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Treatment of baldness (alopecia)

Alopecia (baldness) is a serious problem, a signal about the bad state of the body, requiring immediate surgery. To restore the hair, their density, volume and strength, have a difficult time even after the main cause of alopecia (hormonal surges, endocrine disorders, intoxication) were eliminated.

Causes of baldness are:

  • Systemic diseases – thyroid disease, diabetes, etc.;
  • Hormonal disorders – an excess of androgens;
  • Age-related changes of the body – alopecia during menopause in women, baldness in men of middle and old age;
  • Intoxication, infectious diseases, parasitic infestation, stress the body;
  • Hereditary factors.

Tested folk recipes for the treatment of alopecia include the ingredients that are used in professional medical cosmetics – amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other substances that stimulate hair growth, activates the hair follicles and strengthen hair from root to tip. These include onion, pepper tincture, oil of Bay, black cumin, essential oils, decoctions of medicinal plants. After the full course of treatment, the hair becomes stronger, decreases the loss due to breakage, increased resistance to thermal and mechanical stresses. Vegetable oils strengthen the natural barrier properties of hair, reducing the damaging effects of sunlight, frost, humidity and other adverse environmental factors.

The content of the article:

Onion juice is an effective remedy for baldness!

The mask on the basis of fresh onion is a treatment for alopecia that you do not neglect even the doctors-trichologists. Despite the inconvenience of use associated with a specific flavor, onion mask stimulate hair growth, strengthen them, normalize the nutrition of hair follicles.

As for the odor, to avoid it at all desire will not work.The maximum effect from svezhenanesennogo onions to soften this scent manages aromatic oils, but you need to be prepared that the onion flavor will appear each time you wet hair, even a few months from the last procedure. But that small annoyance is nothing compared to the opportunity to regain the hair lost thickness, strength and Shine, get rid of bald patches and bald spots and not be afraid to lose a hair every careless touch of a comb.

The aroma of the onions meet the sulphur compounds in its composition. Sulfur is an essential chemical element, at the cellular level, sulfur is necessary for synthesis of collagen and structural proteins of skin and hair. That is why its deficiency, their hair is dull and falling out, skin peeling, nails break and not grow. In addition, sulfur compounds are deadly toxic to pathogenic microorganisms, so one small bulb is enough to destroy the infection in the Bud.

Other useful components of the bow – betaine, organic acids, Niacinamide, ascorbic acid, keratin, volatile and complex minerals, which are essential for normal biochemical processes within the hair follicles. Special attention should be paid to keratin is the major structural protein of hair, depends on its quality and resistance to mechanical and chemical damage, appearance, strength and elasticity of the hair. That is why keratin is the most popular component of shampoos, conditioners, masks and hair foams, both for therapeutic and for everyday use.

How to get rid of onion smell?

  • Essential oils with strong aromas that can reduce the odor intensity or to compensate for it – lavender, rosemary, cinnamon and other spices, citrus (lemon, grapefruit, orange). Their add in onion mask immediately before applying;
  • Absorbent mask – cosmetic blue clay and yogurt is able to absorb some of the flavor and contribute to its erosion. This mask should be done immediately after onion (clay diluted with water 1:1 and left for 10 minutes) and repeat once or twice a week even after the end of treatment onion composition;
  • Onion juice is such a strong flavor like onion mush so its easier to use for the treatment of baldness.

