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Causes, signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, stages and prevention

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease belonging to the category of incurable, which affects the brain. The destruction of nerve cells responsible for transmitting of impulses between the brain structures, cause irreversible memory impairment. A person suffering from Alzheimer's disease, deprived of basic skills and loses the ability to self.

What Alzheimer's disease is recognized as the most common form of dementia (dementia), developing in old age. Statistics say that Alzheimer's disease accounts for about 35-45% of cases of senile dementia. Pathology is gradually becoming an epidemic in developed countries.

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Signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

Pronounced symptoms of Alzheimer's disease occurs gradually.

In most cases, the memory disorder is the first symptom of developing dementia, but by far not the only one:

  • Memory impairment: the patient does not assimilate new information is repeated in the conversation, forced to use calendars, organizers and clipboards to remember;
  • The inability to cope with daily chores: one loses the skills of interaction with household devices not capable of producing the basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction);
  • The complexity of spatial and temporal orientation: the patient does not know his whereabouts, unable to call current time of year, day of week, month, time of day;
  • Disorders of visual perception: the patient is not able to calculate the distance from itself to the subject, constantly exposed to the threat of injury during an impact or fall, sees the "stranger" looking in the mirror;
  • The lack of memory about the performed actions: the patient constantly loses things, does not remember where to find the necessary items. Related to this are accusations of theft and deceit that patients with Alzheimer's disease often make their surroundings;
  • Difficulty communicating: people are not able to find the right words, confuses the names of things (for example, replace the word "pen"the phrase "subject drawing"), forgets the topic of conversation in her swing;
  • The rejection of the passions: the patient loses interest when something had captivated his class, to completely refuse from them;
  • Mood swings: the patient is manifesting an exaggerated distrust, falls into confusion, demonstrates indifference or excitement, immersed in depression, ignoring what is happening around;

  • Neglect of personal hygiene: the person is completely ignoring the need to brush your teeth, take a bath and perform other personal hygiene procedures. If it is, no one cares gets sloppy;
  • Failure to choose and to make decisions, loss of skills of handling Finance.

The development of the symptoms listed above, can take several years – the exact sequence of their occurrence it is difficult to designate. Initially the patient and his entourage are taking the warning signs for fatigue, age-associated memory impairment, however, the signals of the disease become pronounced. As a result the person, who develops Alzheimer's disease becomes unable to care for themselves. We can't leave him without supervision for long periods of time, as "forgetfulness" and other violations pose a threat to life and health – for example, the patient leaving the gas stove.

The causes of Alzheimer's disease

Modern medicine attributes of Alzheimer's disease and multifactorial, the main reason for calls by heredity. There are also other risk factors, which are divided into non-modifiable, relatively-modifiable and modifiable.

Non-modifiable factors

This group includes genetic or acquired characteristics of the organism of the patient, as well as a number of life events:

  • Age older than 65 years (research results in this area show that of all people, celebrated the 90th anniversary, the signs of dementia present in 42%);
  • Belonging to the female sex (women are more often affected with the disease that is still not fully explained by medicine);
  • The transfer of severe depression, deep psychological shocks;
  • Receiving a traumatic brain injury (this category includes injuries, acquired in infancy or in childbirth);
  • The lack of full intellectual activity (the whole span);
  • Lowthe level of education (graduation – a positive factor).

Conditionally modifiable factors

This group includes various disorders that can lead to oxygen starvation of brain cells:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, causing global anoxia;
  • The high concentration of lipids in the blood;

  • Atherosclerosis of vessels of a neck and a head;

  • High blood pressure;

  • Diseases related to excessive blood concentration of glucose (e.g. diabetes).

Timely treatment allows to eliminate factors of this group that "pushes" the body to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Modifiable factors

To this group belong the threats that the person can handle independently, only by making a change in lifestyle and tightly engage with your health:

  • The lack of impellent activity;
  • Weight;
  • Failure of intellectual activity;
  • Addiction to alcohol and Smoking;
  • Excessive love of drinks containing caffeine.

Stages of Alzheimer's disease

Studies have shown that degenerative processes occur in the human brain long before the occurrence of visible symptoms of Alzheimer's disease – an average of 15-20 years. This factor creates difficulties in determining the exact clinical beginning of the pathological process and impedes early diagnosis of dementia.

A few years ago, medicine was considered only a stage marked with obvious symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. However, early treatment can significantly slow down the destructive process and to suspend the formation of a pronounced clinical picture of the disease.

As a result, the number of the stages of Alzheimer's disease increased to 7 due to the early stages:

  1. First stage: memory impairment is missing, signs of pathology there. Examination of the patient shows no abnormalities typical of dementia.

  2. Second stage: the deterioration of mental processes is insignificant, alarm only sees the patient himself. Do not confuse physiologicalimpaired memory (due to aging) with early symptoms of the disease.

  3. Third stage: memory loss takes a modest, a problem noted by other people. A person does not remember the location of things wrong with the names of others, a long time choosing words when communicating, it becomes a distraction. During the examination the doctor discovers the memory impairment, but still can not pronounce the final verdict – Alzheimer's disease.

  4. Fourth stage: memory loss is obvious. The patient confuses the names of relatives and friends, no recollection of the events of his life, unable to cope with arithmetic calculations (for example, not able to reverse counting from 10 to 1). A person experiences stiffness, desire for solitude, the complexity of the choice.

  5. Fifth stage: the patient forgets his own residence, he can not call your phone number does not determine the time of year, day of week and date, dressed for the weather. Recognition of relatives is retained as a memory of vivid moments from his own life. Saved and the ability to independently going to the toilet, eating.

  6. Sixth stage: memory loss progresses, the patient does not remember the names of friends and family (though recognize them visually), it "disappears" a considerable amount of biography, there are disorders of sleep (night waking, daytime sleep), urinary incontinence, problems with a chair. The patient is not capable of independent (private) accommodation, losing the skills of selection of clothes. In humans, there is distrust of others, any complaints about cheating, stealing, are not excluded hallucinations.

  7. Seventh stage: the patient is not able to move, to sit without help, losing speaking skills (or plays certain phrases, words), ability to swallow food (possible refusal of food and water). Without control, such a patient can not leave – he needs support with toileting, dressing, feeding. This stage is the hardest, there is a risk of infection with infections, the threat of pneumonia, and pyelonephritis.

The selection of stages is conditional, since different patients have different manifestations of Alzheimer's disease, and has a speed of its development.

Diagnosis of Alzheimer's

If you notice signs of Alzheimer's disease urgently need to visit a neurologist. Before the visit to the doctor the patient should psychologically prepare for the manycompulsory questions. The survey allows professionals to understand the nature of the complaints, especially the development of disorders, the presence of risk factors and render a preliminary verdict. The results of a thorough examination and questioning contribute to the exclusion of an alternative diagnosis.

Neuropsychological tests

Neuropsychological testing is a mandatory part of the examination of a patient that has symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Their implementation allows to detect the violation of a number of cognitive functions:

  • Speech;
  • Intelligence;
  • Perception;
  • Memory.

Testing intelligence allows you to check the patient's ability to analyse information, separation of the secondary from the main, private the common understanding of the differences and similarities. Also checked the possibility of sick building logical chains.

Testing perception is useful in the absence of symptoms of pathology, allows to detect in its early stages. Dementia is assumed if the person is not able to call on paper depicts four subjects.

Testing memory involves testing the ability to remember words, gestures, drawn elements. Most often, tests "auditory" memory, the results of which assessed the ability to record in the memory sentences and words.

The combined test is a simultaneous study of the level of intelligence and memory status. The advantage of this technique is the ability to distinguish initially a bad memory from the manifestations of Alzheimer's disease.

Testing for depression. Express-test allows to refute the suspicion of a hidden depression, symptoms which in some cases affected the symptoms of dementia.


For detection of risk factors that contribute to the development of human Alzheimer's disease, blood test. The study allows to evaluate the performance of glucose, lipids, cholesterol. Also on the stage of the lack of pronounced manifestations of pathology of the valuable contributions in diagnosis contributes to the study of cerebrospinal fluid. This procedure allows to identify specific markers of the degenerative process.

Neuroimaging techniques

There are the following neuroimaging techniques:

  • PET-CT (positron emission tomography with contrast) can detect in the brain the traces of amyloid formations, to assess metabolic activity, to check blood flow and location in brain tissue-specific receptor. The technique is an effective tool for earlydiagnostics allows to detect the pathological process in the absence of symptoms. Its use is not available, if the patient has elevated blood sugar, there are other contraindications to PET-CT;

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) allows to study cerebral tissue in great detail to refute other violations. The procedure provides information about the structure of brain tissue, its deep layers and functioning;
  • CT (computed tomography) is carried out in the absence of symptoms, differential diagnosis (the results confirm or exclude other diseases with similar symptoms);
  • EEG (electroencephalography) tests the activity of brain cells. The technique is not used to diagnose the disease at early stage, however, effectively denies other diseases;
  • SPECT (single photon emission tomography) allows to identify outliers, which are typical for Alzheimer's disease. Through the research we study certain functions of the brain and evaluated the blood flow in it.

How to cure Alzheimer's disease?

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease are aimed at slowing the development of disease, reduce or remove the present symptoms. Early treatment increases chances of rescue of the cognitive capabilities of the brain.

At the moment, medicine has no medicines, providing full recovery of the patient. Are just tools, the use of which mitigates human suffering.

Pharmacological agents

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease medicine aims to restore the intelligence and memory of the patient.

Also there is a struggle with typical symptoms of pathology – depression, irritability, emergence of hallucinations:

  • Cholinesterase inhibitors – base on which to build drug therapy. Pathology is caused by deficiency of a substance that controls the ability to memorize acetylcholine. Drugs to slow down the destruction of this amino acid and lead to its accumulation. The disease in its primary and secondary stages effectively suspend rivastigmine,galantamine. Donepezil is assigned in severe cases. In compliance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor, most patients can easily tolerate therapy;
  • Memantine is another tool that is actively used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Pathology leads to high concentrations of glutamate, which leads to damage of the cerebral cortex. The drug reduces the intensity of the devastating effects of glutamate and increases the period during which the patient is able to maintain himself. Mostly, the drug used in the diagnosis of moderate and severe stages, the decision may be taken only by a doctor;
  • Psychotropic drugs are appointed to the patient if he has such widespread manifestations of the disease like depression and sleep problems. To alleviate or remove the symptoms help antipsychotics and tranquilizers. Means are not indicated if the above signs of Alzheimer's disease do not exist or almost does not occur;
  • Tranquilizers allow you to remove or mitigate emotional stress, without affecting the thinking process and memory functionality. Drugs produce a relaxing effect and are anticonvulsant. The technique involves accurate compliance with medical recommendations, as there are side effects;
  • Antipsychotics prescribed for psychotic conditions, but is able to intensify symptoms of dementia;
  • Antidepressants are necessary to alleviate the patient from chronic anxiety or apathy;
  • Antioxidants have a positive effect on microcirculation. Increases the period during which the patient can take care of themselves.

On topic: Methods of treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Non-drug means

Drug treatment should be complemented with psychosocial, practice the following techniques:

  • Cognitive;
  • Emotional;
  • Stimulating;
  • Behavioral.

An integrated approach, based on the above techniques can provide a reduction in intensity of manifestations of Alzheimer's disease and improve the patient's condition. In some cases even possible to partially restore the development of the pathology and the ability to return the ability of a person to at least partial self-service. Use art therapy, music therapy, healing sessions contactanimals (pet therapy) and many other practices.


Diet for a person affected by Alzheimer's, almost as important as pharmacological agents. The right choice of the components menu allows you to increase memory, enhance ability to concentrate, positively affects brain activity.

Proper nutrition, the basics of which are presented below, can be viewed as a tool for prevention of dementia:

  • Antioxidant included in the diet in the form of corn, celery, spinach, honey is also useful. Strong effect (antioxidant, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory) provides curcumin, which is extracted from Indian spice turmeric;

  • Omega-3 is the most effective lipids for the restoration of hematopoiesis. Also, these substances have a positive impact on the state of the memory, and suspend the destruction of the intellect. Get valuable items from olive oil, walnuts, seafood. It will be useful for periodic maintaining of the Mediterranean diet, is based on the gifts of the sea;

  • Amino acids help restore brain function and improvement of nerve cells. Especially important is the regular supply the body with tryptophan and phenylalanine. Their suppliers are fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, greens and dairy products;
  • Products intended for the normalization of the bowel, is also very important. The menu should include lean meats, eggs, liver and cereals.

There are also foods which it is desirable to completely eliminate from the menu of a person suffering from Alzheimer's disease or at least to reduce their number.


  • Fatty meat;
  • Flour;
  • Sugar;

  • Spicy seasonings and sauces.

In General, it is necessary to constantly control the level of carbohydrates and fats in the foods added to the diet.

