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The treatment of dysmenorrhea folk remedies


  • Recipes based on nettle

    1. Nettle juice mixed with water (1 teaspoon of juice 0.25 Cup of water). Take 3 times a day 20 minutes before eating. Acts as a styptic.

    2. Buy in a pharmacy are ready extract of nettle is in liquid form. 40 drops of the composition to add 0.25 cups of water. To take a ready composition for 2-3 times a day during the day half an hour before your next meal.

    3. Slurry from nettle leaves, or the juice of nettles to put on a cotton swab. A tampon placed in the vagina.

  • The infusion of cucumber lashes. Cucumber whip to dry and grind. Then 50 g of raw pour 0.5 liter of water. Composition boil for 5 minutes. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

Learn more: Celery - a very useful plant. Benefits of celery for women?


  • Not to overeat and not gain weight. Both factors have a negative impact on the health of women during menstruation.
  • Blood the body loses a lot of minerals: iron, zinc, etc. Needed to make up the loss by taking vitamin-mineral complexes. Then discomfort during menstruation are not as noticeable.
  • You must make up the loss of vitamins. In your diet is recommended to include more fruits, vegetables, nuts, vegetable oils.
  • It is not recommended to drink plenty of strong coffee and tea. Caffeine aggravates the pain and increases discomfort. And give up coffee and tea need a few days before the start of the cycle.
  • It is necessary to abandon bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • To protect yourself from stress and nervous tension.
  • To maintain an optimal mode of physical activity. It is recommended that more walk in the freshair. Then the intensity of the pain will be much lower.
okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist