
eto ta oblast, v kotoroj kurilshik dumaet, chto znaet vse, no na samom dele on ne znaet rovnym schetom nichego ob etom. i poetomu eta oblast samaya kriticheskaya iz vseh oblastej, svyazannyh s kureniem voobshe.

i v moem sluchae ya dumal, chto vot-vot i moya golova prosto razorvetsya, i ya uzhe sovsem k etomu gotov, no na samom dele eto bylo sovsem dazhe ne tak.

golos razuma

mozhet byt, dazhe esli odnazhdy ya by vzyal svou ocherednuu sigaretu, i vdrug zaorala signalizaciya, i mne poslyshalsya golos: «o, chelovek, do sih por ya nikogda tebya ne preduprezhdal, no teper skazhu, ranshe ty ostavalsya zhiv i zdorov posle kazhdoj vykurennoj sigarety, a esli ty vykurish i etu, to tvoya golova vzorvetsya pryamo sejchas!». i chto vy dumaete, ya by ne vykuril etu sigaretu? pust dazhe ona byla by poslednej. konechno zhe, vykuril.

esli vy ne verite mne, to poprobujte prosto postavit sebya pered vyborom: libo vy sejchas zhe brosaete kurit, eshe dazhe ne zakuriv sleduushuu sigaretu, libo prohodite s zakrytymi glazami po glavnoj avtomagistrali goroda s intensivnym dvizheniem.

ya znau, chto vy vyberete v etoj situacii.


ya delal eto kazhdyj den – ya prosto pryatalsya ot etih myslej, zakryval glaza na vse. ya mechtal o tom, chto odnazhdy utrom prosnus i uzhe ne zahochu kurit i perestanu navsegda. no takogo ne proishodilo, i ya pytalsya ne dumat o sostoyanii svoego zdorovya. a kurilshiki prosto ne mogut pozvolit sebe dumat o svoem zdorove, potomu chto togda u nih propadet zhelanie kurit, i utratitsya dazhe zabluzhdenie o tom, chto sigareta prinosit im udovolstvie.

bespoleznaya vesh

eto i est obyasnenie tomu, pochemu terapiya, kotoruu razrabotalo pravitelstvo i na kotoruu potratili stolko deneg, absolutno ne dejstvuet na nashu molodezh. edinstvennye, kto budut smotret na etu terapiu, – eto ludi, kotorye nikogda i ne kurili, a esli i kurili, to iz chistogo lubopytstva. kurilshiki budut vspominat kogo ugodno, svoego dyadu, papu, druga, kotoryj kuril po sto sigaret v den i schastlivo prozhil do 80 let bez osobyh problem so zdorovem. no oni budut prosto ignorirovat te istorii, kogda eshe sovsem molodye ludi pogibli ot togo, chto mnogo kurili.


sejchas pochti kazhdyj raz u menya proishodit odin i tot zhe razgovor s molodymi ludmi:

ya: chto zastavlyaet vas brosit kurit?

kurilshik: eto kazhetsya mne slishkom dorogostoyashim udovolstviem.

ya: a vy ne zadumyvaetes o svoem zdorove?

kurilshik: nu a zachem, s takim zhe uspehom uzhe zavtra ya mogu popast pod mashinu.

ya: nu vy zhe ne brosites pod mashinu specialno?

kurilshik: net.

ya: a razve, kogda vy sobiraetes perehodit dorogu, vy snachala ne posmotrite nalevo, a potom napravo?

kurilshik: da, smotru.

nevidimyj risk

nu konechno, kurilshik delaet vse, chtoby neget hit by a car, and live by all the rules. Then his chance after all to get under her make up approximately hundreds of thousands to one. But the risk of injury is 100 %, and yet the smoker doesn't think about it.

I knew one person who played very well in Golf. But he never went to America just because insanely afraid of flying because the plane might fall and break. But this man during the game on the field ever smoked. The plane would never in my life sent on the road, if, before its launch failure was detected, even very small, which does not affect the nature of the flight. And then the chances that the plane will crash, would hundreds of thousands to one. But the risk of getting any disease from cigarettes is four to one, but nobody wants this, who would think about such a trifle, isn't it?


Many smokers think that they will know when anything gets sick, if you begin to cough constantly. Therefore, almost all the young people who come to my clinic think they are perfectly healthy and Smoking is still they are not affected physically because they are not coughing.

But the situation is quite different.


Coughing is a reaction of the body naturally to remove from the lungs it is unnecessary that there administered. And cough is not a disease, it's symptoms of the disease. When a smoker coughs, his lungs are derived from harmful substances, which he introduced when smoked. And if he does not cough, all these harmful substances remain there and poison the body, causing lung cancer. Smokers hate this ominous coughing and trying to cough. They accomplish this by the fact that not breathe the air deeply, not to provoke a cough. I used to think, what exactly will die from this horrible cough because I was doing it all the time. But now I realize that as constantly coughing, I'm so relieved your lungs from harmful substances, who filled my lungs, and only because it still alive.

Another opinion

Coughing you might think differently. For example, you have a very good car, but you just let her "die", to rust and rot, and do not take. Then your car breaks down, and you won't be able to drive it. This, of course, a very stupid move on your part. But nothing would be money, and can buy another car, even better than before.

Let's think, because your body is your machine which continuously carries you through life. And the health of your body – the most precious thing you can be. We all rememberthose moments when something was seriously ill, and every day praying about is to getting better.

(However, we all forget awfully fast, right?)

And you just see how your car breaks down, and do absolutely nothing in any way to prevent it, to avoid breakdown of this machine. But sooner or later with that attitude your car breaks down and you have nothing to be to move through life. But this machine you have one.

Last thought

So remember always one great idea: Smoking gives you absolutely nothing and you have no reasons to continue to smoke and further.

So try to stick finally head out of the sand and imagine just for a moment, as if you pulled from a pack my last cigarette, the one after which your body would begin the process of formation of cancer. Let's think about what your life will be like after that? How are you going to go to the doctors, the radiation, and all these terrible, terrible procedure that should help you to get well. How will feel your loved ones, relatives, lovers. What will you think of yourself. It turns out that you do not represent your life and the way of death.

Have a conversation with people

I am familiar with those people who are thinking about these thoughts later, they are already sick.

And the worst thing of all this is that they are to blame for their illness. They have made themselves such.

Every day you Wake up and tell yourself that you will quit Smoking, but not today and a better tomorrow. And just forget about it. But only for today. Because tomorrow when you Wake up, then again remember his promise, and again decide to wait until the next day.

And consider the lives of those for whom tomorrow has already arrived because they were sick. How do they feel now? For them there is no more reason to believe the advertising to others. Now they all know themselves. They do not need to think about the fact that Smoking makes you happy, or helps with something. Because cigarettes now they slowly die. But now they know that Smoking is not just a harmless habit that can be eliminated tomorrow, day after tomorrow, and in life nothing will happen. But they, like you, have always believed that with them, this will never happen. And now every day these people tell themselves why they did not stop when everything could end.

Real life

They want to recover that chance when it was still possible to live and nothing to think about. And if only then they were able to quit Smoking, everything would be different. Very different.

Stop lying to ourselves! Tomorrow, day after tomorrow, next year! Life is so short, and you have putevery second of danger. You have a chance to stop your death right now, this second, this moment. Now you smoke your cigarette, it will lead to the next. And then another, and another. And so on to infinity. This is already happening with you. Right now. It's just a vicious circle, that's all. But you still have a chance. Chance to save yourself.


Yes, I remember, at the beginning of the book, I warned you that I will not apply any shock therapy. And if you've already decided that you do quit Smoking, that for you it will not be a shock. Well, if not, just skip this Chapter, and then when you read the entire book to the end, and go back to the Chapter.

About what harm Smoking causes to your health, written hundreds of publications and books, the mass of articles in magazines about health. But while the man did not decide that it will no longer Smoking, nothing will make him read all these articles and books.

And even those lines on cigarette packs that Smoking is harmful to your health, nothing can affect you. And the first thing you will do after you read the inscription, will be the action to get and smoke a cigarette.


All who smoke, think it's something like how to step on a mine or not. Just like may happen or may not happen. Anyway, why should it happen with him, because how many people in the world smoke. But remember, when you smoke, your life, your health is at risk.

Every time inhaling cigarette, you inhale into your lungs carcinogenic tar, and cancer – not the worst of the deadly ailments they cause. Nicotine is a powerful factor contributing to the development of heart disease. Such as atherosclerosis, emphysema, angina, thrombosis, chronic bronchitis and asthma.

When I was a smoker, I have not heard of such diseases as atherosclerosis, emphysema. But I knew that increasing asthma attacks and bronchitis and persistent cough is all due to the fact that I ever smoked.


These troubles caused me discomfort, but did not bring much pain. And there was pain, then there is no reason to worry. Well, it's a discomfort I would have lived.

Now I understand that I was just terribly scary to think about what I might have lung cancer, so I just threw all these thoughts out of my head.

It is impossible to believe, but fear to quit Smoking, much stronger than the fear of getting sick due to the fact that smoke. Not because quitting Smoking is painful and not very nice, but because illness is something that can never happen. And besides, the illness is so far, and certainly up to this point I will quit. Well, the end of Smoking is what you needto do right now. And not to postpone for tomorrow. Just no more smoke. Never.


We always imagine getting rid of Smoking, like a coin with two sides. On one side, our health, our saved money, and on the other side of our calm, our support.

But we do not think that on the other side only our fear but not what we list. The fear of losing support, fear of losing peace of mind.

It is not that we are afraid to be less happy, but the fact that we are afraid of something to lose, something to lose.

Let's think about those who are addicted to heroin. What suffering, what pain awaits them when they have to abandon their addiction.

Now imagine their joy when they are allowed to enter another dose of heroin under the skin, directly into the veins.

Panic addicts

Although is it possible to imagine that someone can get pleasure from the fact that the needle enters a vein.

Addicts sitting not on heroin, not to experience this panic feelings. Heroin relieves feelings of passionate thrust, on the contrary, it creates it.

And those who do not smoke, and did not experience any suffering. Because they do not need to suffer from the fact that after lunch they were not allowed to smoke a cigarette. Nicotine also does not remove this feeling, on the contrary, he and his creates.

Your choice

What I was afraid of getting lung cancer, not stopped me before Smoking.

So I believed that Smoking is really a minefield. Did not come, so you can walk again. But came – so, no luck this time. And if you did assume the risk and do get sick, it should be no concern because it was your only option.

And if any of non-smokers tried to show me what can happen with those who smoke, I would have just used a few excuses, which always say in such cases, all smokers:

"One day we all will die."

Well, it's natural, but is it really worth deliberately shorten his life?

"No matter the number of lives, it is important to her quality."

But you don't think the quality of the person Smoking and consuming alcohol constantly much better the quality of life of the person who does not drink or smoke? And do you believe that the life of a smoker is really worse than death-Smoking? It is clear that the life of a man who does not smoke much better, easier and more interesting.

"Maybe a bad environment and exhaust are on my health negatively much more than Smoking."

We need to think

Yes, but why, then, clog already burdened with lungs? Can you imagine the crazy guy who would press their mouth to the exhaust pipe and start to inhaleall of these exhaust gases.

And all the smokers are doing exactly that.

Think about it next time you watch the poor smoker in a moment of deep inhaling so "precious"cigarette!

That is why congestion of the lungs and the thought of getting cancer didn't affect me, and I have been unable to quit Smoking. I was able to withstand congestion of the lungs, and forgot about the disease.

Understand, my method is not to constantly scare you with what will be horrible your life is, if you do not quit. My method is to show you how beautiful your life will be like when you quit Smoking.

We need to look deeper

But I think if I could see what was happening at this time inside my body, I would quit Smoking. This is not what is shown on TV, how your lungs change their color. But, considering how yellowed my teeth and fingers, you can imagine how it looked then my lungs. But at least, unlike the teeth and fingers, my internal organs did not frighten anybody by their shocking appearance.

I told you about the gradual clogging of the arteries and veins. About increasing oxygen starvation of every muscle and every organ of our body. To deprive them of nutrients, which are replaced by toxic substances and carbon monoxide (this is nothing like carbon monoxide contained not only in exhaust gases of vehicles, but also in tobacco smoke).

A simple example

I, like all motorists, I hate it when in the engine or the filter of my car is dirty oil. Imagine if you bought a very expensive car, and never would change her oil or oil filter. And that's what we're doing with your body when you smoke.

At the moment, the doctors believe a disease is from Smoking. These diseases include diabetes, cervical cancer and breast cancer. This is not surprising really. After all, the tobacco industry enjoyed for so long that the doctors could not prove how Smoking affects cancer.

I'm not a doctor, but all my coughing, asthma, vascular occlusion and much more, of course, was due to Smoking.

But I can tell you exactly what is the great harm that can Smoking cause to your health is the reduction in your immunity, due to constant clogging your body.

Plants, animals, all that surrounds us, are constantly attacked by microbes, viruses, etc.


And the best and important protection from disease for us is the immune system.

Throughout our lives we carry many infectious diseases and other diseases.

