Home / Treatment / Sebaceous cyst – what is it? Symptoms symptoms of

Sebaceous cyst – what is it? Symptoms symptoms of

This education is not related to the tumor, while the suffix "–OMA" (lipoma, hemangioma, myoma), at first glance, takes her place in the class of tumors. In fact, sebaceous cyst – a cyst sebaceous glands, which was formed due to inflammation, but for very different reasons.

The most frequent localization of atheroma in human body – parts of the active production of sebum, characterized by oily skin. That face, the area behind the ears, on the neck, between the shoulder blades, tailbone.

The content of the article:

Why is there a sebaceous cyst?

Based on the appearance of the cyst is a blockage of the output duct of the sebaceous glands. In the end, the sebum produced by the gland does not extend to the surface, and accumulates inside it. The duct increases in size, and the body's defenses trying to stop this process, forms a cyst of connective tissue in the form of a cavity around an atypical education.

Factors leading to blockage of sebaceous glands:

  • Injury of the epidermis cells of the skin after damaging it with a blunt object clog the lumen of the duct of the sebaceous gland.
  • The low level of personal hygiene – dust particles, other impurities need to be removed regularly from the skin, so as not to clog the excretory ducts of the glands.
  • Hormonal imbalance is the predominance of male hormones – testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone alters the functioning of sebaceous glands, increased sebum secretion, its concentration leads to an increased risk of occurrence of atheroma.

  • Postmenopausal – menopause, a woman's body sharply decreases the concentration of estrogen, which increases the likelihood of changes in the composition of sebum, the formation of atheroma.

Although most often atheroma is common in adults, are occasionally diagnosed congenital form of this neoplasm in children. It is formed in front of earsink and has the form of a small ball up to 2 cm in diameter. The cause of atheroma in children – a small defect of the epidermis in the ear. This atheroma is not progressing and does not affect the child's development.

The symptoms of atheroma

Since the formation of atheroma is not accompanied by inflammatory process, there are no symptoms such as weakness, fever, loss of appetite, redness and other changes of the surface layer of the skin. If sebaceous cyst is not inflamed, there are no symptoms except cosmetic defect is not fixed.

The localization of cysts:

  • Back – often occurs on the skin between the shoulder blades, although not excluded, and another section of this part of the body;
  • Head, face, neck, area around ears and chin;
  • Crotch;
  • Coccyx;
  • Armpits;
  • Of the popliteal fossa.

In those areas of the human body that lack sebaceous glands (palms, feet), atheroma never formed.

Visual signs of atheroma

It's a rounded education, located deep under the skin. Even a small sebaceous cyst visible to the naked eye, has a diameter of 0.5 cm, reaching in rare cases, values of 20 cm Because the cyst is constantly growing, and its size increases over time. Is education even painless on palpation, has a denser texture than the surrounding tissue. When attempts to remove the cyst aside, it is easy to effort.

Differentiation of the atheroma from the same pathologies

Sebaceous cyst its symptoms can be similar to other subcutaneous education – a swollen lymph gland, fibroma or lipoma. It is important to know their characteristic features to distinguish from each other. Other entities are so rare that their symptoms are not important for diagnosis.





Lymph node

The mobility of the skin layer over education

Inseparable from the skin, as formed in the thickness of the layer

Under the skin layer, soleather mobile


Looks like rounded education, towering above the skin

Often not visible without the use of special equipment, without increasing


The consistency is soft

Texture is dense


Usually painless when suppuration appears tenderness

Education painless


The main characteristics that differentiate atheroma from similar pathologies.

Inflammation of atheroma

At hit of pathogenic microorganisms in the cavity of the cyst tissue can become inflamed. The cause of the inflammation is injury of the epidermis as a result of the cuts pierce the skin, scraping the upper layer attempts of squeezing sebaceous cysts on the face, on the neck, on the back of his head.

Signs of inflammation:

  • The increase in atheroma in size a few inches in no time;
  • Redness;
  • Swelling;
  • Pain on palpation of the atheroma.

In the result of the melting of tissue of the inflammation, the pus finds an exit, breaking through the skin. After the imposition of sterile bandages need to go to a surgeon to remove residual connective tissue capsules, and rehabilitation of injuries.

If you do not go to the doctor and to self-medicate, and the remaining pieces of the capsule will cause the re-formation of atheroma.


