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The treatment of autism

The autism treatment folk remedies

Autism is such a serious disease in which mainly the visible overall developmental disorders. In this condition some areas of normal child's mind develops according to age first, and then the development abruptly stops. To such slow trends include a special sphere of communication, as well as the unique ability of the baby to perceive the whole environment. At the same autistic child is not always lagging behind in mental development.

Typically, the data is autistic spectrum disorder, you may notice in a child aged one to three years. Approximately two years of the baby have problems with speech. Such a child may be Moody, whiny and aggressive. It can have a negative reaction to the noise, not to respond to the requests of the parents and is not interested in socializing with their peers. Autism has not formed attachment to native people, they don't play role-playing games and can't distinguish an inanimate object from a person.

Early diagnosis combined with timely treatment helps to get rid of the disease. After a certain rehabilitation of the children with this diagnosis can fully develop, according to their age.

Autism hippotherapy

Worldwide effective treatment of autistic disorders is horse riding. It helps young patients better interact with the environment. Horses are able to feel a person's mood, helping him to deal with various neuroses. Hippotherapy is recommended as an excellent means to correct the mind. During regular riding autistic child learns to focus.

Hippotherapy has a positive effect in General on the mental health of these patients, they begin to react to various external stimuli. During daily sessions, the children naturally share information with them incomprehensible to the outside world. The child tries to analyze the behavior of the horse, which causes the necessary reactions for each case. This allows you to create a special communication chain and an inverse relationship between the sick child and the animal.

With such long-term therapy repetitive stereotyped movements of the baby become more focused and logical. Communication with animals provokes the use of gestures, allowing the child to feel riding a horse comfortable. These four-legged animalscause the most positive emotions and positive autists. As a rule, after riding little patients are beginning to draw is horses.

In addition to the restoration of the psyche, hippotherapy helps to solve serious problems with muscle tone and coordination of movements. The kid will learn easily control his unruly body. Daily horse are one of the most effective treatments of autistic disorders.

Autism Dolphin

It is proved that the interaction with dolphins has a positive effect on young patients diagnosed with Autism. Dolphin has a complex effect on the child's body, helping him to restore social interaction with the society and strengthen the muscles. Sociable animals with incredible intelligence of the person to encourage joint swimming, games, and nonverbal exchange of information. In Dolphin under the strict supervision of various specialists are involved, only specially trained animals.

Echolocation, which are famous for such mammals, affects not only tissues and organs of the body, but also directly on the cells. It produces a kind of massage at the cellular level, which promotes better penetration of active trace elements into the cells. This leads to rapid restoration of circulating fluid and extracellular metabolism. Unique ultrasonic signals of dolphins are able to remove even the most severe pain, acting as a powerful analgesic.

Free interaction with such animals helps build a special relationship between dolphins and children with autism disorders. Specially organized communication with these intelligent animals is extremely psychotherapeutic value, enabling you to decide psychotherapeutic, psycho, psycho and serious physical problems.

Long term regular communication with dolphins stimulates the development of interest in external factors, relieves the child from isolation, and helps to establish proper social relations and to adjust mental activity. Thus, a clear process of personality development is reversed.

Thanks to tactile stimulation created special conditions for the proper emotional response of the child. Dolphins act as unusual sensory stimulants, allowing you to intensify a difficult job in the whole body, including the brain structures.

Treatment of autism with animaloterapiya

It is known that many animals are able to heal from many diseases. Autistic spectrum disorder children are one of the indications for treatment animaloterapiya. As a rule, choose the most friendly animals such as, horses, cats and dogs. In the absence of Allergy this treatment has no contraindications. Cats treated with rest, dogs stimulate to active movements, and horses charged with calm. This method of natural healing of the psyche is incredibly effective

The undoubted advantage is that the treatment of animal-assisted therapy not medication is used. This method does not give adverse reactions and eliminates any possibility of medical errors, which is important in such a serious disease as autism. The choice of the specific animal for the regular sessions depends on the condition of the child and his preferences.

When dealing with animals autistic child is at an accelerated pace psychosocial adaptation. In addition to quick emotional recovery is the restoration of the musculoskeletal system of the baby.

Autism art therapy

A definite effective method in the treatment of autism is unique to art therapy. It helps to quickly develop in children with autistic disorders the necessary communication skills, and also allows slightly to look into the depths of the inner world of the baby. This painting perfectly contributes to the rapid reduction of emotional tension that allows you to create little autistic undeniable feeling of comfort.

Art therapy is designed to increase the tolerance of the baby to various psychotherapeutic relationships. Through this methodology, you can significantly reduce anxiety and aggression. After proper treatment the child becomes relaxed and open to inevitable contact in the community. Art therapy with autistic syndrome is having an extraordinary impact on the development at a fundamental level, contributing to the development of the imagination.

This technique of treatment is primarily based on art and creativity. It gives an acceptable output of various negative feelings, helps to facilitate the process of psychotherapy, can accurately diagnose mentalthe patient reveals suppressed thoughts and feelings and helps boost self esteem and develop a sense of self-control.

Autism is a special art therapy classes are held often on an individual basis. In some cases, showing the group form of treatment, if the degree of infantile disorders allows to involve the child in art. This relaxed atmosphere of artistic expression aimed at enhancing fine motor skills and social skills, as well as on the development of attention and verbal relations.

When the data abnormalities in the development of art therapy promotes positive change, building trusting relationships, expand the range of communication with friends and new people, and allows to achieve the necessary pace in the development of the child.