
Most likely, you will be scared to read this book. Because the ability to quit Smoking in your head leads you in horror, like all other addicts. Perhaps you've decided to quit Smoking, but I think, more precisely, choose a day, I want to say that you're deluding yourself. Don't do it. You probably think that I begin to warn you about what cigarettes are doing to us, about the dangers of the human psyche and the damage to the body. Also on the countless sums spent over many years of Smoking, that this silly habit has long been out of fashion and it's just a manifestation of your weakness, but then we are not talking about it.

But this method would not help anyone, and indeed I consider him hopelessly stupid, because if it worked, you would all have long quit Smoking. Method that will be described further, has a completely different effect, it is effective and is called "easy way". You will be hard to believe that I am going to explain, but try it, just trust the experience that I have and missing you. After reading this book, you will be confused as you, clever enough person could hang noodles on the ears. You not only believe in my words, but will live differently, you wouldn't understand my life before reading the book. In smokers, there is one misconception, they say, they decide to smoke or not, but they are mistaken. Smokers decide to become smokers, no more than alcoholics become alcoholics and drug addicts, injecting heroin become addicts. Yes, however, we decided to smoke their first cigarette trial.

But sometimes I decide to go to the exhibition and go there, but I did not decide to live there for years. You should look at your life from the outside. You need to submit and decide for yourself that in a moment you can't get satisfaction from sex, not lighting up, consider what it will say on your girlfriend or wife, it simply will kill you, and one or the other. Another crazy stereotype that without a cigarette can not concentrate. Now dear yourself campaign ban is Smoking, and rightly so. At a certain time you decided to smoke, this was accompanied by the fact that you wanted to have a cigarette always in your pocket, at home, at work.

In your mind there was a click that you absolutely can't live without this habit, but before you are only Smoking at meetings Yes at parties, you don't feel independent without them. You fell into the abyss which they themselves have created, and when created, they did not understand, but trust me, this is a very terrible abyss that you have to overcome in pain. There is one paradoxical idea, it is this: if the parents (mother, father) smoke, they would never allow their child to smoke, and this means thatthey all regret that they started to smoke. After all, there are plenty of other real pleasures that elevate people, not rounded up to the abyss from which they receive pleasure and joy, not pain and suffering. At the same time all smokers wish to continue Smoking.

No one can force us to smoke; consciously or unconsciously we accept this decision themselves. How nice it would be if you would have taken, something clicked and I got up this morning, like never starting to smoke, nothing would have happened, no fear, no pain, and the only people who smoke are teenagers, and it's because just experimenting.


I know what is keeping you from being able to quit this bad habit is fear. This fear holds you and gives you peace of mind, you fall asleep and Wake up constantly thinking about him. On the way of withdrawal you'll have to take a very difficult time in that wonderful way that in the future, I hope that you will choose. You are afraid, because without a cigarette you will be like without support, you think nothing will bring you joy, no food, no sex, no meeting with friends. The fear that will not give you focus and will leave you alone, but if you will become impotent, think about it. The feeling that our whole life will change forever. Fear that we will never be successful and beautiful without cigarettes, the fear that drives us and makes us whatever we want, fear that we will never breathe the sweet smoke and let's not confident. Are you afraid that you'll never have to smoke and will dream about some one cigarette my entire life, which we will after we quit Smoking.

If you, like me, once already tried all the traditional ways to cast Smoking and went through all the suffering what I call "patience and strength", then you will not only fall under the influence of this fear, but confident that I will never be able to quit Smoking. Like all smokers, you start thinking about that now is not the time to quit Smoking or simply not that day, but I wonder something else, and do you understand what caused it. But don't think I can tell you that it's fear, and shame on you to be afraid at this age. This fear you will not remove and get rid of it by Smoking it that is generated by Smoking. You do not want to fall into the abyss of nicotine.