Standard study – is ultrasound, when analysing the results of which can be seen the capsule. The cavity is characteristic of the atheroma. Laboratory tests, other diagnostic methods are not informative.

Surgical treatment of atheroma

The only effective method of treatment for sebaceous cysts is surgical treatment, because of drug therapy or recipes of traditional medicine do not bring any significant result, can cause relapse.

Once around education there are signs of inflammation, you should immediately contact the clinic or in the emergency room of the surgical clinic. Uncomplicated atheroma operate in a planned manner.

The main goal of surgery – removal ordestruction of the cyst and its contents. Methods of surgical treatment:


Maintenance method


The classic method

Is performed incision of the superficial layers of the skin, through which is removed the cyst without violation of its integrity.
The seam is superimposed on the wound and then the sutures are removed at dressing change after healing

  • cheap
  • the versatility and availability in any hospital;
  • minimal risk of swelling of soft tissues

Argon plasma coagulation

Atheroma is terminated with a beam of plasma at the end of the special scalpel, simultaneously with the destruction of tissue occurs stop blood

  • availability in large clinics;
  • minimal blood loss;
  • a small risk of scar

Laser destruction

Laser knife destroys the cyst and its capsule

  • minimal blood loss;
  • low risk of recurrence
  • cosmetic postoperative scar or lack of it:

disadvantage of these methods is their low prevalence because of the high cost of equipment and its absence in public clinics


Electric knife removes a cyst with the help of high frequency current

Radiowave knife

Tissue atheroma burned by using radio waves of high intensity

All types of surgical intervention require local anesthesia. Surgery to remove the atheroma rarely lasts more than 20 minutes.

Unlike surgical interventions in complicated form

After removing the festering atheroma in any way the wound is not sewn up tight, but leave a hole in it for drainage. It is the role of rubber graduate, treated with the antiseptic solution. Then the field on the wound sterile dressing is applied. Wound closure tightly occurs in the treatment of uncomplicated forms of atheroma.

The postoperative period

In the first days after removal of capsules it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the wound. The surgeon performs daily dressings, changing the drainage fixture and antisepticbandage. After a few days of bandaging was carried out through the day. The total duration of the postoperative period is 10-14 days. He is undergoing outpatient treatment. Occasionally complicated shapes atheroma treated in the hospital.

After the formation of the connective tissue between the edges of the wound sutures are removed. This manipulation takes 3-5 minutes, usually it is painless.

Danger signs of complications after surgery

  • The accession of inflammation after removal of non-complicated forms of cysts, the appearance of pus;
  • The temperature increaseis evidence of infection of the tissue, the hyperthermia disappears in 2-3 days;

  • Dehiscence is detected during ligation;
  • The leakage of blood through the bandage – increased bleeding diagnosed with hepatitis, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, enlarged spleen, and in patients who use blood anticoagulant drugs (Aspirin Cardiomagnyl, Heparin, Trombas).
  • The appearance of any symptom of the above – the reason for going to the doctor, who will assess the risk of complications and conduct therapeutic activities.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

  • Is there a risk of recurrence of atheroma? Yes, even a small number of surviving cells can give impetus to the emergence of new cysts.

  • Looks like the scar? Can it be avoided? Minimal scars are formed after surgery using radio wave radiation. In second place with argon plasma method. After these interventions scarring may not be. Traditional surgery leaves a noticeable drama.

  • How to make the prevention of atheroma? Specific methods of prevention does not exist. It is important to control hormones, hygiene, to avoid injury to the skin.

  • What is the difference between atheroma from lipomas? Lipoma or "fatty lipoma", located in the thickness of adipose tissue, it is caused by excessive growth of connective tissue and is a benign tumor.

  • Whether the process of becoming malignant? No, such cases are excluded, it is not a precancerous disease.

  • It might happenself-destruction cysts? No, it is possible atheroma can not dissolve, it remains intact for a long time.

  • Must the surgeon to operate neopalimoy atheroma? Services insurance may not provide for removal nevospalitelnoe atheroma. The output is to be operated in a private clinic, or wait for the development of inflammation, that does not guarantee the cosmetic effect after the intervention.

  • What are the implications of the self-extruding atheroma? The cyst is usually situated in places of intense circulation, so a high risk of infection to the brain through the blood vessels or to start the process of infection of sebaceous cysts. Squeeze the cyst, you can not – you should immediately seek medical help.
