Home / Treatment / Treatment of sinusitis at home in an adult, with folk remedies

Treatment of sinusitis at home in an adult, with folk remedies

Sinusitis is a disease in which there is an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses that is accompanied by edema and copious secretions from the nose. If swelling of the mucous membrane interferes with the separation of the content of the sinuses, there is congestion, difficulty breathing, you may have headaches and photophobia.

Treatment of sinusitis is to ensure the outflow of the contents of the sinus and debridement of the nasal cavity in order to destroy infection agents. It is necessary to remove swelling and inflammation, to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.

Conservative treatment of sinusitis includes antibiotics and antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor in the form of drops, sprays and solutions.

In severe cases, sinus puncture, it lavage and treatment with antibiotics. Surgical treatment of sinusitis is fraught with complications such as secondary infection, formation of nasal polyps or a sinus tract between the nasal cavity and maxillary sinus, and recurrence of the disease.

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What is the cure for sinusitis the most effective?

Nose drops

Nose drops with vasoconstrictor action exclusively, it is not recommended to use longer than five days to avoid addiction and side effects such as atrophy of the mucous membrane. They are buried only in acute bouts of sinusitis, if a stuffy nose interferes with breathing during sleep.

Consider the main groups of nasal drops:

  • Decongestant (vasoconstrictor drugs) – short-acting (4-6 hours), on the basis of fenilafrina – Nazol Bebi, Nazol kids, naphazoline – Naphazoline, Solin, or tetrizolina – Glycine. The middle steps (6-8 hours) on the basis of Xylometazoline – Xylene, Dlyanos, Galazolin, ksimelin, Otrivin, Rinonorm, Ringstop, Rinorus, Sanorin-ksilo, Tizin-ksilo, Snoop, or tramazoline – Mucosolvan Reno, saline nasal spray. Long-acting (10-12 hours) based on Oxymetazoline – Nazivin, Nazol, Lesconil, Afrin. It is preferable to use vasoconstrictive drops in the nose of the latter two groups, but in any case not longer than a week. Fenilafrina topical preparations for relief of nasal congestion in kids, adults they are little help. Drops with naphazoline (Naphazoline cheap) today completely discredited – they cause atrophy of the mucosa and addictive;
  • Antiseptic and antibacterial – Izofra (antibiotic framizetin), Protargol (silver ions). Used for the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis etiology for 7-14 days, one drop or spray into each nostril 4-6 times a day;
  • Antiviral and immunomodulatory Interferon, Ingaron, Grippferon, Derinat, Timogen, IRS-19. Enhance local immunity and helps to cure sinusitis, regardless of the origin of the disease;
  • Hormonal and antihistamine - Flixonase, almost four years, Nasonex, Nasobec, Aladin, lower blood pressure mother – contain hormones. Allergodil, Levokabastin, Bromgeksin, Sanorin Analergin – contain anti-allergic ingredients. Drugs in this group are used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, including seasonal. However, their appointment may be appropriate and in viral, bacterial, or mixed sinusitis to relieve swelling, eliminate sneezing and flow nose;
  • Vegetable is the most popular drug in this group – Xilin, soft remedy based on essential oils, protects the mucosa fromdryness, antimicrobial effects. However, Xilin contraindicated in allergic rhinitis and sinusitis, in addition, it relieves nasal congestion and sometimes even aggravates it;
  • Homeopathic – Euphorbium Compositum, EDAS-131. Approved for use for adults and children, do not cause side effects, but help from the cold and, especially, sinusitis, not all are. To consider them as the primary therapeutic agent is not recommended;
  • Combined – Polideksa with fenilafrinom (antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin, hormonal component is dexamethasone and the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine, an analog of the drug Maxitrol), Rinofluimutsil (acetalization – mucolytic agent, tuaminogeptana – vasoconstrictor component), Vibrocil (dimetindene – antihistamine, phenylephrine is a vasoconstrictor).

To bury the nose drops you need after washing for this purpose saline solution. It can be prepared at home or purchased at the pharmacy. Means for flushing the nasal passages is the Phrase and Kviks in the form of spray as well as Dolphin in the powder for breeding. After washing instilled drops with vasoconstrictor action, then the funds with antibiotics or antihistamine drops.

