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Diet with diabetes, what you can and can't eat?


The importance of diet therapy in the treatment of diabetes

Many people underestimate the value of proper nutrition in the complex treatment of any disease. In the case of diabetes, especially of the second type, it should not be challenged. Because it is based on a violation of metabolism, which primarily is caused by improper nutrition.

It is therefore safe to say that in some cases nutritional therapy may be the only correct method of treatment.

Diet in diabetes must be focused on reduced intake of carbohydrates that are quickly digested, and fats, are easily converted into carbohydrate components or connections, aggravating diabetes and its complications. If they met these basic conditions, it is partially or completely normalizes metabolism and blood glucose level. So eliminate the hyperglycemia, which is the main pathogenetic link of manifestations of diabetes mellitus.

What to eat in diabetes?

The first interest of the majority of patients with diabetes is a question for the doctor about the foods that can be consumed daily. You need to focus on vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products. After all, if you eliminate the use of glucose as the main source of quick energy, it will lead to the rapid depletion of natural reserves of energy substances in the body (glycogen) and protein breakdown. To this has not happened in the diet should be sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals.

Beans in diabetes mellitus

Is one of the most powerful sources of these substances. So it should be the main focus as the main donor protein and amino acid components. Especially noteworthy is the benefits of white beans. Many diabetics relate to her quite indifferently, because they do not know how many interesting dishes this product can be prepared. They are not only useful but also delicious. The onlya limitation to the use of beans can be considered the ability of powerful flatulence. Therefore, if a person has such a propensity, it is better to use beans as a nutritious product sparingly or in combination with enzyme preparations that almost completely eliminate flatulence.

In respect of amino acid composition of beans, its most valuable components are tryptophan, valine, methionine, lysine, threonine, leucine, phenylalanine, histidine. Some of these refers to the essential amino acids (those not synthesized by the body and must come from food). Among trace elements, the main importance belongs to vitamins C, e, PP, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and iron. They are all very important for the normal functioning of the organism in the conditions of increased level of blood glucose. On carbohydrate metabolism beans also affects positively because these compounds are mainly represented by fructose and sucrose.

Porridge in diabetes mellitus

The most dense place in the diet of diabetics belongs to the buckwheat. It is used in the form of milk porridge or as a component of a main dish. Feature of buckwheat is that it has virtually no effect on carbohydrate metabolism because it supports the level of glucose at a constant level, and it does not cause abrupt rises, as is the case in the use of most products.

Other cereals that are recommended for diabetes is oat, wheat, corn and barley. In addition to a rich vitamin content, they are very easily digested and processed by digestive enzymes. As a result, a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism with normalization of blood glucose levels. In addition, they are a good energy substrate and essential source of ATP for cells.

What fruits can you eat in diabetes?

This group of food products with diabetes should belong to a special place. It is in the fruit are concentrated most of the fiber, essential vitamins and minerals. Their concentration is several times higher than that in other foods. Carbohydrates are mostly fructose and sucrose, glucose practically does not contain.

With regard to specific fruits that are recommended to eat if you have diabetes, you should point to a special value only some of them. Because not all are allowed to eat. For favourite fruit diabetics include grapefruit, lemon, orange, apples,apricots and peaches, pears, pomegranate, dried fruits (apricots, prunes, dried apples), berries (cherry, gooseberry, blueberry, all types of currants, blackberries). Watermelon and sweet melon contain slightly more carbohydrate components, and therefore should be consumed in moderation.

Tangerines, grapefruit and lemon

Here is the set of fruit, which should be the main focus of every diabetic.

First, they are all very rich in vitamin C. This compound is one of the most important in the enzyme systems and strengthening the vascular wall.

Secondly, all citrus fruits have very low glycemic index. This means that the content of carbohydrate components that affect the blood glucose level is very small.

The third advantage is the presence of the strongest antioxidant abilities, which prevents the negative effect of hyperglycemia on the body's cells, slowing down the progression of complications of diabetes.

In respect of tangerines there are little notes for their food. First, the fruit must be fresh. They are eaten raw or prepared juice. Better not to buy juices, especially in regular stores because they contain sugar and other carbohydrates that can raise blood glucose levels. Lemon and grapefruit is also used as a separate product or a fresh juice that is added to water or other foods.

What not to eat with diabetes?

