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Enuresis in adult men

Enuresis is a urinary incontinence. Nocturnal enuresis is characterized by involuntary urination during sleep and is a very common problem among children, but can also occur in adults. From it often affects men of all ages. This problem is found in 1% of the adult population around the world. Approximately 1 person out of 200 periodically loses control of urination during the night's rest and urinating in dreams. In the elderly enuresis in men occurs less frequently than in women.

Daytime enuresis is less common than night. It can occur after people have suffered serious psychological trauma, which has adversely affected the functioning of the nervous system.

The treatment of enuresis in adult men involved specialists such as urologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists. Methods of struggle with bedwetting, there are more than 300, some of them are quite exotic methods of therapeutic effects – for example, acupuncture, hypnosis, animaloterapiya, etc.

The problem of urinary incontinence is known to people since ancient times, the solution has involved the doctors of Ancient Egypt. However, even modern medicine is unable to guarantee that the patient will be able to get rid of enuresis is 100%.

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Causes of enuresis in adult men

Peeing in a dream a man throughout life (from childhood), or this problem occurs in humans with age.

Causes of bedwetting in adults are the following:

  • Pathology the development of the system responsible for the excretion of urine, which are congenital in nature. To incontinence can cause small size of the bladder, the inelasticity of its walls, or their excessive thickness.
  • Hormonal disorders in the body. Sometimes under the influence of hormones produced by the volume of urine increases and those hormones that are responsible for the kidneys, is not enough. In the end, the kidneys produce a lot of urine, hold that the bladder is not able to.
  • Tumorprocesses can interfere with normal conduction of the signal transmitted through the nervous system from the bladder to the cerebral cortex.
  • Senile age. The older the person becomes, the weaker will be the relationship between nerve cells that are arranged in a long chain. The impulse from the bladder to the cerebral cortex with age are transmitted less intensively, which can lead to incontinence.
  • Weakness of the sphincter of the bladder. The sphincter is a circular muscle which at the right time reduces and blocks the lumen of the bladder. This allows you to accumulate the urine in the cavity of the body. To empty the bladder, the person relaxes the sphincter at will. With age this muscle becomes weaker. At night time the bladder becomes full, urine flows out.

How to treat enuresis in adult men?

Treatment of enuresis in adult men implies a comprehensive approach. In addition to the drugs necessary therapeutic activities and competent organization of the daily routine.

Routine and diet for enuresis

In order to reduce the likelihood of involuntary urination in the night hours, it is necessary to abandon the use of excessive amounts of fluid in the second half of the day. This should put to drink daily intake of water, but it should be done in the morning and your pre-lunch hours.

It is important to exclude all products that produce a diuretic effect. First of all it concerns beer, coffee, tea, fruit drinks with cranberries. Some herbal teas possess a diuretic effect, for example, a decoction of birch buds or corn stigmas. "Dangerous" products can be called as watermelon and strawberries.

Useful to follow diet meal plans for N. I. Krasnogorskomu.

  • The volume of drink in the afternoon of the liquid should be reduced by 2-3 times.
  • 4 hours before a night's rest from consuming liquids, must be abandoned altogether.
  • Before going to sleep need to eat a slice of salted bread or a sandwich with salted fish. You can drink this dish with half a glass of water, but not anymore. Salt will keep the fluid in the urine and do not accumulate in the bladder.

For sleeping you need to choose a mattress with increased hardness. This will allow you to maintain the spine in correct anatomical termsposition. In addition, nerve fibers will not be squeezed, and therefore, the signal from the bladder to the brain will be better. If a person sleeps on a hard surface, his sleep becomes more sensitive. This will allow you to Wake up at the right time.

Under the feet it is possible to enclose a pillow. This is a simple exercise makes it possible to reduce the pressure on the sphincter of the bladder. In the end people will be protected from uncontrolled urination.

You can set an alarm that will work after 2-3 hours after falling asleep. You need 2-3 times in a week to change the time of awakening. This will help to accustom the body to Wake up at the same hour in the middle of the night.

You should avoid stressful situations. The more regular the nervous system works, the easier it is for a person to exercise control over his body.

Treatment of enuresis psychotherapeutic techniques

Most often for the treatment of enuresis using hypnosis. Using a special technique the man told that he needs to Wake up when his bladder is full. In the end, the brain must develop the reflex, which will allow to completely get rid of night urination.