Sinuforte to me

Sinuforte – one of the drugs based on the medicinal properties of the plant extract. The main component of these drops – the juice of cyclamen, which is in contact with the mucous membrane of the sinus acting on the receptors of the trigeminal nerve, which causes the liquefaction of purulent content and a rather sudden and strong outflow discharge of mucoid matter. Sinuforte is positioned as natural, and therefore harmless means. Advertising networks tells the story of his unprecedented effectiveness, but in practice it is a little bit different.

Sinuforte, like any other natural product, has its patients (where the drug works better than others) and those in which the juice of cyclamen brings no effect. There is also a small percentage of people who are not able to use the drug, but they will be discussed later.

The correct way to use Sinuforte specified in the instructions on the package. During dilution of a lyophilizate, it is important that the powder had dissolved completely, which capacity must be several times shaken. After preparation of the solution spray it two taps in the air, and then inject the spray into the nose, trying to hold my breath to not get into the respiratory tract and do not irritate.

Saponins, inabundance contained in the juice of cyclamen, improper mixing of the lyophilisate, can have unexpected effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. Be careful if you spray mixed manually to obtain a solution of the lyophilisate.

Is it possible to use Sinuforte for the treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women? As the impact of pain on the fetus have not been studied in clinical trials, its use against sinusitis in a pregnant woman is contraindicated. To get rid of this disease in such a situation, there are many other tools, tested and approved for use during gestation.

Is it safe to use Sinuforte for the treatment of children? As rightly indicated in the instructions, to children under 5 years cannot treat sinusitis with Sinuforte. Not only that was not conducted relevant research. There is information from some sources that children at 12 and at 16, it is forbidden to make preparations on the basis of such potent plant extracts, as cyclamen. At an early age, while the immune system is not formed yet, use of cyclamen can lead to the development of Allergy to this component, and, an inadequate response can manifest as mild or severe. For this reason, Sinuforte it is better to take, after all, only adults.

Released Sinuforte in the form of drops? Unfortunately, the issue Sinuforte in the dosage form drops impossible, as in the use of this drug is very important dosing accuracy, which is achieved exclusively in the preparation of solution lyophilisate and applying it via spray.

Who helps Sinuforte? Sinuforte very effective when dealing with purulent sinusitis, but certain people will never be able to use this drug.

It includes:

  • Allergies that have a delayed or immediate allergic reaction to chemicals of plant origin with any food;
  • Patients of the otolaryngologist with the cysts and polyps in the nasal sinuses;
  • People with any of the varieties of hypertension.

In addition, you need to remember that in order to achieve positive results Sinuforte need to take only accurate doses. Also the efficacy of a drug is significantly increased when combined treatment, including immunomodulation, antiseptic and vasoconstrictor therapy.


The main task in the treatment ofsinusitis is to ensure the outflow of secretions from the nasal sinuses and sanitize its cavity, excellent job with this antiseptic.

Antiseptic drugs – affordable and effective method of treatment of sinusitis:

  • Dioxidine is used in 1% solution, produced in ampoules. The drug destroys the majority of pathogens. Not recommended for treatment of sinusitis in children and women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Miramistin – antiseptic agent based on chlorine is used for the instillation of the nose. There are no contraindications for children, pregnant and nursing, but the drug can be dangerous for people prone to allergic reactions;
  • Furatsilin – solution of this drug (0,02%) used for nasal lavage. Two tablets dissolved in a glass of water, gaining a child's syringe and washed alternately nasal passages. Involuntary ingestion of the solution during washing in small amounts is not dangerous, but this should be avoided. For the destruction of pathogens of bacterial sinusitis is usually enough 5-10 treatments;
  • The drug is a very effective bactericidal agent based on eucalyptus. To treat sinusitis the drug is applied in a 2% oil solution. It must instill 2 drops in each nostril 2-4 times a day for 10-14 days, or to lay wadded turundy impregnated therapeutic composition, for 15-20 minutes.

