Just one puff

These words are the death of many of the smokers trying to tie method of willpower. They manage to live without cigarettes three or four days, and then they accidentally make one smoke or a puff, to somehow reduce their suffering. But such actions only devastate their soul and do not bring anything good. For many smokers the taste of the first puff feels bitter, not tasty. And then they think that now Smoking them nasty and doesn't bring happiness, and therefore their desire to smoke. But in fact, a totally opposite situation.

It should be clearly understood that cigarettes never bring pleasure and joy. Joy and pleasure – it's not something that forced you to take a mouthful of cigarettes. If people who smoke and received positive emotions, they would have enough of one cigarette. But it's not. The only reason people smoke is to satisfy the nicotine hunger of the monster that lives inside of you. If you think that this monster was expecting three or four days, until you again give him a dose of the drug, then what is valuable and important will be the dose for him. And even just one puff will be the most important event during these days. You don't even realize which path will be done by the nicotine in your body. The drug gets into your body, enters the subconscious and all of your efforts and efforts collapse. Inside you will sound only one voice that will convince you that cigarettes are the most precious thing on earth and do not care about logic. Just one more cigarette. And then another one. And so on to infinity. Everything starts anew.

This a single puff will produce a double adverse effect:

1) she will bring back to life that little nicotine monster that lived in you.

2) And, what is worse, this cigarette will bring back to life the great monster that lives in your subconscious. If you still do this "just one puff"to do next will be much easier. Remember that if you smoke that"just one more cigarette", then you pick at the beginning of the attempts to quit Smoking.

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