
itak, chto zhe eto takoe. nu, prezhde vsego eto lejkoplastyri ili zhvachki, mogut dazhe byt razlichnye tabletki. no moj vam sovet: nikogda nichego podobnogo ne ispolzujte, tak kak vam prosto eto nezachem. davajte razberem vse po poryadku. chto kasaetsya lejkoplastyrej, to eto prosto polnoe vrane, tak kak prosto on dejstvuet na vashu psihiku i, malo togo, prosto napominaet vam o kurenii. i pochti tozhe samoe kasaetsya i vseh drugih zamenitelej. vozmem prosto zhvachku, ona zhe vam budet postoyanno napominat o sigarete i vnedryat vam v golovu to, chto vy po nej skuchaete, i vam prosto ee ne hvataet ili togo huzhe – vy nachnete snova kurit. teper podvedem itog. zapomnite, oni vam ne pomogut, a naoborot, sdelaut eshe huzhe. vam sleduet takzhe zapomnit sleduushie momenty, kotorye budut napechatany nizhe.

zamenitelej nikotina ne sushestvuet

vy zhe brosaete kurit, sootvetstvenno, zachem vam nikotin. ved eto prosto samyj nastoyashij yad. vam sleduet postupat inache, kak tolko vy nachinaete dumat o sigarete ili prosto skuchat po nej, vam sleduet ponyat zanovo i napomnit sebe eshe raz, chto muki, kotorymi yakoby vy stradaete, ne takie i muki. eto lish vashe voobrazhenie, kotoroe razygryvaetsya iz-za takogo narkotika, kak nikotin, da, da, vy ne oshiblis, imenno narkotika. i poetomu priznaku vam neobhodimo prosto bezhat ot toj produkcii, kotoraya soderzhit nikotin.

v specifike chuzhdajtes kazhdyj produkcii, soderzhashej nikotin. pust on budet lubogo proishozhdeniya. sejchas osobenno poyavilis takie nou-hao, kak ingalyatory ili sprei, no sut ostaetsya vse ravno odna. vy zhe poluchaete narkotik, kak ne kruti, vy izbavlyaetes ot odnogo v polzu drugogo, no togo zhe samogo. da, vam skazhut byvshe kurilshiki, chto brosili pri pomoshi razlichnyh zamenitelej, no eto ne to, oni prosto zamenili na vremya, no zhelanie brosit kurit ostalos i sygralo svou rol, prichem vedushuu. zhal tolko odno, chto ludi kluut na eto po veleniu vrachej, kotorye prosto hotyat vybit iz pacienta dengi.

sushnost nikotina

vam prosto sleduet ponyat sushnost nikotina, togda vam budet ponyatno, kak on dejstvuet na vas i vashu psihiku. s odnoj tochki zreniya vy zamenyaete nikotin i eto horosho, no za etim sleduet drugoe, bolee hudshee. s tochki zreniya psihologii eto prosto ubezhdenie i vy ni o chem ne podozrevaete, i eto samoe strashnoe.

privychka, kotoruu nuzhno slomat

neposredstvenno vy budete ispytyvat muki, kotorye vposledstvii vam pridetsya preodolet, esli vy hotite brosit kurit, eto psihologicheskie muki.

kak vy dumaete, esli vy srazhaetes s dvumya silnymi bojcami, kak vy budete eto delat? nu, skoree vsego, gordynya vozmet svoe, i vy skazhete"Yes, I have them all with one blow."But I want to disappoint you: you have nothing to fail. Explain why: Yes they are you just do, because their just two. So the only way is just to divide them and beat separately. So you think of Smoking you want to divide it. That is, you first replace it and then get rid of him.

The voice of reason is lying

This method for certain reasons is understandable, but not always. It should be understood, but rather to understand that Smoking is not just habit, but a basic nicotine addiction, which is overcome with great difficulty and which is not so easy at all to overcome if the person wants sincerely. When you decide to quit Smoking, you will understand that it is really easy, but as long as you think of cigarettes, you will not be able to quit Smoking. This method of replacing Smoking with something else, but not for you, it's just a lie, you won't have to do with the psychological side of it is cheating.

Two problems

You should also understand that in fact you have not one problem, but two that must be addressed in turn. Well, the first problem is to simply stop buying cigarettes, that is just what you call to quit Smoking. But your problem really does not end but only begin. So now the second problem and the most important is to stop think about it. You need to remember and understand.

The meaning is this, what do you think, is it possible to cure a drug addict from his addiction if to offer him to just take another drug? Of course you will answer"no" and be right. Once I was watching TV and it said this. There stood the doctor, who spoke on the subject of Smoking. Here's what he said; man, if long takes a drug in nicotine that may start to depend on it to such an extent that after quit Smoking, will not be able to live without it. But you don't have to believe him. Believe and think for yourself how can the human body depend on the drug. Yes, your body itself won't allow it, even without you.

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