Don't forget that this is a cunning trap, and you will have difficulty to get out of it. Ask yourself the question, how many years or months ago smoked my first cigarette and then you wanted to smoke all the time that you are Smoking? So when are you going to quit? Tomorrow? The followinggodu? ne nado durit sebya i nahodyashihsya ryadom s vami ludej. oshibka togo, chto vy kurite, ostavit vas s sigaretoj na vsu zhizn, i vy nichego ne smozhete s nej sdelat. sprosite u drugih zavisimyh ludej, pochemu oni ne mogut brosit kurit, chto im meshaet, sprosite eto pered tem, kak sigareta uspeet ubit ih. eta kniga, kotoruu vy chitaete, stanovitsya bestsellerom vot uzhe desyat let, a vy tolko o nej uznali, moj vam sovet – ne teryajte bolshe vremeni, otlozhite vse dela, dochitajte knigu i reshite dlya sebya, chto vy brosite kurit. mne pishut chitateli etoj knigi, i u nih tolko samye polozhitelnye otzyvy, etot sposob brosaniya kurit, kotoryj opisan v etoj knige, on samyj effektivnyj, no chitateli pomogli mne vyyavit neskolko problem, i ya im ochen za eto blagodaren, o etih problemah ya napishu sejchas zhe. vot pervaya, ona poyavlyaetsya pryamo iz pisma.

odin chelovek mne pishet vot chto. on brosil kurit blagodarya moej knige i na radostyah podaril ee vsem svoim kuryashim druzyam, a oni pochemu-to ne chitaut ee . no u nego takoj zhe gorkij opyt, emu tozhe podarili knigu druzya, i on tozhe poteryal bescennye gody v razdumyah: chitat knigu ili net. no, kak on mne pishet, on bolshe nikogda ne vozmet v rot sigaretu i ne zakurit. a nekotorye ludi nachinaut chitat i dochitav do serediny nachinaut boyatsya, chto brosyat kurit i perestaut ee chitat. no, kak i obyasnyalos ranee, etot strah sovershenno obosnovan, i nechego styditsya. pomnite, ya uzhe upominal o kakom-to rubilnike, bah i vy kak budto ne kurite. ya hochu, chtob vy ponyali, chto moj sposob – ne dar s neba i vse ne tak prosto kak vy dumaete. vam pridetsya postaratsya, chtoby brosit kurit dazhe po moemu sposobu, i poetomu ya i tysyachi drugih kurilshikov kotorye, kogda-to davno brosili kurit, pomnim ob etom i eta mysl inogda uderzhivaet nas ot togo, chtoby vzyat snova v rot sigaretu.

davajte ostanovimsya vot na chem. ya primenil k etoj situacii sposob sobaki i povodka. bez isklucheniya kazhdyj zavisyashij mozhet otkazatsya ot kureniya, i kazhdyj iz nih mozhet uveritsya, kak eto prosto i legko, no im meshaet tolko odno, a eto imenno strah pered mukami otvykaniya. te, kto izbavitsya ot etogo straha, mogut skazat sebe, chto oni eto sdelali, oni smogli, smogli brosit kurit. no byvaet i po-drugomu. a imenno, chto prochitav knigu na polovinu, vy chuvstvuete strah, kak ya uzhe nedavno govoril. no etot strah ne daet vam dochitat etu knigu do konca. mozhet, vy i ne delali sami tak, chtoby popast v etu bezdnu kureniya, no imenno vam prinimat reshenie i vybiratsya ottuda, bukvalno vgryzayas v kazhdyj metr steny. navernoe, u vas uzhe bylo tak, vy uzhe brosali kurit i ne smogli probratsya dolshe. zapomnite raz i navsegda. ved vam nechego teryat, podumajte sami.

kogda prochtete etu knigu i skazhete "ya budu prodolzhat kurit", to uzh poverte mne, nichtoanother more will not make you quit Smoking. While you read the book, don't need to do things like smoke less cigarettes or to abandon them altogether. Can you imagine how I felt the count of Monte Cristo, when he finally managed to escape from his prison? So will feel you, when you get this bad and not healthy habit. You will be able many that when you read the book, only in your power to say "Yes, I did it!".

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