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Treatment of Demodex

Treatment of Demodex folk remedies

Treatment of Demodex in chlorophyll

The results of the redemption are already visible after a week of use. You need to drip eye liquid chlorophyll three drops, plus "Microsin" as a topical ointment for the eyelids and around them. To do all this twice a day. Liquid chlorophyll can either buy, although it is not cheap, either to produce itself. For its preparation, will fit any leafy green greens. The juice you squeeze from it, and will contain chlorophyll. Only so fresh chlorophyll, will work no more than 15 minutes, so to prepare him for the future makes no sense.

Washing with plain soap should be discontinued, and to use economic. Go on some sort of diet by increasing the amount of foods rich in potassium and vitamin A. drink the Water, mixing it directly with the composition of the honey in the amount of one tablespoon, iodine (one drop is enough) and Apple cider vinegar (also teaspoonful).

Treatment of Demodex

The doctor gave the girl a diagnosis, that she has a disease mite Demodex. The facial skin has suffered some thirty-three years, she treated everything they could, but to no avail nothing. Help came randomly and unexpectedly. She once went on business to another city and just in case decided to share and maybe someone has a special method or tool for the treatment of Demodex. She went to a dermatologist and he prescribed her a treatment, after which about his illness, she no longer remembered.

Treatment involves the following: it is necessary to remove from the diet all salty, spicy, fatty foods, should diet. Plus – reception trichopolum tablets in a certain order: first ten days – one tablet three times a day, then rest three days; the next ten days – one tablet once a day, then a week break; the next ten days – one tablet twice a day. the pills combined with the use of the ointment "Benzyl benzoate" (better if it is imported), apply it three or four times a day.

In the treatment process irritation and inflammation can occur with a new strength and even more than it was. This is normal, the skin will be restored. You need to continue treatment, and in any case not to interrupt. Further, judging by retreated if the disease or not, you can wait a week, and then, if necessary, repeat the processfirst. Someone needs one of course, including me. The skin was pure fourteen days after this treatment of Demodex.

Treatment of Demodex ointment

A reader shared with us his people's treatment of Demodex, which could help her husband. The doctor after examination said that all the symptoms caused by subcutaneous mite. All he gave us, and all that was purchased in the pharmacy, did not help. They were in a desperate situation and all they have left is the people's methods of treatment. Sickness, oddly enough, was gone and the skin is completely cleansed, freshened and rejuvenated, and it is at this age is important.

The recipe is that you just need to smear the face with the ointment which was prepared from young (clean grease). You can buy it at any automotive store. Add a little olive oil. Mix equal amounts, one to one. Also need to consume less meat, eggs and fat – this will also have on the skin revitalizing effect.

From experience in the treatment of Demodex

One woman, an employee of medicine, recommended that one good method getting rid of Demodex mites. It's a simple tool, it is applied just before bedtime.

Demodex sensitive to alkaline products, so you have to very carefully wipe with 70% alcohol eyelids. The second option is to wipe the eyelids using economic or tar soap (in any case, not the toilet). To do this is to take a stick with cotton wool, pre-lathered soap, then a little to wet and lubricate the eyelids. Do not rinse.

All this to prepare a solution of a tablespoon of tansy, drenched with boiling water, and let stand about fifty minutes. The mixture is instilled into the day, three times the quantity two drops. And of the remaining after preparation of the solution colors to make compresses, applying them to the eyelids for about half an hour. Composition to do every day, as constant, it loses its properties. Apply within two weeks.

In principle, it is possible to use zinc drops, also helps to prevent. Drip also, at the same dosage three times a day. Pillow you should use only foam or hollofayber.

Treatment of Demodex with soap

There is another tool that is used for the prevention and treatment of Demodex mites that occur on the skin and troublesome infected. To do this, take the pack of tablets streptotsida, grind to obtain a homogeneous powder and wipe his face.

To use this tool you need a good wash my face, steam it to widen the pores and to allow the tool to penetrate deeper into the skin for maximum effect against the mite of the Demodex. To apply the remedy once a day until complete recovery.

Unusual treatment of Demodex

Demodex is a subcutaneous mite. This mite infected a lot of people, and as appeared from the number infected by one of the readers. She tried many traditional and folk remedies for Demodex, fought than recommended.

She had already long given up and despaired, when for some reason the "luck"I decided to try the treatment remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, which was overdue. It was called"Regant". One vial she mixed with a liter of water and then struck on the places of infection. First, there was a positive reaction, the itch was gone, but soon appeared again. But after three to five such uses Demodex retreated.

Note: this is a pretty dangerous tool, as it is a poison, and therefore requires extremely careful technique. After using it you should be very careful to wash hands, using soap.

Recommendations for getting rid of Demodex

She's a grandmother often complained of constant discomfort because of Demodex mites. She had had it for more than twenty-two years. Treated than could than advised (even dichlorvos tried) but nothing helped. One day, reading the newspaper, found the advice from one of the readers. It was her offer suddenly for no reason interested grandmother. In this Council mentioned some ointment "Yam". Moreover, the method of application was quite simple.

With the disease of Demodex in any case not to wash with ordinary water can only be cleaned with a salicylic alcohol, which is pre-diluted to defend or boiled water (little water to avoid burning). Usually the habitat of the tick are the face and hair, the rest of the body less frequently. But just in case, for prevention, you must promptly change the towel and bed linen, pre-iron them with an iron beforeuse.

When you apply ointment on the skin can be observed the appearance of red spots, the skin will peel off. It is not necessary to pay attention, you have to be confident in his recovery.

There is a recipe that is guaranteed to help from this disease, already checked not one person. Been sick longer than her grandmother. But the solution was found.

Must be applied on the face with a cotton swab or cloth dipped in a special mixture. It consists of some antibiotics (you must first consult a dermatologist to have it picked up necessary), five percent (or ten percent) solution of "Resorcinol" and to all this a bit of sulfur. To make, it is often necessary, and keep at least an hour and a half while watching TV. Usually after a couple of days the skin begins to peel, it is necessary to continue the procedure and do not interrupt while thus will not be stripped off several layers. In the treatment of Demodex it is necessary to strictly avoid sunlight. Perhaps the patient with Demodex is generally better the whole process of treatment not to go anywhere as the view it would be appropriate. The procedure of treatment is about a month or two.

Notes: Compresses should be done only with the chilled, and even better cold solution. Otherwise, it may cause the opposite reaction – irritation and more redness. During the reception, the solution can change the color to a darker, it does not change its properties. A superficial exfoliation of the skin effect will be short-lived and the disease will reassert themselves, the peel must be deep. Using this treatment should not use exfoliating products and try to wash as infrequently as possible. Soap to entirely exclude.