Solutions bacteriophages

Bacteriophages were formerly frequently used in the practice of otolaryngologists for the treatment of sinusitis, successfully replacing antibiotics. Solutions bacteriophages are used for irrigation of the nasal passages, they inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria. The effectiveness of treatment with bacteriophages depends on the causative agent of the disease – these medicines help to fight the sinusitis, which is caused by violation of the bacterial flora. Before you to assign the phage, the doctor makes the cultures and identifies the causative agent of infectious process, its sensitivity to drugs. Bacteriophages used for the treatment of sinusitis in children caused by Staphylococcus and Klebsiella. Solution store in the freezer and a small amount before washing warm up at room temperature.

Solutions for nasal lavage

Solutions for nasal lavage is made from salt and water. Of course, for regular washings, use a ready solution from those that are commercially available (saline, Akvamaris, the Phrase, Dolphin) is much more convenient, than each time to cook it yourself at home. But in the end it turns into a lot of expenses: thus, 10 ml of solutionAkvamaris costs from 100 rubles, and 30 ml of Salina from 140 rubles.

Much cheaper and more convenient to use a sterile saline solution, which can be purchased in the pharmacy at a price of 40 rubles per 20 ml.

Expensive solutions with a patented composition, despite the fact that considered safer for the treatment of sinusitis in children, in the end can cause secondary inflammation of the middle ear. Therefore, young children nasal rinses are generally not recommended to avoid possible complications.

Topic: How to wash the nose?

Support medication

In acute sinusitis, which is characterized by fever, profuse discharge from the nasal sinuses and the presence of the inflammatory process, it is recommended to use additional funds with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen, nalgesin, aspirin. To reduce mucosal edema and to minimize allergic reactions to drugs for the treatment of sinusitis using loratidine, desloratadine, cetirizine.

Mucolytic agent (Mucodin, ACC (Fluimucil), Fluditec, Libeksin) reduce the viscosity of mucus, thereby facilitating the evacuation of the sinus, and this is very important in the treatment of sinusitis. Apply mucolytics preferably in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as antibacterial or antiviral therapy. Mucolytic drugs are available usually in the form of drops or syrups.

So, in the conservative treatment of sinusitis, antibiotics are not the only effective option. Applied drugs must remove puffiness, to ensure the outflow of mucus and debridement of the nasal cavity, to destroy the infectious agents and neutralize inflammation.


Conservative treatment of sinusitis is carried out using drugs that have antiseptic, antimicrobial, antifungal activity.

Before to prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms causing an infectious process in the nasal cavity, to various medicines. This makes seeding content sinus and determine the type of pathogen, and then choose the antibiotic showing the highest efficiency in the laboratory. However, sensitivity to thisdrug of microorganisms in the laboratory and in the human body may differ, therefore, in the absence of Allergy and other contraindications appoint a strong broad-spectrum antibiotic. Drugs affecting the majority of known pathogens of sinusitis, prescribed for profuse yellow or green nasal discharge, high temperature and other signs of an infectious process.


Pathogens of sinusitis are most often streptococci, staphylococci and Haemophilus wand. Penicillins are effective against streptococci, thus, do not cause complications in the kidneys, heart and joints. However, against staph penicillins are often ineffective. So they are prescribed in case no data on the causative agent of sinusitis according to the results of laboratory analyses of planting.

Inhibitorsdisease penicillins are drugs that inhibit the activity of pathogenic organisms and contain additives that do not allow microbes to destroy the active ingredient and reduce its effectiveness.

Popular drugs in this group:

  • Amoxilav (Panklav, Flemoklav, flemoksin soljutab) tablets and Augmentin powder for suspension – based formulations of clavulanate of amoxicillin. The combination klavulanova acid and amoxicillin is effective at pneumoniae and pyogenic staphylococci, inhibits the activity of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

  • Aniseed, Sultamicillin, Unasyn – based drugs sulbactam and ampicillin.

Preformed penicillin take 1-2 tablets per day (every 8-12 hours), for children the dosage is calculated by the formula: 40 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The course of treatment is one week.


