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The Board non-Smoking

Need to read this book and try to understand each line. The smoker should not be forced to study this book, and you should not force him to quit, resulting in such sharp arguments as health or finances. Believe me, he knows it all. Dependent not smoke for satisfaction and not for the sake of the process. All smokers say this to themselves at least for the sake of self-esteem and to maintain self-confidence. First Smoking for them is an irresistible dependence, cigarettes, in their opinion, they relax them, and the stupid idea that they make men. Life with a cigarette in hand, in their opinion, it's real life. Should not dependent themselves to get rid of this habit as he would feel himself slighted, and he will help get rid of this feeling only cigarette. You can make a secret smoker in his psychology cigarette will rise in price by half (see Chapter 26). Let's try to find another way. Bring him in the company of ex-smokers (in the UK alone, 15 million). Let them share with him the experience of how they once, recently, was addicted to cigarettes and how radically changed their lives when they quit. Ask them to tell the smoker how they were sure that he was in addiction of Smoking forever and how much better their life is when they stopped Smoking. You need to make sure that he believe in himself that he could believe in himself and what he could do without cigarettes. Then you just have to think about what you actually give them cigarettes down, step by step. We should not forget the fact that it takes away from your Smoking, namely health, confidence, and just a great mood. I think that now the dependent ready to not only read this book, but to understand it. When a smoker begins to read the book, he starts to think that now he will travel to biology and journey through your body. In this book take different approaches, not biological, but psychological.

Help the smoker in the period of withdrawal

You need to understand that the dependent is suffering in any case, he says it or not. Not to say these words to him, as quitting Smoking is easy, it is not necessary to facilitate his flour, he will be able to quit. On the contrary he just needs to do a variety of compliments, thereby encouraging and giving strength to go on. Praise should be systematically. Dependent, quitting Smoking, only thinks about one thing "the fact that he throws", it encourages the fact, however, he is quick to forget, so tell him compliments, and a lot different. If the smoker isn't talking to you about cigarettes, it's notit means that he doesn't remember about them and you will not be pleased to remind him of them. So apply only when you use the method of willpower. You should not be afraid to discuss the topic of Smoking, you on the contrary should praise it as much as possible, and if he is frustrating you about it will tell. In the period of quitting Smoking, the person must find a very interesting exercise, thereby distract his attention from cigarettes. I know that this time period will be difficult and non-smokers. People who are susceptible to stress, the group should not be, otherwise, this man can be transmitted to others. You need to make so that such situations were not. The person who is undergoing a period of treatment, all my depression can throw at you, but you should only say it with kindness, in this period it is necessary only to praise. But if you feel that depression is transferred to you, then don't show it. When I tried to quit Smoking using the willpower, I resorted to various kinds guile: for example, allow yourself to fall into a violent irritation, hoping that my wife or friends will say, "I can't stand to watch you suffer. For God's sake, smoke a cigarette."In this case, the conscience of the smoker clean: he does not"give up", he ordered. If an ex-smoker resort to such tricks, in any case, do not encourage her Smoking. Tell him, "If this is just what you brought cigarettes, thank heavens that you will soon be free. How wonderful that you have the courage and mind to quit Smoking".

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