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Dystrophy treatment

Dystrophy treatment folk remedies

Treatment of muscular dystrophy butter

It is important to remember that, in addition to drug treatments and supervision by a neurologist, one must also apply folk remedies. One of the most effective – massaging the muscles of butter.

Cooking oil is very simple: fresh milk is left for a few days in the refrigerator, remove the tops and make them into oil. You can RUB yourself tops that occurred not more than three days.

RUB the oil carefully and liberally, and then wrap patient in a sheet, cover with blanket and allow to rest for an hour.

The massage is done according to this principle: 20 minutes rubbing the oil into your back and spine; 5 minutes to the hip (bottom-up); 5 minutes – in the Shin; then you need to RUB the oil into the thigh and lower leg in the front.

This massage should be done before noon. Carried it through the day, the course of treatment – 20 days. The patient must perform a minimum of three courses, between which is 20 days.

During a break between courses of treatment, the patient is recommended each day to eat well on a pair of boiled chicken feet with paws. Chicken meat is very useful for patients with muscular dystrophy. It is also useful every day to eat 2 of bovine testis.

Treatment of muscular dystrophy oats

Basic drinking for patients with muscular dystrophy should be delicious and healthy oatmeal kvass. But cook it the right way: a half-liter jar of selected grains of oats three times washed and covered in a glass jar. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of citric acid and fill with water. The brew is left on for 3 days, after which the drink is ready to use. It is drained, add in a jar 3 tablespoons of sugar, and again pour water and insist a new batch of brew.

Patients should always eat oatmeal and millet cereals: thus the muscles are gaining strength. Of oats you can also cook pancakes, soup and other food. Emphasis should be placed on foods rich in vitamin B.

Treatment of muscular dystrophy an egg shell

Good folk prescription for the treatment ofdystrophy of the muscles is eating the egg shell. To do this, take the eggs a good, healthy chickens, wash them thoroughly with soap and water, break, dry the shells and grind it into flour. A flour poured into the bowl, drop lemon juice (1 drop per year of life), collect the formed balls and eat them every day on an empty stomach and before sleep. The course of treatment is 20 days. Eggshell absorbed by the body thanks to the lemon juice.

The treatment of retinal dystrophy goat's milk

We give a simple and effective folk prescription treatment of retinal dystrophy. Mixed fresh serum of milk goats with water in the same proportion and a drop instilled into the eye. Then close your eyes the dark bandage and rest for about 30 minutes, without straining your eyes and without moving them. The procedure should be repeated each day for one week. As a result, the vision becomes clearer and the lens is gaining momentum, which prevents the retinal detachment.

It is also useful to drink a decoction of pine needles, rose hips and onion skins. The ingredients are crushed and mixed in a ratio of 5:2:2 (per unit take a tablespoon). Then the mixture is poured a liter of water and boil on low heat for 10 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and taken daily half a liter a day. The course of treatment is 1 month, but if necessary it can be repeated.

The treatment of retinal dystrophy medicinal plants

Very often, macular degeneration is accompanied by glaucoma – increased intraocular pressure.

A good remedy for this disease is the decoction of cumin. A tablespoon of seeds of the plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then the broth is poured a teaspoon of flowers of cornflower, mix and allow to stand for 5 minutes. The medicine is filtered through cotton wool with a gauze and buried in the eye a couple drops twice a day.

In the treatment of macular degeneration, you can also use lotions from such infusion: one-third Cup of nettles and a teaspoon of the leaves of the Lily, pour a glass of water and leave for 8-9 hours in a dark place. Then in the infusion add half a teaspoon of baking soda. From received medication twice a day to make eye lotions. Best infusion prepared from plants collected in may.

Vision can also be improved by taking an infusion of birch leaves, mustard, cranberry or horsetail. It is useful to drink an infusion of garlic, there is seaweed, a mixture of honeyand cinnamon.

The treatment of retinal dystrophy celandine

Night blindness is one of the first signs of degeneration of the retina. Treat her celandine, which you can buy at the pharmacy or collect and dry your own. Eye drops should be prepared thus: in a mug poured a teaspoon of crushed celandine and pour 100 ml of water. The mixture was boiled for a few seconds on low heat, close lid and cooled. Then the medicine must be filtered through a dense layer of gauze or cheesecloth and pour in a glass vial. Need to store drops in the refrigerator, their number is patient enough for a couple of days. You need to use the drops three times a day, each eye should drip 3 drops. The course of treatment is a month, then make a break for 30 days and repeat the procedure.

Good folk remedy for night blindness is also a cornflower blue. Teaspoon of flowers pour a glass of boiling water and allow to infuse for about an hour. Then tsedyat the infusion and drink half an hour before eating a quarter Cup.