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Useful properties of honey

Therapeutic and healing properties of honey

Natural honey

Useful properties are only natural honey, not the past various technological treatments. In thermal heating the honey loses all of its advantages, because this changes the molecular structure of honey , and it turns into a glue like substance that can even negatively affect health.

All of the following useful properties of honey are related only to the use of raw honey , that is a natural product. This honey is better to buy on the markets, as in the shops in beautiful jars sold heat-treated the honey with chemical additives and preservatives, and even worse — artificial honey , which in addition to harmful, of no benefit to our body.

Useful properties of honey

• Honey is one of the products that can be kept long, being at the same time healthy and delicious.

• Honey is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral agent.

• Before the discovery of insulin doctors-homeopaths have used honey in the treatment of diabetes and recommended that patients eat honey instead of sugar. The Indians of Northern Mexico, the cases of diabetes, when they stopped eating the honey , replacing it with sugar. The medicine men of the tribe noticed the connection between these two events and began to drink patients natural honey dissolved in tea, manzanilla (the sherry). As a result, the signs of diabetes patients has declined. Diabetics and people suffering from hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) should consult a professional doctor before using honey for medicinal purposes.

• Teaspoon of honey given to the child at bedtime acts as a sedative, to help you fall asleep faster and avoid enuresis.

• Honey enhances energy level, vitality of a person and gives you strength. Not for nothing during the ancient Olympic games, athletes were dieting, composed of a large number of natural honey.

• Cough responds well to treatment with honey. With a cold drink at night a glass of hot milk with a teaspoon of honey.

• Honey does not cause fermentation in the stomach, so it can be used for suppressing acid indigestion.

• Honey mixed with ginger, lemon juice and warm water, reduces the feeling of nausea and empowering.

• The use of natural honey helps to reduce cramps. They occur because of low levelmagnesium and potassium in the blood. Honey brings these levels in a balanced state.

• Honey is used in the treatment of anemia, as it contains many nutrients, especially iron and copper, and a normal level of hemoglobin in the blood depends on the required number of these elements in the body.

• Honey is used in all types of intestinal disorders, as it is an excellent antibacterial agent.

• With decreasing blood sugar, one feels fatigue and palpitations. Honey eliminates these adverse sensations. In India even there is a saying – "Honey will strengthen a weak heart, weak brain and a weak stomach."

• Honey contains many enzymes necessary for normal digestion.

• Honey is a great remedy for various wounds. Because it has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties that kill bacterial infection and promote rapid wound healing.

• The use of natural honey helps to reduce the level of triglycerides in the body. Their high content of can lead to cardiovascular and other diseases. Artificial honey, on the contrary leads to an increase in the number of triglycerides.

• Honey is often used in cosmetic purposes. To improve complexion mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1-2 tablespoons of almond or olive oil (can use jojoba oil), apply to the face and neck. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Another option nourishing honey mask: mix green or white clay and natural honey. Apply to face, wait 20 minutes and rinse. After these procedures, Your skin will be smooth and beautiful.

• Honey combined with the juice of the grape is a great remedy for gout, arthritis and joint pain.

• The use of honey helps to lose weight. Honey is the opposite with fat structure, so it helps to break down fat. If You are in the process of weight loss, fasting morning drink a glass of mineral or plain water with dissolved therein teaspoon of honey . If desired, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice.

Thus, even using a sweet tooth, you can improve health. Just remember that the useful properties of purely natural honey, without passing any heat treatments, as they destroy its medicinal properties.