The most important thing should be remembered by every patient with diabetes is something that he should not consumed as a food product. Better not use those on the security of which is not known. Otherwise, such actions can lead to the development of hyperglycemia with the transition in hyperglycemic and other types of coma or accelerate the progression of diabetes complications. The list of forbidden foods are clearly listed in a table.

Is it possible honey, dates and coffee are diabetes?

These foods are a favorite for many people. Naturally, with the development of diabetes is very difficultto give up the indispensable "companions" who have accompanied humans on a daily basis. It is therefore very important to shed light on the true impact of coffee, honey and dates on the duration of diabetes.


The first is to elaborate on the role of honey in carbohydrate metabolism and its effect on glucose levels. A lot of conflicting and controversial data published in various publications and articles. But it is worth noting the main points from which will follow inferences. By itself, the honey contains a very large amount of fructose. This starchy component does not have the ability to strongly influence the glucose level. Not to mention the fact that the absorption and metabolism of fructose need insulin which diabetes type 2 is not able to fully carry out its basic function. This can lead to improved glycemia in diabetics, which is not characteristic for a healthy person.

Based on the above data, one can draw the following conclusions about the honey in diabetes:

  1. Honey can and should every day to eat;

  2. Daily quantity of this food product should not exceed 1-2 tablespoons;

  3. It is best to drink honey in the morning on an empty stomach with a full glass of water. This will contribute to its transformation into glycogen, that will be the main source of energy and nutrients for the body for the whole day.


Dates – another controversial product for the diet of diabetic. On the one hand, the high content of digestible carbohydrates and a large calorie content of this food product should cause severe rejection of their use. On the other hand – rich in vitamins, especially vitamin a and potassium, are very important to prevent diabetic complications.

Therefore, in respect of dates you can give such advice:

  1. You shouldn't use them at all diabetic patients with a severe course of this disease;

  2. In mild diabetes or its correction with diet and hypoglycemic drugs allowed a limited number of dates;

  3. The daily amount of fruits in the case of permitted intake should not exceed 100 grams.


Beneficial properties no one can dispute. But we must not forget its dangers. It is better to give up coffee for diabetes at any stage of the development of this disease. First and foremost, this applies to strong drink, or any concentration in severe diabetes on the background of insulin.

And although coffee has virtually no effect on carbohydrate metabolism directly, it stimulates the vasomotor center and has a direct relaxing effect on the vascular wall, which leads to the vasodilatation of the heart, skeletal muscle and kidney, while the tone of cerebral arteries is increased (causes constriction of the blood vessels of the brain, accompanied by a decline in cerebral blood flow and oxygen pressure in the brain). Drinking weak coffee in a small amount of great harm to the body if you have diabetes of average weight not bring.

Nuts in diabetes

There are foods that are literally a hub of certain nutrients. Nuts are one of them. They contain in their composition of fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin D-3, calcium and potassium. In the treatment of diabetes, these substances have a special place, as directly affect carbohydrate metabolism by reducing blood glucose levels.

In addition, under their action, the recovery of damaged cells of internal organs that suspends the progression of complications of diabetes. Therefore, any nuts are a vital food for diabetes. It is advisable to consider the influence of some types of nuts for this disease.


Is an essential nutrient for the brain that diabetes has a shortage of energy compounds. Because glucose, which is the main source of energy for the cells of the brain, not supplied to them.

Walnut is rich in alpha-linolenic acid, manganese, and zinc. These trace elements play a major role in reducing blood sugar level. Essential fatty acids slow the progression of diabetic angiopathy of the internal organs and atherosclerotic lesions of the lower extremities.

Scarce carbohydrate composition in General should cover all the questions about the appropriateness of the use of walnuts in diabetes. You can eat as a separate dish, and to include various vegetable and fruit salads.


This nut is characterized particularly by the concentrated amino acid composition. No protein of animal origin can compare its use to the body with plant proteins.

Therefore, the use of peanuts in diabetes are able to fill your daily requirement in protein and amino acids. Because the backgrounddisturbed carbohydrate metabolism, sooner or later, suffers and protein. This is manifested in the decrease in the number of useful glycoproteins that are involved in cholesterol metabolism. If this process is disturbed, aggressive compound begins to be produced in the body in excessive quantities, what is the basis of diabetic vascular lesion. Proteins contained in the peanuts, quickly involved in metabolic processes and are consumed in the synthesis of glycoproteins of high density in the liver. They remove cholesterol from the blood vessels and contribute to its disintegration.


