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Treatment echrishiosis

Echrishiosis treatment of folk remedies

Treatment echrishiosis a cudweed

In folk medicine there are those recipes that can soothe the pain and abdominal cramps, as well as contribute to the cessation of diarrhea. These include a decoction of cudweed. For this you need to brew in 150 g of boiling water one tablespoon of this herb. Insist the resulting broth for a couple of hours. Once the broth configure themselves, drink it before each meal.

For greater efficiency, a decoction of cudweed take with cyanosis blue. The roots of cyanosis blue to grind. To prepare the broth should take a tablespoon of crushed roots of the plant and boil for half an hour in two hundred milliliters of water. The broth should strain and drink one tablespoon after every meal. A day you need to make a decoction three to four times, and the last trick we need to do before going to sleep.

In the treatment of intestinal infection need to know the recipe, which will help with the dehydration. This recipe is quite simple. To make it necessary in a liter of boiled water dissolve five teaspoons of sugar and one teaspoon of salt. There is another recipe. In a liter of water can dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda, a glass of orange juice, a little more than half a teaspoon of salt and 8 teaspoons of sugar.

Treatment echrishiosis St. John's wort

Another method of treatment echrishiosis is a decoction of St. John's wort. For its preparation does not need a lot of time and effort. The grass plants must be crushed, after that a half tablespoon of chopped St. John's wort brewed in 250 ml of boiling water. After steeping the broth should be evaporated on a water bath for about half an hour, the solution was then filtered and squeeze, add this amount of water to the volume of the resulting solution equal to the amount that it was before evaporation. Relief will come after the three receive one third of a Cup of broth a day 30 minutes before meals. If the broth remains, the need to keep it in the fridge, but not more than two or three days.

Treatment echrishiosis infusions and fees

Even in ancient times was known infusions and decoctions, which would help to cope with various kinds of diseases. For example, to combat E. coli, a list of infusions and fees from various medicinal plants.

For treatment you can use oak bark. To do this, take 40 grams of oak bark and boil for 20 minutes. Drink the resulting broth should be half a Cup at least five times a day.

Also a good effect of decoction of the root calamus. In a liter of water add 30 grams of dry matter and boil for ten minutes. Then the broth strain and take 5 times a day. For treatment use and cones of the alder. The broth is prepared as follows: in a liter of water add 50 grams of raw and boiled for 20 minutes. A decoction should drink in three draughts.

Marshmallow root is also known in the treatment echrishiosis. In a liter of water add 10 grams of root and for 10 minutes boil. When ready the broth is added 10 grams of comfrey root. The resulting solution is kept in a warm place for 20 minutes. During the day you need to drink 4 glass.

Folk healers used wormwood: 30 grams of wormwood brewed in half a liter of beer. Preparing a decoction for five minutes and drink half a Cup three times a day in the form of heat.

Also use the root of the avens. For the preparation of the required 1 liter of water and 60 grams of raw materials. All this combine and cook on low heat for 20 minutes. Drink the prepared broth half a Cup at least 5 times a day.

Good effect and infusions. They are convenient because you can cook them directly in the thermos. Some of these nastov is the infusion of 20 grams of tormentil. It is added in a liter flask and kept for one hour. After this time infusion drink half a Cup three times a day. This technology infusions of tansy, or lungwort. For cooking take 20 g of flowers of tansy or 40 g of a medunitsa, pour boiling water and infuse for 6 hours. Suitable for brewing and BlackBerry leaves. In a liter flask add 20 grams of leaves and infuse for about half an hour. This infusion drink half a Cup three times a day. Use and cherry fruit. They are versatile, as they can be boiled, and steamed in a thermos. Drink the resulting broth three times a day half a Cup.

Treatment echrishiosis charges

For the treatment is also suitable and simple fees herbs.

Collection 1. Prepared from the Potentilla with the addition of Burnet root and shepherd's purse. To prepare receivedthe collection brewed and insist the whole night in a liter of water. After boiled for 10 minutes in a water bath. Received infusion take half a glass on an empty stomach 4 times a day.

Collection 2. Two tablespoons of the roots of tormentil, roots and young nettle alder cones in for 10 minutes and steam it in a water bath. After steeping the broth incubated for another 2 hours in a warm place. You need to drink half a Cup four times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Collection 3. To prepare collection of used grass dead-nettle, grass of Polygonum and Potentilla anserina – all one teaspoon and add 2 teaspoons of psyllium. The resulting mixture take 1 tablespoon and steamed one Cup of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drink three times a day, thirds, or quarters of glass.

Collection 4. In boiling water to push the rhizome of Polygonum, rhizome of Burnet, and blueberry fruits. Drink the resulting brew up to 5 times a day.

5. The herb wormwood, lady's mantle and the root of marshmallow brewed in a water bath and leave for a couple of hours. This taking the same as collection 2.