Home / Treatment / Atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

Atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

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Atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart – what is it?

Atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart – a disease that affects the largest in the human body is elastic artery and having chronic. The disease is characterized by the formation of one or more foci of lipid deposits on the inner lining of the cardiac aorta, called "atheromatous plaques". As the progression of the disease is proliferation of connective tissue and calcification of the walls of the aorta, which causes its deformation, although slow, but steadily progressive. As a result, the lumen narrows to a complete obliteration, which also hurts the heart and underlying eating her organs that begin to be faced with an insufficiency of blood supply.

In addition, it is possible to occlude the aorta of the heart different contents: a blood clot disintegrated atheromatous plaque, or both. The result of occlusion of the lumen of the artery becomes myocardial infarction.

The aorta itself consists of two sections and divided into thoracic and abdominal part. Thoracic aorta is the initial part of the cardiac aorta, and the branching of the artery that serves blood to the upper half of the body and its organs. The abdominal aorta is the final section, which feeds blood to the organs located in the lower part of the body namely the abdomen and pelvis.

According to statistics, from atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart most often affects men aged 50 years and older, and women who reach 60 years.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

The disease in the initial stages develops almost asymptomatic, sometimes with the formation of plaques may take several decades. Depending on what the aorta of the heart was amazed, the person will experience certain discomfort.

If pathological changes were subjected to thoracic aorta, then the person will make complaints of the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the chest that occurs with a certain frequency and being of a burning character;
  • Increase in systolic blood pressure;
  • Frequently encountered vertigo;
  • Difficulty swallowing food;
  • Premature graying of hair and premature aging;
  • The growth of hair in ears;
  • The formation of white bumps on the face;
  • The appearance of the light strip on the outer shell of the iris.

When atherosclerosis affects the abdominal aorta division of cardiac, the person may present a complaint to:

  • Violations of the chair, as expressed in the periodic change diarrhea constipation;

  • Bloating, increased gas formation;

  • Progressive weight loss;
  • Paroxysmal aching pain of low intensity that occurs after a meal and ending two hours later;
  • Severe abdominal pain that are not stopped with medication, may indicate development of inflammation of the abdominal of the Department or of the peritoneum that occurs as a result of thrombosis;

  • Increase in blood pressure;

  • The development of renal failure.

The causes of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

Among the reasons leading to the development of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart, are:

  • The age of the patient older than 40 years. The risk of developing atherosclerosis is increased in parallel of past years;
  • Gender (men before the age of 55 years suffer from atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart much more frequently than women);
  • Hereditary factors, that is, it increases the risk of atherosclerosis in families where relatives have suffered from the same disease;
  • Bad habits, particularly Smoking. Contained in the smoke of the tar and nicotine contribute to the spasm of the coronary arteries, increasing the risk of CHD and increasing blood pressure;
  • Irrationally chosen power scheme with a predominance in the menu of animal fats;
  • Low locomotor activity, which leads to the formation of diabetes and obesity, as well as to reduce the speed of metabolic processes and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;

  • High blood pressure;
  • Frequent infections and intoxication.

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

As a rule, suspect the development of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart only complaints of the patient is almost impossible, so it is important regular examination by a physician and to identify related risk factors. Among them, increased blood pressure, increased body weight, increased levels of cholesterol in the blood.

If you suspect the presence of atherosclerosis of the aorta, use the following lookup methods:

  • ECG, supplemented by the results of ultrasonography of the aorta and of the heart;
  • Coronography and angiography;
  • Duplex and triplex scanning;
  • MRI.

Treatment of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

The sooner treatment is started, the higher will be its effect. Therapy is aimed, firstly, to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, and secondly, to stimulate its rapid elimination from the body and, thirdly, the elimination of co-morbidities.

There are certain groups of drugs used for the treatment of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart, among them:

  • Statins help to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, but having a large number of side effects and contraindications (pravachol, zocor, mevacor). Read more about the statins and fibrates;

  • The derivatives of nicotinic acid and nicotinic acid itself, which is also aimed at reducing the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, having antiaterogennami properties and contributing to the development of "good" cholesterol;
  • Fibrates to reduce the synthesis of body's own fat (miskleron, Gavilan, atromid);
  • The bile acid resins, promoting their excretion and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood (colestid, cholestyramine).

None of these funds may not be assigned and used independently, as it has a number of contraindications and may cause the development of complications, often in the liver. Therefore the scheme should be chosen solely by the attending doctor individually. A doctor who treats atherosclerosis – a primary care physician. If necessary, the patient can be directed to a more narrow specialist.

In addition to these medicationmeans, the patient will be given recommendations for changing the power circuit. Often the doctor prescribes vitamin and mineral supplements and preparations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example, Omacor).

In some cases, only one medication is not enough and may require surgical intervention. It is necessary when there is a threat to human life, for example, myocardial infarction, ischemia of the kidney or other serious complication of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart.

The prognosis for recovery in atherosclerosis are difficult to give, it all depends on the degree of development of the disease. However, with timely elimination of risk factors, mortality rates are significantly reduced. Therefore, it is important in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

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Prevention of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

Preventive measures aim to prevent the increase of cholesterol in the blood and not give it to be deposited on the walls of the aorta.

To reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, you must:

  • To abandon bad habits, primarily Smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • To reconsider your approach to nutrition. Although the proportion of cholesterol entering the blood from food, not too big and is only 25-30%, however, as preventive measures not be amiss to eliminate from the diet of food containing animal fats;
  • If there are at least one of the signs indicating problems in the aorta of the heart, should be to consult a doctor and undergo comprehensive diagnosis;
  • Timely treatment of comorbidities will reduce the risk of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart. We are talking about diabetes, hypertension, obesity;
  • Maintaining an active lifestyle, moderate physical activity, the available sports will give the opportunity, if not avoided, significantly delay the time of the manifestation of the disease;
  • It should be possible to separate yourself from stressful situations, to make the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases;
  • Is to undergo annual examinations in the clinic by place of residence, which is especially important for people who reach 40 years.

Adherence to these preventive measures will reduce the risk of atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart, to avoid serious complications of the disease and preserve quality of life at a high level.