Home / Easiest way to quit Smoking / Conclusion: help to put an end to this shame

Conclusion: help to put an end to this shame

I believe that the habit of Smoking is harmful and even disgraceful for our country. The addiction to cigarettes do not paint our society, and therefore is the main issue for everyone.

For centuries humanity has built its civilization in order to then transmit from generation to generation their knowledge. The older generation tend to warn Junior about the dangers that can lie in wait for them throughout their later life. This ability endowed even animals.

Nuclear weapons

At the moment, all believe that if we manage not to withdraw from the control of nuclear weapons, then our lives are no more problems that might require decisions. Our government continues to claim that gun control is a pledge of peace. But if nuclear weapons are ever to be powered, then the problem of humanity will be solved, including the problem of Smoking. The worst is that on earth we haven't yet found a man who could object to the government on these words. (But I wonder why the government supports competition between countries in inventing weapons, not because for them it is the most important.)


And although I am against nuclear weapons, I should admit that these decisions are made due to the fact that people who do sincerely believe in his innocence and the correctness of its decision. They believe that their actions will only benefit society. But when a person smokes, the problem lies elsewhere. During the war people really believe that cigarettes can give them confidence in their abilities. But today, absolutely everyone knows that it is not. You should see the current advertising of Smoking. As you have already noticed, there is not written anything like "gaining confidence or courage". All you can see is only the quality of cigarettes or something like that. But if you think about it, what you interest up to the quality of the drug.

More powerful drug

What is striking is that society is constantly hiding its head in the sand. And we believe that right when they themselves are protesting against the addiction to any drug stronger than nicotine. However, if we compare this problem with problem of dependence of a society from the nicotine, you'll find a strong difference. Our population is 60 % dependent on Smoking, and they spend huge amount of money to meet their needs. Millions of people each year spend their life just so when lit up another cigarette. Despite the fact that in the advertising and production invested a lot of money, Smoking is a massive killer of our society. The government annually earns 8 000 000 000 pounds in the production of tobacco, and producers were allowed to spend 120000 000 pounds annually on advertising cigarettes.

Government warning

Cigarette manufacturers are trying to warn us on their product very quickly. About the dangers of Smoking to health are dependent on nicotine, it earns 8 000 000 000 pounds annually, and industrial tobacco giants are allowed to spend 120 000 000 pounds per year on advertising this poison.

Futile actions

Manufacturing company of cigarettes trying to warn smokers about the danger to their health, very discreetly, by putting on their projection of the labels that Smoking is harmful to their health. And TV spends very little money to tell the public that Smoking is a direct threat to cancer and many other diseases related to bad breath and amputation of the feet. And after such a pathetic warnings, the government has every right to say that it warned people that the Smoking is injurious to health. Although the smoker had no choice, like a drug addict that is dependent on heroin. A person who smokes, does not want to become addicted to cigarettes, it just fell into the trap so cunningly made companies manufacturing cigarette. If smokers knew that going in, would have a choice, then today the country would not remain a single person who uses cigarettes, only Teens who still tend to think that can easily get rid of Smoking when I want.

Why are there double standards

Addicts who are dependent on heroin throughout the world are considered criminals, they can obtain medical care in order to get rid of his addiction. A smoker who have tried to register as a drug addict who is addicted to nicotine, will not receive any medical service, to get rid of this dependence. Such person will not offer to even buy cigarettes at cost. He will be forced to pay twice for a pack of cigarettes than it is actually. And every year the government makes life difficult for smokers.

If a smoker wants to go to the doctor, he'll just tell him to stop Smoking, otherwise Smoking will kill him. But oddly enough, all smokers know it themselves. In extreme cases the doctor will just prescribe you medicine that contain the same nicotine that you are trying to get rid of, but at a lower dose. And supposedly this drug will help to ensure that you get rid of nicotine addiction.

Nicotine company

Companies that are anti-Smoking, not toocan help smokers with their problem. These companies only complicate the situation, because scare people, but it causes them to consume cigarettes in large quantities. These nicotine companies can not even protect adolescents from addiction to cigarettes. Teens understand that Smoking habit could kill them, but they also know one cigarette will not kill them. Smoking is a very common habit, and people whose minds are not yet fully matured, will try a cigarette once under the pressure of society or of their own curiosity. And since the taste would be terrible, a teenager, in the end, will become addicted.

It's not right

Why can't we just look at it and to let it go nowhere? Why our government can not spend all available funds for the company, preventing addiction to Smoking? Why these companies just can't say publicly that Smoking does not benefit, does not bring satisfaction and confidence in their abilities, and only upsets your nerves? Why not say that Smoking can become a habit for life, even if you just tried one cigarette?

Time machine

I remember one episode of his "the time Machine" by Hg wells. In this novel, one begins to drown in the river, and his friends standing on the shore, pay no attention to his cries. This episode struck me as extremely inhuman. However, if you look at the situation with Smoking nowadays, it is possible to detect a lot of similarity between situations. It is our government and we in particular allow on television in rush hour showed any sports game, and the sponsor was a tobacco company. At the time, like the sound of the winning points of the team for which we were ill then show how this team and lights a cigarette. And imagine if the sponsor of the games was a company for the production of heroin, and after a successful final broadcast would be shown as an advertisement, as the player commands the colitis itself in a vein of this same drug.

Without the actions of the company

Then why the society allows you to do so, healthy Teens, whose life has just begun, paid big money for that every day to destroy your nervous system, your physical and psychological condition and be the rest of my life depending on cigarette, and then to treat the diseases that were caused by the cigarette.

Maybe you'll think I'm too exaggerate, but this is not so. My father from Smoking lived only to fifty years, although his health he could live until now.

I myself realize that when I was not much over forty, I was on the floorthe way of death. Probably the cause of my death would be called a brain hemorrhage, and never associated it with Smoking. And now I counsel people who, because of her addiction to Smoking devoid of the capacity for work or are in the last stages of serious illnesses. Maybe you know such people.

The society is a breath of change. The snowball has started to grow, and I hope that through this book he will turn into an avalanche.

A happy non-smoker

After you read this book, you will be able to help those who are still Smoking through the dissemination of this book.

And then came the time of the last warning that you will now be able to be happy healthy nonsmokers. Enjoy the fact that you can be confident without a cigarette.

If you will always keep this book at hand and not be anybody to give it, then you will always guide helping you in difficult moments.

It may happen that you will be envious of people who smoke cigarettes, but you should remember only one thing smokers always jealous of non-smokers.

You should always remember that you didn't like smoke ever, so you got rid of this bad habit. Now you have a life full of this sense.

Learn that there is no one cigarette.

Should never sow a doubt about his decision to quit. You know you made the right decision then, and if on your way will stand the obstacles, read this book again.

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