Competent drinking regime also plays a role. Lack of fluids affects the state of the brain. People with Alzheimer's disease should consume at least 2 liters of clean water a day. It is desirable to add to the diet green tea, healthy fresh juices.

The portions for the patient it is best to do a small processfeeding should be slow. If the disease is severe, probable difficulties with swallowing. Therefore, the best form for food – mushy.

Stem cell treatment

Stem cells – a new word in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. Pathology is associated with accelerated loss of nerve cells, eventually leading to the destruction of the brain. The technology – the use of healthy cells is affected by dementia. New cells penetrating into the brain tissue, producing the element, stimulating the recovery process. The result is the recovery of the nerve cells, "restart" the brain activity and the symptoms of the disease.

The main goal of this treatment is improving the patient's quality of life, normalization of mental functions. In fact, the man turns into a big baby, his condition seems to be improving. Also, stem cell therapy increases life expectancy.

Autologous stem cells are used as a tool in the fight against Alzheimer's disease, represent a material taken from the patient or from a donor (a close relative). A puncture takes a small amount of bone marrow – 100-150 ml. the Introduction is repeated two to four times depending on the condition of the patient, the interval may be up to 3 months.

The negative side of the technique based on the use of stem cells is the possibility of complications, including the formation of malignant tumors.

Is there a vaccine?

Complete recovery of patients affected by Alzheimer's disease, is the objective, which beats many scientists. For the first time by the invention of "vaccine" has interested scientists from the United States. The technique proposed by them is based on the destruction of the pathological formations by stimulating immune processes. Experts from Sweden, also working on the system for effective liquidation of abnormal protein. It can inhibit the development of the disease, however, still not lead to a cure.

The estimated vaccine, the fruit of innovative technology, includes a small amino acid elements, presented in the form of a molecule carrier. Molecular mimicry allows to achieve an immune response from the body. Sensational means were already subjected to the first stage of the research there was a very high drug tolerance.

Research participants became already more than 200 victims of Alzheimer's disease. The final stagetesting is planned for 2016, participants will be patients with early stage.

On topic: the list of the most needed products and funds for Alzheimer's disease

Prevention of Alzheimer's disease

Of course, a major factor of dementia – heredity – is not resolved, that has nothing to do with age. However, to reduce a threat to everyone.

Actions aimed at the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, are very simple. It is only necessary to take into account the following rules:

  • The blood sugar levels, blood pressure. Parameters are kept under control, stabiliziruemost preparations if necessary;

  • Long walks. It is desirable that continuous stay in the air wore on daily basis;
  • Exercises for mental development. The solution of math problems (without a calculator) and puzzle solving (drafting) crossword puzzles and other logical exercises. It is also useful participation in social activities, taking over public functions;
  • Strengthening memory. The study of foreign languages, the learning of poems, memorizing passages of short stories. The use of special techniques (for example, inventing associations) is the use of weekly and Notepad.
  • The correct order of the day. The alternation of rest and labour, no fatigue;
  • A healthy sleep. The duration of sleep should be 7-8 hours. This ensures the reduction of the concentration of beta-amyloid protein that is formed in the nerve cells. The concentration of this protein in the brain tissue increases the risk of disease;
  • Moderate exercise. The pool, long walks, simple (but regular) gymnastics. In particular, it is shown walking with alternating slow and faster paced. Physical activity has a positive effect on blood circulation and stimulates brain activity.

There are risk factors, to be gotten rid of as part of the prevention of Alzheimer's disease:

  • Cigarettes and alcoholic drinks consumed in large quantities;
  • Junk food includes excessive amount of animal fats, the "wrong" carbohydrates (pastries, sweets). The lack of vitamins in dailydiet;
  • Neglecting regular 8-hour sleep;
  • Stressful situation;

  • Weight;

  • The long-term presence in a room that is not ventilated.

All of the above rules can be considered only conditional in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Guaranteed prevention, there is still no.


Even correct and timely treatment does not preclude Alzheimer's status of the deadly disease. According to statistics, the patients suffering from this form of dementia, do not live more than 8-10 years after diagnosis. The nature of the manifestations of the disease is different, possible long-term stabilization and slow development. According to doctors, to death leads not so much the pathology of many diseases that occur on its background: infection, pneumonia.

Correct treatment and proper care can extend the life of the person with Alzheimer's disease. Perhaps a vaccine will be invented.