Recipes treatment mask with bow

  • Mask with onion juice. This mask prevents alopecia, strengthens hairaffecting the hair follicles. To enhance the effect pre-steam the skin to the pores open. This head wrap a hot damp towel. To prepare the mask onion of medium size cleaned and crushed in a blender and then filtered through cheesecloth, separating the liquid from the onion pulp. Apply the juice on the scalp the hair roots by massaging movements, leave for exposure for half an hour. To withstand the mask for longer is not recommended, so as not to provoke a chemical burn of the skin. Afterwards the head is washed thoroughly with water and make a mask with warm yogurt to neutralize the onion smell and calm the skin;
  • Intensive mask for hair growth. This tool combines two powerful ingredients – onion juice and pepper tincture. Treatment this mask allows you to not only stop the alopecia, but also to accelerate the growth of new hair, improve their structure. For a stimulating effect meets tincture of hot pepper, activating the circulation in the tissues and nutrition of the follicles. It take one full dropper, onion juice diluted with water and applied on the scalp. If you experience a strong burning sensation, wash off the mask, and the next time pepper tincture diluted with water in a ratio of 1/10;
  • Mask anti-seborrhea with garlic.Dandruff and seborrhea develops under the influence of pathogens – fungi. Phytoncides of garlic and onion destroy them, helping to restore the scalp and its normal microflora. Cure for baldness on the roots of the hair is applied a paste of onions and garlic (two cloves per bulb) and evenly distribute over the skin. Take 30 minutes and carefully washed, after which it is recommended to make a mask with clay and aromatic oils that will help to remove the smell;
  • Enhanced nutrition for fragile hair. In the composition of this mask is the main active ingredient is onion, which strengthens the hair roots. Other components of honey and fresh egg – are designed to provide the skin with nutrients and structural components to build the keratin layer of hair, to strengthen them throughout the length and prevent breakage. The bulb is medium in size and is ground, mixed with liquid honey, warmed in a water bath, and a raw egg. Is applied evenly on hair roots and leave for 30 minutes. By washing you can use a mild shampoo, otherwise the honey will be very difficult to completely remove from the hair, and they will have a slovenly appearance. This mask use once or twice a week to nourish dry hair, the rest of the time it is better to use onion juice or other structures;
  • Softening mask for dry skin. Dry skin can be badto reflect on the state of the hair provoke dandruff, flaking, thinning ends and their vulnerability to mechanical damage. Mask with onion and oil helps to normalize the condition of the skin, soften skin and accelerate the healing of minor injuries by scratching. Melt in a water bath coconut oil (1 tbsp) and mix with beer (0.5 cups), add the juice of one onion and RUB mixture into the hair roots. After 20-30 minutes of exposure rinse. Instead of coconut you can use burdock, castor and other oils that promote hair growth;
  • Onion lotion. This tool is easy to use, stimulates hair growth and has an antiseptic effect on the scalp. Another advantage of the lotion – it can prepare for the future. For this you will need two onions, and 0.5 liters of cognac or rum. Chop the onion and soak it in a glass bowl, cover with brandy, seal and let stand in dark room for a week. Before each use onion lotion should be shaken. The exposure time is 30 minutes, the need to use on dirty hair before bathing.

Read more: Useful properties and application of Luke

Essential oil Bay for the restoration and growth of hair

Oil Bay is boyevogo juice of the bark of the tree, idxt a creamy, buttery texture. This tool has gained popularity recently, but has already proved itself in the treatment of the hair, preventing hair loss and breakage. Juice boyevogo tree can be used as for the prevention section of hair masks and balms are homemade and for the treatment of alopecia.

The effectiveness of the essential oil of Bay:

  • Stimulates circulation of the scalp, nourishing the hair follicles, nourishes them with vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements and fatty acids;
  • Promotes the growth of strong and resilient hair that is resistant to mechanical and chemical damage;
  • Maintains the health of the hair throughout the length, penetrating the keratin layer tightly bonds the keratin scales among themselves, making the hair easier to tolerate termoklima, exposure to sun, wind and frost are less traumatized when wearing the headgear;
  • Is an excellent prevention of dandruff and seborrhea, reduces itching, peeling and allergic reactions on the scalp.

Bellevue oil has a strong effect on the follicles and hair over the entire length, even in small quantities,the optimum proportion for use in the treatment of mixtures of one to ten. Because of the strong and persistent smell of this aromatic oil (reminiscent of a spice mixture of cloves, pepper and Laurel) to apply it in a more concentrated form is rather difficult. For hair care, it is sufficient a single drop of oil Bay on the volume of funds for one-time use. Just add the essential oil to the shampoo, mask or leave-in conditioner that is put on your hair to enhance its effectiveness.

Read more: Essential oil Bay – the most effective remedy for hair loss!

Tincture of Cayenne pepper.

Hot pepper – tested folk remedy for hair loss. The most convenient form of its use – in the form of tinctures. So can it be provided in the quantity required for a full course of application, and do not need to spend time on the extraction of the juice from the hot peppers, especially in its purest form, it causes severe burning sensation. For the preparation of the necessary employee alcohol and hot peppers that need to be checked for sharpness. Seven medium peppers add 0.5 liters of alcohol, they are grinded and loaded in a container of darkened glass, insist two weeks. The finished tincture can also be purchased at the pharmacy.

Sensation of heat and rush of blood to the scalp is normal in the process of applying the tools, this is based on the effect of capsicum tincture. The composition of the capsaicin in hot peppers stimulates the hair follicles, increasing their supply with nutrients and remove them from the dormant phase into the active. Thus, increasing the number of hairs in the growth phase, prevents alopecia.

