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The role and causes of metabolic disorders

Metabolism in the human body

Metabolism is a set of chemical reactions, providing the support and cell growth. Metabolism is what is the basis of a living organism, is the exchange between the chemical composition of humans and the environment.

In metabolic processes in our body involves all chemical and natural elements – proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Performing each role - proteins, creating a construction material and fats with carbohydrates by adjusting the balance of energy expenditure – clearly and coherently interact with each other. To them to aid of minerals and vitamins, which improve the cellular environment.

Metabolism consists of two sides:

1. dissimilation – decomposition, decomposition of nutrients.

2. anabolism – the synthesis, creation and assimilation of new substances.

These processes are parallel and all life. Distinguish the following stages:

1. The supply of nutrients in the body

2. The absorption of the digestive tract

3. Redistribution and absorption of nutrients (tissue stage)

4. The allocation of the remnants of decomposition products which cannot be absorbed in the body

The metabolic processes are in the body fast and intense, although the body is not high pressure and temperature. This speed is ensured by the participation of enzymes and other substances

The role of metabolism

Metabolism deserves to be given the highest priority. Because of his established work is responsible for supplying our cells with nutrients. Basis of metabolism are the chemical reactions occurring in the human body. Substances necessary for the functioning of the body we get from food.

Additionally, we need more oxygen we inhale with the air. Ideally, there should be a balance between the processes of construction and decay. However, this equilibrium can often be compromised and causes this is the mass.

Causes of metabolic disorders

Among the first causes of metabolic disorders can distinguish hereditary factor. Although he is incorrigible, it is possible and necessary to fight! Also metabolic disorders can be caused by organic diseases. Often, however, these violations are the result of our improper diet.

As the oversupply of nutrients, and the lack of them is very harmful to our body. And the consequences can be irreversible. Excess of some nutrients occurs as a result of excessive consumption of fatty foods, and the lack - under strictrespecting the different diets for weight loss. The main diet is often monotonous diet that leads to deficiencies of essential nutrients, in turn, this will inevitably lead to the development of various diseases. You may experience allergies to most of the food.

Of metabolic diseases

Even balancing all metabolic processes, providing the body with the missing vitamins, we risk a number of serious diseases caused by products of the decay of our cells. The decay products are all alive and growing, and this is perhaps the most dangerous enemy for our health. In other words, the body needs time to purge toxins, or they'll just poison him. Staying in excess, the decomposition products cause chronic disease and slow the whole body.

In disorders of carbohydrate metabolism occurs serious disease - diabetes, improper fat metabolism accumulate cholesterol (How to reduce cholesterol at home without drugs?), causing heart disease and blood vessels. Free radicalswhich becomes in excess, contribute to the emergence of malignant tumors.

Often a consequence of problems with metabolism also is obesity. This group also include gout, digestive disorders, some forms of diabetes, etc. violation of the balance of minerals and vitamins leads to loss of muscle, bone, severe disorders of the cardiovascular system. In children this can lead to very serious consequences in the delay of growth and development. It is worth noting that it is not always encouraged by the additional consumption of vitamins as their excess can also have negative implications.


To regulate metabolic processes in your body, we should know that there are some substances that prevent the formation of toxins and improves the quality of the exchange.

First, it is oxygen. The optimal amount of oxygen in the tissues greatly stimulates the metabolism.

Secondly, vitamins and minerals. With age, all the processes slow down, there is a partial blockage of blood vessels, so it is important to monitor the receipt of a sufficient number of mineral substances, carbohydrates and oxygen. This will ensure good operation of the water-salt metabolism in cells, as over time the cell is drying up, no longer receives all the necessary elements for their livelihoods. Knowing this, it is important for us to artificially nourish the aging of cells.

There are plenty of recommendations anddrugs that regulate metabolism. In folk medicine widely popular algae of the White sea - wrack, it contains a valuable set of mineral substances and vitamins required to improve metabolism. Proper nutrition, elimination from the diet of foods containing cholesterol and other harmful substances - another way to perfect body.