But all people the immune system can hurt constantly, and to fight the attacks of various viruses. Buthow can your body be healthy and function properly, if instead of giving your body the nutrients and oxygen you cover them with the oxygen and give carbon monoxide and other toxic substances.

Not the Smoking destroys you. It's like AIDS. It does not act directly, but only destroys your immune system, not allowing it to fight diseases and infections. Some of the consequences of Smoking became apparent to me only a few years after I quit Smoking.

Side effects

There was a time when I passionately despised the idiots who prefer better to lose a leg than to quit, but I had no idea that he was already suffering from atherosclerosis. My constant gray complexion I considered the consequence of a bad environment or lack of exercise. But I never thought it was caused by a blockage of the capillaries.

And by the time I was thirty, I got a disease, such as varicose veins. And the disease just disappeared after I quit Smoking.

In the five years before I quit Smoking, I began to notice that sometimes I have numb feet. It wasn't a piercing pain, like the prick of a needle, I just felt a strange numbness of the legs, and it made me very worried. And every night my wife took me a foot massage. After I quit Smoking a year passed, when I realized that I no longer require this procedure.

Slow recovery

Somewhere for a year or two before I quit Smoking, I began to notice that I am constantly plagued by chest pain. Then I was very afraid that these pains are caused by lung cancer. But now I know that these pains were caused by angina. And since I quit Smoking, I have never had such pain.

When I was very young, any injury was accompanied by heavy bleeding. Then I was very much worried. I didn't know that bleeding is a natural process that is needed for healing wounds. And when the healing process is completed, the blood clot itself.

I thought that I might have hemophilia. And all the time afraid that one day I will bleed out and die. And then, in the course of life, I happen to cut yourself deep enough, but the blood no longer went. Instead of the wounds oozing the filth red-brown color.

The color of my blood I was very disturbed. I knew that she must be scarlet, and so I felt sick some disease related to blood.

I was glad that the blood clot, since I no longer had any heavy bleeding. But only after I quit Smoking, I learned that Smoking leads to the fact that the blood thickens and changes color due to lack of oxygen.

Then aboutall of this I had no idea, but now I am filled with the horror of those memories with me when all this happened. Imagine how my heart could every day to constantly pump through my body the dirt, and not miss a single shot. I fear wonder how I had a heart attack.

The life story of

The whole story, and these awful thoughts made me realize, not how fragile and vulnerable our bodies are, how strong our muscles.

I turned forty, my hands began to appear the so-called old age spots. These spots usually appear in older people have gray or white color. I tried not to pay attention to them, and thought they appear due to the fact that I have always led a busy life, and so my body is prematurely ageing.

But one day, while working in the clinic, I heard from one man that when he quit Smoking, he passed his spots. I didn't smoke then for five years, and completely forgot about the fact that suffers from the same disease. Imagine my surprise when I saw that now ...

Worse and worse

Every time I stood up sharply, especially while taking a bath, I started to feel dizzy and swam in circles before his eyes. I did not really pay attention to it because thought that is an everyday thing, and besides, such symptoms suffer almost all. And yet only five years ago, a former smoker told me that no longer feels such a sensation, I realized that too, already did not feel this.

Perhaps you think I'm just a hypochondriac. Maybe I was, when I smoked. But Smoking is deceiving us, we think that when we smoke, we find instead the courage and bravery though actually Smoking slowly and surely these qualities takes us.

I remember being shocked and surprised when my dad said that I would not like to live up to fifty years. But twenty years have passed, and I began to visit the same thoughts. The lack of lust for life visited me.

Fears of the past

Perhaps you think that I should not scare you and tell you all these fears, and I shouldn't be writing this Chapter. But in fact, it is simply necessary. Once, when I was very young, I was very afraid of death. Then I began to believe that Smoking will relieve me from these fears. In a sense I was right. Smoking has saved me from the fear of death and give fear life. I was afraid to live.

At the moment the fear of death came back, but not on such a scale. Now I realize that I'm afraid to die only because so happily live.

