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Treatment of duodenitis

Duodenitis treatment of folk remedies

Treatment of duodenitis folk remedies can be successfully combined with traditional therapy methods. It is important to remember that the recipes of folk medicine will benefit the patient only when accurate diagnosis, therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease, you must consult a specialist and ask them for further treatment, including the recommendations of traditional healers.

The treatment of duodenitis by St. John's wort, plantain and nettles

St. John's wort. Helps in the treatment of duodenitis decoction of Hypericum perforatum. For its preparation you need to take two tablespoons of dried and crushed material. The grass is placed in a glass, topped it with water to the brim and put in a water bath for half an hour. Take each day one third of a Cup 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

Plantain. A teaspoon of honey should be mixed with one teaspoon of juice of plantain. At erosive duodenitis, this means you need to take one tablespoon before meals three times a day.

Nettle. In the treatment of duodenitis folk remedies you can use oats and nettle. A glass of raw oats and pour five cups of water. The pot with the mixture put on a slow fire and keep on the stove to obtain a slimy broth. Ready means cooled and filtered. At the same time brew nettle leaves in boiling water with one Cup raw, and three cups of boiling water, then infuse the drug over 40 minutes, then filtered. The decoction of nettle take during the day as tea. The leaves are ground and added to a decoction of oats. Take this mixture before meals three times a day half a Cup.

The treatment of duodenitis by kissels

Treatment of erosive duodenitis and superficial folk medicine suggests using a variety of jellies, with the exception of cranberry. You can take a glass of the fruit of rose hips, lay them in a saucepan and pour boiling water to the contents of the tank had a volume of one liter. The fruits are infused for an hour, covering bowl with a lid, after which the infusion is filtered.

The liquid mustkeep, fruit good knead. Vegetable raw material is again poured 500 ml of water and cook for 10-15 minutes, then remove from heat, strain and mix the broth with the previously prepared infusion. Pour this liquid rose hips, pre-shredded on a grater. When the boiling contents of the saucepan in a thin stream pour in pre-cooked starch from corn or potatoes. Regular intake of this jelly will help to get rid of the symptoms of duodenitis.