Is literally a champion on the calcium content among all nuts. Therefore, it is indicated in progressive diabetic Charcot osteoarthropathy (the defeat of bones and joints). Use 9-12 almonds a day will bring in the body of various trace elements, which beneficially affect carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes in General.

Pine nuts

Another interesting product for the diet of diabetic. First, they have a very interesting taste. In addition, possess very useful properties due to the high content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, b vitamins and D and ascorbic acid.

Protein composition of pine nuts like walnuts are very relevant for the correction of complications of diabetes. Recorded the powerful immunomodulatory effect of this food product, which is important for the prevention of colds and suppurative processes in the lower extremities in patients with diabetic foot syndrome and microangiopathy.

All of these types of nuts are an indispensable food additive in the diet of every diabetic. Their composition is represented exclusively by the protein and mineral components that do not cause disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and contribute to the prevention of diabetic complications.

What is glycemic index of food?

Every person with diabetes, especially the second type, must know about the glycemic index. With this term should be correlated power after the establishment of such a diagnosis. It is an indicator of the ability of particular foods to cause an increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood.

Of course, it is very difficult and tiring to sit and calculate what you can afford to eat and what will have to abstain. If you have diabetes, lung flow, this procedure is less relevant, in severe forms with the complexity of corrective doses of insulin, it becomes a vital.After all, the diet is the main tool in the hands of people with diabetes of the second type. Do not forget about it.

Glycemic index - an indicator of the influence of food after eating on the blood sugar level.

When the product receives a low glycemic index, this means that by consuming the blood sugar level rises slowly. The higher the glycemic index, the faster rises in blood sugar levels after consumption of the product and the higher will be the instantaneous blood sugar levels after eating. Source

Therefore, all foods with a high GI should be excluded from the diet! The only exceptions are those products that are in addition to the impact on carbohydrate metabolism, possess good healing properties in the treatment of complications of diabetes. In this case, despite the glycemic index, which is a bit above average, their use is not prohibited, but merely limited. It is helpful to reduce the overall glycemic index of the diet at the expense of other, less important products.

According to conventional classification of the glycemic index, it can be divided into the following types:

  1. Low – rate is from 10 to 40 units;

  2. The average fluctuation of numbers from 41 to 70 units;

  3. High – index numbers above 70 units.

Thus, thanks to the glycemic index does not need long to deal with nutritionists and endocrinologists for the selection of proper nutrition. Now every diabetic with a specially designed tables that listed the glycemic index of each food item is able to pick out the diet that is suited specifically to him. This will take into account not only good for the body, but also the desire of the patient to eat a specific food product at some point.

The man himself can regulate their diet in terms of glycemic index and increase the level of blood glucose in the background of their use. Because diabetes is a disease one day, but life in General. You must be able to adapt to it in the first place by a proper choice of diet.

Table (list) of foods high and low glycemic index

Foods with a low glycemic index

Products with secondaryglycemic index

Foods with a high glycemic index

Diet №9 for diabetes

Basic diet for diabetes type 2 diabetes is table # 9 by Pevsner. The main objective of his appointment – correction of carbohydrate metabolism, prevention of abnormalities of lipid and protein metabolism in the body due to high glucose levels.

General characteristics of diet №9 is as follows:

  1. Reducing caloric intake by reducing carbohydrates and lipids (fats) animal origin;

  2. High content of vegetable fats and proteins;

  3. Exception of sweets and sugar as the main sources of digestible carbohydrates;

  4. The restriction of the use of common salt and spices;

  5. The preference for boiled and stewed dishes instead of fried and smoked;

  6. Meals should not be too hot or cold;

  7. Fractional and most importantly regular meals at the same time;

  8. The use of sweeteners: sorbitol and xylitol;

  9. Moderate fluid intake (daily amount 1300-1600 ml);

  10. Clear eating the allowed foods and the forbidden, taking into account their glycemic index.

Learn more: How to lower blood sugar?

Recipes for diabetes

There really are so many that to describe the need for a separate book. But some of them, you can stay in the preview article.

In fact there is no need to resort to some standard dishes. After all they can come up with yourself. Importantly, they were prepared with allowed foods.

Approximate weekly menu diabetes

Be healthy!
