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Treatment of atheroma

The only effective way to eliminate atheroma – its removal by radical methods. Spontaneously this education can not dissolve under any circumstances. Requires surgical intervention, traditional or more modern techniques – laser or radiowave knife.

Without opening the capsule, it is impossible to remove the contents of atheroma, even if you open it, making the needle hole to exit out the contents of the atheroma. The secret of sebaceous glands may be, but the cavity of the connective tissue duct of gland will remain, and will continue to produce sebum again. Thus, when the cavity is filled with a secret of glands, relapse will occur atheroma.

For the radical elimination of education do not require an autopsy atheroma, and complete husking of the capsule, clogging the duct. During the operation the wall of the cyst is separated from surrounding tissue and removed along with the contents. In place of the cavity formed by the defect of tissue, which soon does not remain a trace, because the capsule with the cells that produce sebum, is removed completely.

If destruction is a little education, it is possible to avoid the appearance of a cosmetic defect in the form of a scar. Atheroma of considerable size need to be uninstalled, however, in this case we have to valuepath the cyst and suture.

When removing the inflamed atheroma without suppuration there is a high risk of incomplete removal of the tissue capsule and the appearance of recurrence of the cyst. The best tactic in this case – conducting the first stage of anti-inflammatory therapy until complete relief of the process, and then removal of tumors in a cold state.

In the treatment of festering atheroma should open the cavity to remove pus, leaving a hole for drainage. Husking cysts are conducted after the end of the purulent process, and the inflammation will subside. The festering cyst removal does not guarantee a complete cure, as in this case, it is difficult to guarantee a radical removing of the cells of the capsule.

The content of the article:

How is surgery to remove the atheroma?

Removalatheroma is made in the following ways:

  • Remove with the help of a laser scalpel;
  • The removal of the traditional method using a scalpel;
  • Using radiowave surgery.

The surgeon selects the method for surgical intervention, depending on the size and condition of atheroma. Destruction of small entities is best done by using laser or radiowave knife. After using these methods, the postoperative scar is almost invisible.

Atheroma of considerable size, it is preferable to remove the traditional way with a scalpel. During this operation local anesthesia is used. A highly skilled surgeon is able to remove even the modern methods of atheroma with suppurative process within it with considerable size. However, in most cases, such entities prefer to eliminate by conventional scalpel.

Method of operation

There are two main methods of surgical intervention. They are performed under local anesthesia during an outpatient admission. Festering education impressive dimensions of the removed in the hospital. When the cyst removal is not the surgeon's appointment he husks capsule, puts a suture and a sterile dressing. For the complete healing of the wound takes from 15-20 days, stitches are removed in 10-12 days.

Deletion of capsule a large atheroma occurs in the following order:

  • On the "equator" of the atheroma perform the skin incision.
  • Content of cyst is removed to the surface of the body by squeezing or take it out with a spoon.
  • The shell of the cyst is pulled.
  • The wound more than 25 mm in length, sutured.

Another variant of this operation as follows:

  • The skin over the atheroma is cut, the capsule remains intact.
  • The edges of the wound apart by special forceps.
  • Sebaceous cyst squeezed along with the shell.
  • Cut longer than 25 mm suture.

There is another method of destruction of atheroma, it is used in the treatment of festered and inflamed cysts.

The sequence of actions of the surgeon:

  • Two incisions of the skin along the line of the edges of the cyst.
  • Removal of skin flap incision lines.
  • The separation of the cystsurgical scissors from the rest of the tissues.
  • Pulling education out along with a capsule of connective tissue.
  • Stitches on the subcutaneous tissue of absorbable ligatures, and on the surface of the skin – conventional suture material.
  • Skin retraction vertical seam.
  • Suture removal, scar formation.

After a while you can take steps to eliminate postoperative scar, plan plastic surgery.

The use of laser knife for removal of atheroma

Destruction of education by means of a laser is performed under local anesthesia. Typically, a laser knife and remove a small cyst, but if the surgeon is highly qualified, he is able to remove this method from atheroma of large size, or festering cysts.

Techniques of laser removal of atheroma:

  • Photocoagulation – laser vaporization of the cyst with the knife used in the treatment of formations with a diameter of not more than 0.5 cm, the Stitches are not required because pathology forms a small crust, under which the healing process. When the crust falls off, it is under the skin with a barely noticeable scar.

  • Laser excision of sebaceous cysts with sheath – used for cysts with diameter 5-20 mm, regardless of whether it is inflamed or not. Previously performed skin incision with a scalpel, separation of the cyst from under the surrounding tissue and the evaporation of its tissues with a laser. After removal of the cyst in the wound and establish drainage, sew it. Wound healing occurs within 1-2 weeks, the sutures are removed after 8-12 days, the drain is removed early.

  • Evaporation laser the capsule of the cyst is used to remove atheromas, with a diameter of over 20 mm. In the first stage of the operation the contents of the atheroma is removed, the wound is stretched, dried and gauze and evaporate the capsule with a laser knife. After the installation of the drainage the wound is sewn up for 8-12 days. Then the drain is removed the sutures are removed, the skin remains minimal traces of such manipulations.

Removal of tumors by using radio waves

Small neosporine cysts respond well to surgical treatment using the radio-wave knife. This radiation can be directed exclusively to the area of pathology and to kill are atypical cells. In the area of the atheroma occurs the evaporation of the tissues of the cyst, and after separationcrust from atheroma there is no trace.

The postoperative period

Depending on what size have the education, whether it was festering, it was possible to predict the scar will remain on the site of the atheroma, or not.

Treatment of the wound is carried out twice during the day:

  • Morning treatment with hydrogen peroxide, the wound is closed with adhesive plaster;
  • In the evening after the treatment with peroxide is overlaid with ointment Levomekol.

After the outbreak of the wound-healing process and bonding its edges it is possible to abandon the use of the patch, applying medical glue BF-6. The use of plaster and medical adhesive in place of surgical sutures are not made until their withdrawal. The above method is the standard postoperative management of the wound. In cases with different abnormalities, the surgeon set an individual procedure for wound treatment.

In 3% of cases are diagnosed with a recurrence of atheroma due to incomplete valesiana shell of the cyst. This occurs most often when you delete a festering cyst.

Is it possible to use national recipes for removal of atheroma?

Recipes of traditional medicine are completely useless in the treatment of this neoplasm, because the complete elimination of cysts requires complete surgical intervention, and in house conditions it is impossible. Until the atheroma has not reached a substantial size, you should seek medical help and cut out the cyst without the large incision.

As patients speak about the removal of the atheroma

Approximately 90% of all reviews about the surgery removal of the cysts contain positive aspects. Directly to the intervention not leave negative experiences – it's almost painless, is not associated with negative experiences. The majority of patients associate negative experience with a postoperative period for 1-2 weeks, the mobility of the hand is significantly limited, you have to go for the dressing.

In addition, after traditional intervention remains the scar, the removal of which is necessary to use laser skin resurfacing. In General, the ability to get rid of atheroma gives hope that a relapse will not have to endure.


Destruction of atheroma in the usual way with a scalpel will cost the patient more than the sum of 1500 rubles. More modern methodstreatment laser or radiowave knife will cost from 5 thousand roubles and above.