Cefixime, the produced also under the names of Pancef, Suprax, Amideco, refers to third-generation cephalosporins and has activity against the Streptococcus, Klebsiella, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella, inhibiting their development and growth. Thus, cephalosporins are an effective method of conservative treatment of sinusitis, inhibiting its activators.

Daily dosage is 400 mg, drink it all at once or divided into two doses. Side effects can be the liver and the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, nausea, stomach pains), allergic reactions on the skin, dizziness and dry mouth. Excreted through the kidneys and liver.

In case of allergic reactions and individual intolerance to cephalosporins andpenicillins the drugs in this group is forbidden to eat.


Drugs belonging to the group of macrolides are more effective than cephalosporins; however, cephalosporins have not been out of use due to the constant growth of prices for medicines.

Insufficiently studied the influence of the drug on the fetus during pregnancy and on infants when used by women during lactation. Therefore, in addition to individual intolerance to macrolides, contraindications would be pregnancy and lactation.

This group of drugs is produced in the form of tablets and suspensions, these include Josamycin, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin. The course of treatment – from three to five days. This action is similar to penicillin, side effects – dry mouth, dizziness, skin rashes, nausea, abdominal pain.

Preformed daily dose macrolides – no more than 500 mg, is applied at a time, or 250 mg in two doses.


Drugs in this group are used exclusively by adults and in the most severe cases, as can cause numbness of pathogens to most antibiotics. Fluoroquinolones act on DNA of microorganisms, stop breeding and destroy them.

These include: Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Norfloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin.

Read more: List of antibiotics for sinusitis: pros and cons

2 modern methods of treatment without puncture

Surgical drainage of the sinuses (the so-called puncture) is very often used for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis, but dangerous frequent relapses of the disease.


One of the most modern and physiological methods of treatment of sinusitis is the procedure to unclog the sinuses with a special soft catheter Yamik.

The procedure begins with anesthesia of the nose, through which a catheter with a balloon on the end is painlessly inserted into one nostril and inserted into the nasopharynx. The second spray can is in the middle of the catheter, and after the introduction it turns out right in the nostril. By inflation of the cylinders occurs, the sealing of the nasal cavity with the sinuses.

The catheter has two workers out for syringes. The first is produced through manipulation of pressure, pulling and pumping air into the nasal cavity through movement of the piston. It contributes to the destruction of the colloidal structure and subsequent separation of pathological mucusfrom the epithelial sheath.

A second output is needed to administer medication and antiseptic.

Thanks AMIK the catheter is a quick and painless treatment of sinusitis. The procedure is applicable for children and pregnant women, since it does not require a potent medication absorbed through the mucosa.

Read more: read more about procedure Yamik-catheter

Balloon sinusplasty

During allergic reactions, irritations, hypothermia and other environmental effects sinuses can become inflamed. Overgrown mucosa inside the sinuses can block the flow of mucus that accumulates in them through the work of ciliated epithelium, and then develop sinusitis.

This disease causes pain during head movements and increased temperature, and requires drainage with a fair antiseptic therapy.

In this case, it is not to do a puncture, the method for balloon sinusplasty. He is to enter in the sinuses thin balloon catheter and inflate a small plastic bubble that extends the closed entrance to the sinus.

So, quickly and effectively alleviated the symptoms of sinusitis: headache, increased pressure in the face and mucous discharge from the nose.

Read more: read more about the procedure "balloon sinuplasty"

Treatment of sinusitis at home

Nasal rinses with sea salt solution to me

Sea salt is a source of essential minerals and antiseptic substances, it is constantly proves its high efficiency in the early stages of sinusitis. The procedure for nasal lavage solution of boiled warm water and sea salt allows you to kill all the bacteria and viruses that have accumulated on the maxillary sinuses. In yoga this is known as "Jala Neti".

You should definitely be aware of the following nuances:

  • Salt cannot put much. On many pages of Internet resources is recommended to put 2 teaspoons (or tablespoon) of salt to 1 Cup water - burn guaranteed! Water should not be saltier than the blood;
  • Carefully stir salt in water, otherwise the grain of salt will harm your mucous! Better allow the solution to settle and pour the water and sludge drain;
  • Remember that the recommended water temperature is 40-42 degrees, the water should not be cold;
  • it is Impossible to draw in water with your nose, it should flow by itself, and itself to flow from the other nostril.