For the procedure treatment capsicum tincture, prepare a mask. Castor oil, tincture and ready for the hair are mixed in equal proportions and distributed to the roots of the hair, dividing them beforehand on the strand width 1.5-3 cm. Leave for half an hour under thermocompact.

Recommendations for use of tincture of pepper against baldness:

  • The complete absence of burning or warming of the skin indicates poor quality tinctures or too low concentration of active substances. Try to use it in undiluted form or buy a new tincture;
  • Too strong burning undesirable – you don't soak it for long enough and can't be used regularly. Pepper tincture can be diluted with water or to mitigate its effect oils (fits burdock, olive, castor oil). Can be diluted to 1/10 part of the total funds for the application. A stronger dilution is ineffective;
  • Pepper tincture diluted with oil for use on dry and normal skin, for oily skin you can use it in its pure form, diluted with water or herbal infusions;
  • Cannot be used on damaged skin with macrocarpon or rash – this can cause strong painful sensations;
  • The pepper tincture for hair loss is from three weeks to several months, depending on the degree of baldness and the desired effect. As a preventive measure only two or three times a week, for the treatment of alopecia pepper tincture can be applied daily.

Read more: hair Treatment tincture of Cayenne pepper

Head massage with coarse salt for alopecia

Baldness treatment with salt has been known since ancient times, and despite the fact that official medicine massage salt is not used, this method is very popular. A scalp massage can be carried out not any salt – it use only coarse ground salt with a rich mineral composition. Best suited Himalayan pink salt, its granules have the perfect shape for mechanical stimulation of the follicles, and the composition allows to supply them with nutrients. The same salt should be included in the diet, it enhances the therapeutic effect.

The healing properties of the crystalline salt:

  • Trace elements chlorine and iodine when applied directly to the skin, have antiseptic effect, killing pathogenic microorganisms that live on its surface. This allows you to cure dandruff and seborrhea, inhibiting causative agents of these diseases – fungi;
  • The cleansing effect of the salt massage due to the absorbent properties of salt, its ability to absorb dust pollution, skin secretions and the remnants of makeup. Additional purification provides the mechanical impact of the pellets of salt that gently exfoliant Horny layer of the epidermis, producing a gentle exfoliation of the scalp;
  • Regenerative effect – after dead skin cells have been shelled, stimulates the growth of new tissue, heal injuries and abrasions of the scalp. It can bring back to life the follicles that are stuck in the sleeping phase because of the injury to the skin;
  • Transport the impact of the granules of salt is also associated with their cleansing properties – free from the pores become moresusceptible to the effects of cosmetics. Cosmetics from alopecia runs more efficiently after peeling heads salt;
  • The nourishment of hair follicles in the trace minerals iodine and chlorine, which contains salt, promotes their activation and increased hair growth. However the hair cause salt is not recommended since it draws water and dry the tips. Other minerals that are present in the composition of salt for scalp massage – bromine, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and sodium is also necessary in the biochemical processes inside cells.

Baldness treatment salt: characteristics and contraindications

A scalp massage can be applied not in all cases. So, if your hair is very damaged and so thinned and dry, break off at the slightest touch, salt can aggravate the problem. Seborrhea and dandruff, which is accompanied by itching, apply salt contraindicated. The fact that when brushing on the skin forming a plurality of microdamage, which in themselves do not bring large discomfort but contact with the salt crystals start to hurt, there is burning sensation and slows down skin regeneration. To resolve this problem, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment decoctions and oils of medicinal plants.

Other contraindications to the use of salt – endocrine disorders, thyroid disease and diabetes, and skin diseases in the acute stage.

Methods of scalp treatment salt:

  • First we need to test for skin sensitivity and propensity to allergic reactions. This item is not to be missed, if you decided to use for the treatment of hair loss is not normal table salt, and salt with minerals, therapeutic sea or other salt impurities. Dissolve it in a little water and RUB onto the skin in the crook of the elbow – if in 24 hours you don't have redness, flaking or itching, the product is safe for use;
  • To prevent the dryness that inevitably arises from exposure of the skin of the face and neck with the salt, apply a protective layer of nourishing cream on the hairline. To protect the hair they are heated in a water bath vegetable oil – this will suit olive, castor, burdock oil, argan oil or jojoba;
  • Massage salt takes five minutes, after which the salt left on the skin for 2-3 minutes and wash off with warm water. If during the procedure you use only pure salt composition, leave it on the skin for a long time does not make sense, as the minerals penetrate the skin mainly through massage. But the mask with the salt can be left on for 20-30 minutes underwarming hood to enhance the effect;
  • Salt massage is performed only on unwashed hair – a natural film of sebum each hair protecting it from the corrosive effects of salt. After you wash off the scrub, rinse the head with decoction of chamomile – it will soothe and soften the skin, relieve her from the feeling of tightness. Additional cosmetics or cleansers for hair – shampoos, balms, conditioners is not recommended. Hair after salt massage be perfectly clean, and additional chemical exposure can only hurt them;
  • Style your hair with Curling irons, hair dryer or Ironing is not necessary – after salt treatments, they become more vulnerable. You should also avoid sunlight, as ultraviolet radiation and heat exposure can cause breakage and cross hair;
  • The course of treatment is the month, to repeat it in 5 weeks. The procedure is carried out regularly, 2-3 times a week. Burning sensation of the skin – a sure sign that the massage does not bring the expected result, and can only do harm, so the treatment of alopecia salt stop until complete healing of the scalp.

