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Treatment of dermatomyositis

Treatment of dermatomyositis folk remedies

Herbal medicine dermatomyositis can be applied during preventive courses in the spring or fall or during remission of the disease under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment of dermatomyositis compresses from vegetable raw materials

Recipe 1. One tablespoon of buds and leaves of willow poured boiling water with a volume of 100 milliliters and provide the raw material to stand for an hour. Ready means applied to the affected skin.

Recipe 2. For the treatment of dermatomyositis folk remedies, you can also prepare infusion of the herb marshmallow, taking a tablespoon of raw Gulf Cup of boiling water. Raw materials infuse one hour, after which the finished product can be used in the form of compresses.

Treatment of dermatomyositis ointments on the basis of vegetative raw materials

Recipe 1. In equal parts come from the buds of willow and butter. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass. The finished ointment must be rubbed into the affected areas of the skin.

Recipe 2. To prepare the ointment dermatomyositis according to a traditional recipe, you can use estragon tarragon (estragon, tarragon). In used as the basis of visceral fat, which is melted in a water bath, and then mixed with seeds tarragon. For the preparation of the drug should take the five parts fat and one part plant material. The finished mixture is put in an oven preheated to 150-180 degrees Celsius for five hours, then filtered and cooled. Keep the refrigerator. To use the ointment recommended for three months three times a day.

Good help and ointment common cocklebur, common toadflax and celandine, which are prepared in a similar way.

Treatment of dermatomyositis with the decoction of plant material

Oats. To prepare this popular recipe from dermatomyositis need to take a couple of cups of oats and pour five cups of milk, previously brought to the boil, thenput the mixture on slow fire and keep for two minutes. The finished mixture should insist for a few hours and strain. Treatment continued throughout the month, taking the drug three times a day, then make one month break and repeat the course.

Cranberries. A couple of teaspoons of cranberries and pour the boiling water and put on fire for five minutes, maintaining the boiling solution, ready broth cool, strain and take throughout the day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Hops. Two tablespoons of cones of hop , pour boiling water, the drug infuse one hour, then cooled and filtered. Take the infusion of one tablespoon three times a day.