You can self-promote, if the night was able to Wake up. Typically, such small rewards are quite effective in increasing motivation.

You can also try to master the technique of self-hypnosis. For this you need to go to bed and relax. When all the muscles will be in a state of complete rest, you should say out loud the following sentence: "I am in control of myself. I control your bladder. When it is full, I'll feel it and Wake up." When a person convinces themselves that they have the confidence in their own ability. In the end, to cope with the problem of bedwetting will be much easier.

Sometimes it happens that a man has a certain turn of mind with a predominance of logical thinking. This does not allow him to be subjected to suggestion. Then you can try to go to a therapist, which owns the methods of rational psychotherapy. The specialist will convince the person that to deal with the problem it on their own.

Therapeutic exercise in the treatment of enuresis

You can perform certain exercises that will aim at strengthening the sphincter muscle. In parallel, it will be tightened pelvic floor muscles. Together this will allow you to more accurately control the process of urination.

To train the sphincter need during urination try to stop the urine stream at will. Muscles should stretch and loosen a few times. Eventually they will get stronger andwill become stronger. When will be able to understand what muscles are involved in the process of emptying the bladder, you can perform these exercises lying in bed.

Physiotherapy vs enuresis

Physiotherapy, which are designed to cope with the existing problem, absolutely safe and painless. They give almost no side effects. Apparatus for treatment of incontinence, there are many. Their impact is based on the passage of electric current (the discharge will be very weak) body. It helps to improve nerve and muscle regulation.

To get rid of bedwetting, you can try to go through the following procedures:

  • Electrosleep. The technique aims to normalize the nervous system.
  • Darsonval in the area of the bladder. Such exposure will strengthen the sphincter.
  • Electrophoresis. This procedure gives the opportunity to improve the conductivity of nerve impulses.
  • Magnetotherapy. Due to relaxation of the bladder wall, the desire to void is less likely to occur.

It is possible that the success will be crowned reflexology. It can include mud therapy, paraffin, applied to the area of the bladder ozokerite. You can receive a nitrogen, pearl, pine and salt baths, the effect of circular shower.

To alternative methods of treatment of enuresis include acupuncture, art therapy, animaloterapiya. They are all aimed at stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system that is capable of positive impact on the ability of control over the process of urination.

Drug treatment of enuresis in adult men

To get rid of enuresis sometimes it helps taking drugs. However, to know which drugs to take, you need to find out the cause of the incontinence. This can be done only at the doctor's office.

  • In the presence of inflammation in the urogenital tract can be treated with antibiotics (Norfloxacin, Monural).
  • If the problem lies in the kidney failure, the treatment is drugs Furamag and Furadonin.
  • To normalize the sleep will allow such drugs as Eunoktin and Radedormum.
  • As used nootropics Piracetam, Glycine, Pikamilon. These medications positively affect the condition of the nervous system.
  • If the enuresis is neurogenicnature, the doctor may prescribe the use of antidepressants, among which is especially popular with Amitriptyline.
  • To eliminate spasm of the bladder wall may be able to help M-anticholinergics. In summary, the authority will be able to accommodate a greater amount of urine. One of the commonly prescribed drugs of this group is to Cibotin Triptan.
  • For the treatment of enuresis in adult men also used the artificial hormone – desmopressin. Its action aims to reduce the amount of urine accumulated during the night. The drug is very convenient to use in the form of nasal drops (Adiuretinom – SD). If the enuresis is of a heavy nature, it is possible to intravenous administration of the drug.

Other methods

In addition, it is possible to allocate the following directions in the treatment of enuresis:

Recommendations for treatment of enuresis in men

To get rid of the existing problem and prevent its recurrence, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Try to avoid stressful situations.
  • To maintain composure.
  • To strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Can help Kegel exercises which are directed on training of muscles of the perineum in men. Perform them during the process of emptying the bladder by squeezing the muscle for 5 seconds and trying to stop the flow of urine. Then the muscles relax. During one urination you should try to do at least 3-4 approaches. The number of interrupts you need to gradually increase.
  • If your doctor has prescribed a medication, you must follow his recommendations.
  • Definitely need to try to stick to the regime of the day: to restrict fluid intake in the evening, walks in the fresh air, eat right.

If we take a comprehensive approach to the treatment of enuresis in adult men, ityou can get rid of promptly.