The optimal period for undertaking a course of therapeutic massage salt – early spring or late fall when the body lacks vitamins and minerals that are detrimental to the condition of the hair. In summer, carry out the procedure is not recommended as salt can enhance the adverse effects of solar radiation on hair and scalp.

Recipes salt means

Salt massage is one of the most intensive methods of treatment of the hair, but, despite its effectiveness, is not for everyone. If you have sensitive skin and thin hair, start with more gentle techniques of treatment salt. There are many recipes for salt masks, which gently affect the skin, enriching it with minerals, and it does not damage the hair and cause dryness. Treatment of the salt masks is a month, all this time, it is better to use one part for clarity of results. After a month of break salt treatment can be repeated, using another recipe masks.

Recipes remedies on the basis of salt:

  • The most simple method of purifying massage: large crystals of sea salt is rubbed into the hair roots, pre-moistening the scalp in warm water. Massage until complete dissolution of the granules, which can take 5-10 minutes. Wash the salt under running water and dry the hair without using a hair dryer;
  • Nourishing mask with honey. In a water bath heated flower honey (50 ml) anddissolve 50 grams of salt, stirring the mass with a mixer until thick foam. Spread evenly on hair roots and leave for exposure for 30 minutes, wash off with warm water;
  • Mask with olive oil. Olive oil, cold pressed, heated on a water bath, add the coarse salt (50 grams 50 ml of oil). Distribute on the scalp, put on thermocalc and incubated for 30 minutes;
  • Mask with cognac and honey. Honey mask with salt immediately before use, add a tablespoon of brandy. The exposure time is 30 minutes to enhance the effect, wrap the head wrap or wear thermocalc;
  • Mask with semolina and egg yolk. Cook the semolina in milk, cool. Take equal amounts of cereal and krupnopanelnoye of salt, add a tablespoon of olive oil or other nourishing hair oil, a spoonful of honey and the yolk of one egg, mix well. Exposure time – 30 minutes;
  • Salt scrub with clay. Blue clay diluted with water to a volume of 100 ml and mixed with salt in proportion of one to one. Received scrub five minutes massaging your scalp, and then rinse with warm water;
  • Salt scrub with egg yolk. The two fresh egg yolk whipped with a mixer until thick foam, add two tablespoons of salt and mix to a smooth consistency, but not to dissolve the pellets. Massage the scalp with the mixture for 5 minutes, and then rinse hair with warm water.

Black seed oil hair loss

The black cumin oil contains many biologically active substances, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, phytoestrogens, proteins that help restore hair follicles and help to restore the health and thickness of hair, even in severe cases of alopecia.

Black cumin oil has a complex effect on the body, therefore, for therapeutic purposes, it is recommended not only local, but also inner use. This is a very popular ingredient of cosmetics hair care products skin creams, shampoos, factory masks and balms. To prepare a healing mixture for hair on the basis of black seed oil easily at home, its efficiency will not be less than the purchase money, but you will save money and get the ability to fully controlthe ingredients, except those that have a damaging effect on the hair, or provoke an allergic reaction.

The course of treatment with black cumin oil is 1-1,5 month and can be performed several times until complete recovery. Cumin oil and drink one teaspoon before each meal – it enhances the effect of outdoor use. After each course, you must take a break of equal duration, to avoid high concentrations of phytohormones or others biologically active substances of black cumin in the body. You must adhere to the rules of safety of herbal medicine – read all contraindications funds, possible side effects and to adhere strictly to the dosage. Black cumin oil can not be applied topically in concentrated form, it is diluted to 1/5 of the total funds.