I don't think so much about death as a child. I'm too busy with other things to clutter my brain with it. I guess I have no chance to live to a hundred years, but Ipoprobuu. bolee togo, ya postaraus poluchit maksimum udovolstviya ot kazhdogo momenta etoj zhizni!

preimushestvo i sny

est i eshe dva preimushestva izbavleniya ot kureniya, kotorye mne otkrylis. vo-pervyh, teper menya perestali muchit postoyannye koshmary, kotorye snilis mne pochti kazhduu noch. mne postoyanno snilos, chto menya presleduut.

navernoe, eti koshmary byli svyazany s tem, chto nochu moj organizm ne mog poluchit porciu nikotina, i poetomu ya chego-to postoyanno boyalsya dazhe vo sne. menya presledovalo chuvstvo nezashishennosti. a teper edinstvennyj koshmar, kotoryj mozhet mne prisnitsya, eto son, chto ya snova nachal kurit. mnogim byvshim kurilshikam snyatsya takie sny. nekotorye dumaut, chto eto podsoznanie tak daet znat, chto chelovek skuchaet po sigarete. no ne perezhivajte. ya schitau, chto eto vy ispytyvaete vsego lish radost ot togo, chto bolshe ne yavlyaetes kurilshikom. est takoj period, kogda vy uzhe prosnulis, to tochno znaete, chto vy nahodites v realnosti, a eto byl vsego lish son. no tut zhe nastupaet moment radosti, potomu chto vy ponimaete, chto eto byl prosto koshmar, a ne ta samaya realnost, v kotoroj vy zhivete.

pravilnaya oshibka

odnazhdy, kogda ya pisal eti koshmary, ya sdelal opechatku i napechatal vmesto «presledovanie» – «celomudrie». eta oshibka i podskazala mne, kak legche vsego perejti ko vtoroj chasti moih preimushestv. kogda v klinike ya obsuzhdau temu sosredotocheniya, ya sprashivau u svoih pacientov, kakoj organ cheloveka bolshe vsego nuzhdaetsya v pritoke krovi. muzhchiny v etoj situacii glupo uhmylyautsya i shutyat po etomu povodu, chto oznachaet, oni ne sovsem ponyali voprosa. no kak by tam ni bylo, oni pravy.

ya staromodnyj anglichanin, i schitau etu temu nepriemlemoj dlya podrobnyh opisanij, i u menya net nikakogo zhelaniya prodolzhat ee , rasskazyvat o tom, kak vliyaet kurenie na seksualnye sposobnosti muzhchiny i na ego polovye organy. no mogu skazat odno: poka ya kuril, ya i ne dumal o tom otricatelnom vozdejstvii kureniya na moi polovye sposobnosti, a tochnee ih otsutstvie. i vsegda utverzhdal, chto eto vsego lish vozrast daet o sebe znat.


kogda vy smotrite nauchnye filmy, to uznaete, chto glavnoj problemoj vsej prirody yavlyaetsya vyzhivanie, a posle vyzhivaniya – prodlenie roda, razmnozhenie. no priroda vsem dala te chuvstva, chto razmnozheniya ne proizojdet, poka oba partnera ne pochuvstvuut sebya vpolne zdorovymi i sposobnymi obespechit bezopasnost sebe i svoim blizkim, a takzhe vozmozhnost prokormitsya, i nahozhdenie podhodyashego partnera.

nasha izobretatelnost pozvolyaet nemnogo menyat eti pravila, no mogu tochno skazat, chto kurenie vedet k impotencii. takzhe hochu skazat, chto, pochuvstvovav sebya svobodnymi i zdorovymi, vy stanete poluchat ot seksa namnogo bolshe naslazhdeniya, i zanimatsya immuch more.

People who smoke, do not believe that Smoking really brings such harm. But cigarettes are, in fact, the leading cause of death in society. The fact is that when a person dies from the fact that it is a cigarette provoked this situation, and no one thinks to highlight the problem in cigarettes.

Another cons

It is known that 44 % of fires happen due to lit cigarettes. And then there is how many deaths in car accidents when a person is driving and looks away from the road to light a cigarette.

I am very cautious and careful driver, but there were many moments when I was close to death due to the fact that I was trying for the wheel to roll himself a cigarette. I'm not even going to count how many times the cigarette flew out of my mouth due to the fact that I smoked on the go machine, it was stuck between the seats and could cause a fire. Yes, many motorists understand me, every smoker has got into such a situation, when you sit behind the wheel and try to attach somewhere a lit cigarette.

We tend to call tobacco addiction is just a"habit"and therefore try not to pay much attention to this problem.

The correct opinion

But you need to understand that this"habit" creates a chain of events of a lifetime. Because for every cigarette will be and the next. And the worst thing is that you don't know when this bomb will explode because the fuse was a little shorter than you thought. Every cigarette brings you closer to a huge explosion. And how do you know that this cigarette does not that the fatal cigarette in your life.

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