Give a few recipes:

  • For adults: 1 teaspoon to 0.5 liters of warm boiled water.
  • For children: 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of warm boiled water. Rinsing the nostrils with a solution of sea salt resolved even for small children from 2 years, but only with the correct calculation of the proportions of salt, so as not to cause increased dryness and swelling of the maxillary sinuses.
  • For advanced: 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. This also added 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1-2 drops of iodine.
  • Recipe without washing: Linen cloth to moisten the sea salt solution (1 tbsp to 1 Cup warm water), good twist (that it was not wet, just damp) and apply on face. Keep a napkin it is recommended that no more than 15 minutes. This allows inhalation to clear the nasal passages and normalize the mucus.

How to hold a nasal wash? Watch the video manual:

Topic: Which drug is best to use when flushing the nose?

Oil arborvitae in sinusitis

Thuja is an evergreen plant native to Eastern Asia and North America. Decoctions and infusions of pine needles TUI allows to remove intestinal disorders, to raise immunity after a serious illness, to improve the state of patients with pathologies of the respiratory system. Essential oil made of pine needles and cones of thuja, has healing properties and shows high efficiency in the treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, lungs and intestines. TUI oil is used in diseases such as sinusitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma.

The TUI oil for therapeutic use must be made of plants not under 15 years of age, the needles of which a high concentration of biologically active substances.

Useful properties and the efficiency of oil TUI:

  • The essential oil of thuja has powerful antiseptic properties, is an excellent prevention of infectious diseases as it acts on the microorganisms or viruses that provoke inflammation;
  • Immunomodulatory properties of essential oil allow to prepare the body to seasonal climate change and strengthen its defenses. Regular use of oil of thuja in the form of inhalation allows to recover the nasal mucosa after damage and strengthen its barrier function. The mucosa of the nose andthe mouth is the entrance gate of infection, so on its state depends the health of the body, its resilience and resistance against pathogens;
  • If the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity has already started, then the TUI oil helps to relieve swelling and to destroy microorganisms, provoking further development of the infection.
  • Inhalation TUI oil help to prevent the formation of nasal polyps, prevent the overgrowth of the adenoids in adults and children;
  • Adenoids and nasal polyps provoke diseases such as rhinitis and sinusitis, contribute to the development of sinusitis and its recurrence after successful treatment. Due to young age patients (from the adenoids most often affects children under 10 years of age) surgical treatment can be dangerous and have many contraindications. Sparing method of treatment of adenoiditis – drops and wash oil from the TUI is safe and efficient, ostanavlivat the growth of polyps and preventing new growths;
  • Burying TUI oil regenerates the mucosa and prevents the development of infection and possible complications in the form of inflammation of the cerebral cortex. The sooner you start treatment the essential oil, the higher its efficiency, therefore, drops from the TUI oil need to be applied at the slightest sign of colds.

The TUI oil shows high effectiveness in treatment of adenoiditis and sinusitis, it is used in combination with medication or for the prevention of growths and polyps in children younger than 10 years old. Treatment essential oils is a doctor, drug treatment of sinusitis and treatment with essential oils is only under his control.

Recipes treatment oil TUI:

  • Duration of treatment with oil of thuja when sinusitis is six weeks. Before burying the nose is washed with sea water or sea salt solution in each nostril drip 2-3 drops of distilled water or saline. After that, instill two drops of essential oil, alternately clamping first one and then the other nostril. The procedure is repeated three times a day;
  • Another treatment – instillation TUI oil for 15 days three times a day; the number of drops increased to eight for each nostril. After a week break repeat the course, continuing to full recovery.

How to cure a runny nose and sinusitis quickly and easily

Often patients with sinusitis at the first visit the doctor get a referral to a puncture, although it is not necessarily. In order to get rid of this disease, there is a simple folk remedy that effectively useseveral generations in a row.

Honey + baking soda + sunflower oil - a very effective remedy for sinusitis!