Useful properties of black seed oil:

  • Antioxidants black cumin make hair more resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Vitamins, enzymes and amino acids, once in the tissue, contribute to the nutrition of hair follicles, supplying them with materials for growth of new hair;
  • Black cumin oil strengthens the barrier properties of the hair, strengthening protection against aggressive environmental factors – climate, chemical exposure cosmetic, mechanical damage during combing;
  • Heals the scalp from macrocarpon, stimulating the activity of hair follicles.

Recipes hair masks with black cumin oil

  • Mask for strengthening hair growth and the activation of follicles. In a water bath and heated and melted coconut oil (50 ml), add 3-4 drops of black seed oil. Prepare the scalp is applied diluted with water 1:10 tincture of hot pepper, wash. Rubbed into the roots of the oil blend and leave it for half an hour for impact. Washed the head with warm water.
  • Onion seeds and cumin oil to stimulate hair growth. Heat 100 ml of olive oil in a water bath, add a tablespoon of caraway oil and the same amount of milled powder of onion seeds. Rubbed into the scalp, wear insulated hood to enhance the penetration of useful components and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.
  • Mask to treat split ends. This nutrient-rich mask to restore thinning hair and prevent them section. For its preparation a mixture of caraway and olive oil (1 tsp per 100 ml), warmed on a water bath, add a tablespoon of cream and mix thoroughly. To put the need not only toroots but throughout the length of the hair, paying special attention to the ends. It is recommended to wash off after half an hour of exposure to a mild shampoo.
  • Mask with essential oils and chamomile extract. This mask successfully combats gray hair by restoring the normal pigmentation of hair. In the infusion of chamomile added cumin oil (100 ml 1 tbsp) and a mixture of aromatic oils 3-5 drops of cedar and rosemary. Aged 20 minutes under thermocompact, wash with shampoo and rinse with a solution of lemon juice.
  • Mask with yogurt for dandruff. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause alopecia. Prevent this by using a course of masks based on yogurt, which nourishes and soothes the scalp, normalizes its flora, as well as tea tree oil with powerful antiseptic properties. Kefir is heated, add a tablespoon of caraway oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil, apply the mixture on the hair roots and scalp and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and shampoo.
  • Mask of sour cream for a dry skin. Mask with black seed oil and olive, prepared on the basis of sour cream, nourishes dry skin, preventing itching and flaking. Sour cream and olive oil taken in the ratio of one to one, heat, add a tablespoon of caraway oil, mixed and applied on the scalp and the hair roots. Stand 20 minutes and wash off.
  • Yolk mask with a mixture of oils. Fresh yolks of three eggs whipped until frothy with a mixer, add 5-7 drops of oil of black cumin, lemon, castor and burdock oil, mix. Applied to the hair roots and leave for 20 minutes then wash off with water and shampoo.

Read more: Useful properties and application of black seed oil

What to do if there is no result?

In severe cases of alopecia to stop hair loss can be very difficult. Due to the lack of visible results people are disappointed in the effectiveness of folk methods of treatment of baldness. Then they turn to trichologists in private clinics, which charge for their services a lot of money, and advice that the patient receives in return, help him no more than self-medication. A visit to a specialist is necessary to determine the cause of alopecia, but most of the procedures can be carried out independently at home.

So, if the problem of hair loss existsfor a long time, and you doubt the effectiveness of the treatment, you should remember:

  • Doctor-trichologist can determine the cause of the alopecia – a hormonal failure, intoxication, age-related changes or improper diet, recommend a course of treatment, often involving expensive hair products or products of a certain company. This will result in large amounts of money, but in the end the success of treatment depends on how well you do comply with the recommendations. Another case where the intervention of a doctor is needed – the hair transplant procedure, which is carried out if other treatments have not been completely unsuccessful;
  • Popular means of alopecia, advertising which promises you to regain thick hair in a matter of days, often more effective than their cheap counterparts. The composition of these drugs substances that enhance the power of the bulbs, the regeneration of the scalp after damage, improves the hair structure – this medicinal herb extracts, vitamins and minerals, amino acids and proteins, fatty acids and essential oils. All these ingredients are cheaper to buy separately and consumed in its pure form. Some of these components are really effective in your case and some may cause an allergic reaction. To determine what works for you, you can only after treatment in a certain way;
  • The effectiveness of your chosen method of treatment does not happen instant. Especially if we are talking about androgenetic or diffuse hair loss. Only having one or two course of treatment lasting about a month, it is possible to draw preliminary conclusions about the effectiveness of the technique selected.

So, if you determined to restore your hair's health and strength, stop hair loss and prevent it in the future, the difficulties should not scare you. Be patient, one should carefully follow the physician's recommendations and do not skip treatments – the only way to get the result.