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Treatment of demodicosis folk remedies

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Demodicosis is a common disease that affects the skin of face, ears, and especially age. Microscopic mite called acne Zheleznitsa loves to settle on the lash line, in the wet environment of the conjunctiva. Sick man notes the redness, swelling of the eyelids, feeling of constant fatigue of the eyes, photophobia. The eyelashes are visible on small scales, eyelids are itchy, and all the time the feeling in the eyes sypanuli sand.

Demodicosis is treated very long and difficult, because mites are extremely hardy, in addition, the patient is constantly being infected again via bed linen and towels, or when rubbing dirty fingers itchy eyelids. Treatment of demodicosis of folk remedies is very important because it really helps, unlike some pharmaceutical drugs that cause only a temporary improvement. Consider the most effective and proven recipes.

Wormwood will help from.

To prepare a medicinal decoction of wormwood, take a couple of tablespoons of dry powdered herbs and pour her a liter of boiling water, then five minutes boil and leave in a warm place for at least three hours. It is a folk remedy for demodectic is the inside of a special scheme for six days without interrupting treatment even at night:

  • Monday – half a Cup every hour;
  • Tuesday – half a Cup every couple of hours;
  • Wednesday-Saturday – a half a Cup every three hours.

On each day of this "wormwood marathon" it is necessary to prepare a fresh batch of broth. Sweeten it with honey. At the time of treatment you will not only corrode the hated tick, but perfectly clean the intestines.

Ointment demodicosis homemade

Right at home you can make a very effective ointment against demodicosis. You will be useful and folk remedies, and traditional medicines are sold in every pharmacy. A combination often works much better and is home ointment cheaper ready money.

Here are the best recipes:

  • will Buy at the pharmacy trihopol. Every night before bed RUB two pills in a spoon of castor oil, and the resulting ointment apply sparingly to affected tick forever. Gently RUB it and leave before the morning cleanser;
  • To eliminate acne of the skin will help simple folk remedy on the basis of celandine. A glass of fresh roots fill the same quantity of refined sunflower oil, and a jar with this mixture, leave in the sun for a couple of weeks. Then strain and store the resulting liquid in the glass vial in the refrigerator. Mix it with sour cream and apply on face as a topical ointment before going to bed. This oily liquid is rubbed into the skin of the eyelids and ears, and bury the nose, because the mite lives and there;

  • Get natural Apple vinegar in a concentration of 6%, and use it as a healing ointment. Just make sure that the eyes were tightly closed, when you wipe the eyelids with vinegar.

Compresses and lotions from demodicosis of the eyelids

To cope with the tick can be using healing poultices and lotions.

To cook them very simply, here's the best folk remedy demodectic:

  • Boil a teaspoon of chopped oak bark in a Cup of boiling water for about five minutes, and with this warm decoction make eye lotions;
  • Squeeze on the sterile bandage in the juice room of aloe and apply to the sore eyelids several times a day;

  • Stock up on plenty of fresh garlic. RUB the cloves on a fine grater, wrap in a sterile bandage and apply to the eyes for half an hour, every ten minutes changing gadgets.

Face masks against.

The ill-fated tick is on the face of the pink acne, which really spoils the appearance. More precisely, the rash is not the mite itself, but the waste of his life. Sebaceous glands from them inflamed, pores enlarged and clogged. How to be? Help folk remedies demodicosis from facial skin:

  • Any acidic juices, whether of berries, fruits and medicinal herbs, thoroughly spoil life to the mites, depriving them of the nutrient medium. Prepare a mask of lemon, blueberry, currant, celandine, mixing sour treat with egg white if your skin is oily, or with the yolk, on the contrary if it is dry;
  • There are herbs that have a calming way act on irritated skin. We all know about them: it's chamomile pharmacy,sage, calendula, series. You can prepare decoction according to the instructions on the pack, and apply sterile gauze soaked in medicinal liquid, on the face affected by demodicosis. These homemade masks are very effective;

  • Grate on a fine grater a few sour apples, and half their weight of fresh horseradish. Mix and apply this folk remedy on a clean face lotion. This mask need to hold fifteen minutes, but if the skin is too burning, remove it before. Immediately after the procedure, rinse your face with whey and spread the paste lassara, which is easy to find in the drugstore. In the morning wash no soap, special lotion or baby shampoo. And then apply on face for men after shave cream, preferably domestic production.

Treatment of demodectic mange ointment

Demodex is a subcutaneous mite, and demodectic mange is a disease to them. In this disease the skin becomes very red. Often medications that a doctor prescribes, does not help, and then come to the aid of traditional treatment, including demodicosis.

One reader is sick of this disease, and very confused. I read in the newspaper as possible on their own to cure the acne. Take a clean grease, olive oil, birch tar (it is sold in a veterinary pharmacy). Mix all the ingredients in equal amounts and RUB this ointment on the face.

After she used this folk remedy, acne gone, and the skin became clean and beautiful, wrinkles and lines smoothed.

Treatment of demodicosis of gunpowder

For the treatment of demodectic mange , use this folk remedy, which a large number of people were treated for fourteen days, and all of them passed. Grind into a powder 2 tablespoons smoky black hunting gunpowder, pour it in a bowl and mix with the crushed copper sulphate (one teaspoon). Take two hundred grams of butter and heat it in a water bath. When it is melted, pour it into the bowl, where the two were mixed powder, and mix all well.

Lubricate the affected places with this squad, and put on top of polyethylene. Secure a compress bandage. This compress is done at night and in the morning you need to wash it off with warm water. At night again apply the compress. Coursetreatment – fourteen days.

How to recover from demodicosis

From demodicosis difficult to get rid of, but some people know many recipes for folk treatment of demodectic mange, and here is one of them.

You will need tincture of calendula, which is sold in pharmacy and ointment "Demalon". When you Wake up, wash face and Pat dry with a towel to the face was not wet. Then take calendula and fifteen minutes after washing, wipe the face. At the coming of another five minutes on your face, apply a thin layer of ointment. So leave the ointment until the evening, and then wash with soap and water and wipe the face with tincture of calendula, only drug smear is not necessary.

Treated thus for forty days and keep changing the pillowcase, do not forget to stroke.

People's ointment.

Take a fresh pork internal fat, melt it in a water bath. At this time you need to chop in the bowl of porcelain sulphur. Mix these two ingredients in an enamel pot and add two tablespoons of birch tar. Thus take one and a half tablespoons of fat, which was already kindled, and three grams of crushed sulphur. Dishes with this composition should be put on a slow fire and wait until the mixture comes to a boil, then pokipyatit for another three minutes. Pour into a jar and wait until the salve hardens.

Use this ointment every day, smearing it all over your face at night. In the morning wash off the ointment with warm water using baby soap. Every day do such procedures within three months and will recover.

Treatment of demodicosis garlic compresses

Take six cloves of garlic and chop it to the consistency of sour cream, fill it with half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and mix. Put this composition into a bandage, which should be sterile and folded in two layers, and apply to the affected area of the skin. On top lay the cellophane and secure it all with a bandage.

This compress keep for half an hour, and then remove and wash the skin with warm water, using lye soap. Wipe the skin with a towel.

Inthe conclusion, that the folk remedy of demodectic though effective, but they should not be used without consulting a dermatologist. In fact, the diagnosis of demodicosis is in the lab examining skin scrapings or analysis of eyelashes. The doctor should prescribe treatment and to clarify whether or not your chosen traditional recipes as adjuvant therapy.