About this method, watch the short video below:

To cure chronic cold and sinusitis uses a special blend prepared according to this recipe:

  • One teaspoon of baking soda without slides is mixed with the same amounts of sunflower oil (it is better to take unrefined) and nezasaharennogo (liquid) honey. A mixture of honey, soda and butter in the mixing ratio 1:1:1 has a strong effect on the bacteria actively proliferating in the maxillary sinus.

After preparation of the mixture, dip in it a cotton swab and carefully enter in the sinuses. Apply solution at a time only one nostril, as after the introduction of the tampon need to put your head in the opposite direction from that in which the medicine is injected (i.e., when treating the left nostril needs to go to the right side, and Vice versa). To be in this position, you need at least 15-20 minutes.

Be prepared for burning and other unpleasant sensations, but just think about that like 4-5 daily treatments sinusitis will leave your body entirely, getting rid of puncture and likely relapse.

To store such a means may take a while (assuming that you used refined oil), so if you cook more than you need, you can leave for tomorrow.

Treatment of sinusitis juice of cyclamen - the most effective method!

Juice of cyclamen can rightly be called the most effective tool in the fight against the mucus that builds up in the maxillary sinuses. Any sinusitis can be cured in a few days. But the amount of mucus that comes out (no matter how healthy the person would not be) can be measured using cups.

Note: it is very unpleasant procedure, not everyone can withstand it, but the result is worth the effort. Although there are still one big disadvantage, cyclamen we cannot take people who suffer from allergies, as it can cause severe allergic reaction!

Learn more about cyclamen, reviews its use and the preparation methods read here

Note that the juice of cyclamen is the only tool that can 100% clean the maxillary sinus, but to achieve this effect you will need about 2-3 months of daily treatments.

It is important to know! To get rid ofsinusitis, often need to vysmarkivatsya, to allow mucus to flow out. To use the drops that stop the snot, in any case it is impossible! Applying these drugs, you leave the mucus within the maxillary sinuses, the sinus infection will only get worse.

The treatment of sinusitis folk remedies, the 5 effective recipes

There are more 5 effective recipes from traditional medicine:

  • Propolis in the sinus. Propolis can be instilled into the nose, for this 20% propolis tincture in the medical alcohol should be mixed with vegetable oil in proportion 1:1. If you have an aqueous solution of propolis, it can simply be diluted with water in the ratio 1: 3 and drip in the nose;

  • Kalanchoe from sinusitis. Kalanchoe - a common houseplant with bright pink flowers and elastic solid green leaves. Its juice is a universal remedy for colds and a strong sneeze. Using Kalanchoe juice can cure acute and chronic sinusitis in both adults and young children (from 6 years). For the treatment need to use leaves, because they relieve swelling and remove mucus from the nose. Kalanchoe juice can be used as nasal drops in its pure form 3-4 times a day, and for children 2-3 times (preferably with honey). He is an active and long-lasting sneezing, which secretes mucus;

  • The horseradish root. Horseradish root need to wash, peel and grate. Required a third of the glass. The mass should be mixed with lemon juicesqueezed from three lemons. The mixture will get thick. Make it should be every morning, 0.5 teaspoon, 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4 months. After a two week break, a second course of treatment. Thus, you should undertake two such courses of treatment a year, in spring and autumn. And two years later, the attacks of sinusitis will end forever.

  • Bay leaf. Put in a pan 3 large Bay leaves. Pour a little water and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, turn off the gas. Dip it in the water, clean cloth, soak it with broth, then add it to the bridge of the nose and forehead part. Head cover with a warm cloth to retain heat longer. As the cloth cools down, take another and again do the same procedure. And so repeat until the broth in the pot remains warm. At least it shouldbe enough for 3 treatments. The optimal time for the treatment of sinusitis Bay leaf – this time before going to sleep, just clean the sinuses. The course of treatment is 6 days.

  • Sea-buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil in its pure form can drip into each nostril twice a day instead of the usual drops for the nose. For inhalation on the basis of sea buckthorn oil 10 drops add to a pot of boiling water and inhale the steam for about 15 min.

aria Alekseeva Y., physician; Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-phytotherapeutist