continue to be addicted for at least another five years, and then he will want to try to quit.

However, a smoker who tried to quit Smoking will be able to see the whole situation and the fact that the cigarette can be enjoyable only after a long time without it. And you should only stop killing yourself and you will understand how to live well without it. Now you are faced with a choice:

Or stop Smoking constantly, the periods of Smoking, and find themselves in eternal torments and self-torture, and it is almost impossible.

But is it worth it. And if you need to kill yourself the rest of your life?

Or to love himself and completely quit the habit of Smoking. If you reduce Smoking, you will be able to understand another important thing that you can't smoke because you have a chain reaction, and this reaction will last a lifetime, if not break it forever.

Remember: reducing Smoking you simply kill.

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