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Hypertension 1, 2, 3 and 4 degrees

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The man is alive until his heart beat. Heart pump circulates blood in blood vessels. In this regard, there is such a thing as blood pressure. In short - HELL. Any deviation from normal rates of blood pressure deadly.

The risk of developing hypertension

The risk of hypertension or hypertension – high blood pressure – consists of a number of factors. Accordingly, the more, the greater the likelihood that people will become hypertensive.

Risk factors for the development of hypertension:

  • genetic predisposition. The risk of getting sick higher for those who have hypertension among first-degree relatives: father, mother, grandparents, brothers or sisters. The more close relatives suffering from high blood pressure, the greater the risk;
  • male;
  • age older than 35 years;

  • pregnancy;
  • stress (stress hypertension) and mental strain. Raises your heart rate the stress hormone – adrenaline. It instantly narrows blood vessels;

  • taking certain medicines e.g. oral contraceptives, and a variety of dietary Supplements - dietary supplements (iatrogenic hypertension);
  • bad habits: Smoking or abuse of alcohol. Components of tobacco provoke spasms of blood vessels – involuntary contractions of their walls. It narrows the lumen of the blood flow;
  • atherosclerosis– blockage of blood vessels by plaque. Total cholesterol should not exceed 6.5 mmol/l of blood;

  • diabetes;

  • diseases of the hypothalamus;
  • pyelonephritis;

  • renal failure (nephrogenic hypertension);
  • endocrinopathy adrenal, thyroid or pituitary gland;

  • excess salt in food. Salt provokes a spasm of the arteries and delay fluid in the body;
  • inactivity. Lack of exerciseaccompanied by a slow metabolism – metabolism - and gradually weakens the body in General;
  • the excess body weight. Every extra kilogram increases the HELL on 2 mm Hg - mm Hg.St.;
  • sudden change in the weather;
  • chronic sleep deprivation and other "provocateurs".

Most risk factors for developing hypertension are closely linked. So, in heavy smokers, in most cases, atherosclerotic plaques, and physically passive and wrong eating people quickly gain weight. Such combinations of factors greatly increase the risk of pathological abnormalities in the heart.

Depending on the combination and the expression of the above factors and the likelihood of cardiovascular complications in the next decade there are 4 types of risk of development of arterial hypertension:

  1. low (risk less than 15%);

  2. medium (15 to 20%);

  3. high (over 20%);

  4. very high (over 30%).

The risk factors of hypertension also divided into 2 types according to whether they eliminate: the correctable (corrected) and no. For example, a person may quit Smoking, but to change their ancestry, it is not. The magnitude of the risk is aggregated from a number of indicators. The patient with hypertension 1 degree, which will begin to abuse alcohol, significantly increase the percentage likelihood of complications.

Hypertensive heart disease is quite treatable. Much depends on timely diagnosis of the disease, persistence of the patient, his willingness to radically change your lifestyle.

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Hypertension 1 degree

Hypertension can be primary, i.e. to develop independently, and secondary – to be a complication of another illness. In the latter case, treatment is complex because it is necessary not only to normalize the pressure, but to cure a concomitant disease, the cause.

Normal is the measure of AD 120 to 80 mm RT.St. This "ideal" value, asthey say, for astronauts. 120 is a so – called upper index of blood pressure or systolic pressure (when the maximum contraction of the walls of the heart muscle). And 80 is the lower index, or so-called diastolic pressure (at maximum relaxation). Respectively, and hypertension are divided into systolic, diastolic, and mixed (systolicdiastolic) depending on the top or bottom values exceed the threshold value.

At narrowing of blood flow the heart expends more effort to push the blood in the vessels, it wears out faster, starting to work intermittently. Increase heart rate – heart rate - affects the entire body. Air and nutrients in the blood cannot enter the cells.

Just like any disease, hypertension progresses in the absence of treatment. Precedes the appearance of the first symptoms of hypertensive prehypertensive condition - the prehypertension.

From the stage of the disease depends on the degree of its severity:

  • "soft" or easy;
  • moderate or borderline;
  • heavy;
  • very severe or isolated systolic.

Otherwise arterial hypertension of 1 degree is called the mild form of the disease. The top indicator of AD ranges from 140 to 159, and the bottom is 90 - 99 mm RT.St. Disorders of the heart occur in leaps and bounds. Attacks, as a rule, pass without consequences. This is a pre-clinical form of hypertension. The periods of exacerbation alternate with complete disappearance of symptoms. During remission the patient's normal pressure.

Hypertension diagnosis is simple - measuring blood pressure using the tonometer. For exact diagnosis procedure is carried out three times during the day in a relaxed atmosphere and in a relaxed state.

Regularly check your blood pressure must even people at low risk of developing hypertension. Enough and a potentially dangerous factor to carefully monitor the work of your heart. Those who are predisposed to heart diseases to a large extent, it is advisable to purchase CardioVisor – apparatus for ECG – electrocardiogram in the home. Any disease is easier to treat at an early stage.

Symptoms of hypertension of the 1st degree

Symptoms of hypertension of the 1st degree include:

  • headache, progressive with loads;

  • dizziness up to fainting;

  • aching or stabbing pain on the left sidethe chest that radiates to shoulder and arm;
  • palpitations;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • noise in the ears;

  • black spots before eyes.

We must not forget that in mild hypertension all of these symptoms occasionally. If, after strong physical exertion increased heart rate or difficulty sleeping due to noisy neighbors, you should not panic and to identify themselves to the high blood pressure.

In the periods of improvement the patient feels. Easy hypertension has all the characteristic of heart failure symptoms. More severe disease characterized by a persistence of symptoms and occurrence of complications.

Complications of hypertension of the 1st degree

Complications include:

  • microinfarcts of the brain;
  • multiple sclerosis kidneys - nephrosclerosis;
  • hypertrophy of the heart muscle (left ventricle).

Most people think that an easy arterial hypertension can be cured without consequences. But the risk of complications at 1 degree average, ie about 15%. High pressure in the blood vessels due to narrowing of the lumen leads to insufficient blood supply to the tissues. The lack of oxygen and nutrients, leading to necrosis of individual cells and entire organs. Necrosis begins with local, focal lesions. Over time, if untreated, unavoidable ischemic stroke.

Circulatory disorder inevitably results in the violation of metabolism. Detrimental effect on the respiration and nutrition of the cells of any type. Inevitable pathological changes such as sclerosis – replacement by connective tissue. When the nephrosclerosis pathologically thicken the walls of the kidneys, on "shrinks". In this regard, the secretory function is disturbed, and the urea goes into the bloodstream.

If the blood vessels are constricted, the heart perenapravljaetsja to push the blood through them. This leads to abnormal increase of the heart muscle. Such hypertrophy is called the true or working. The volume and mass of the left ventricle is increased by thickening of its walls. This pathology is also called cardiomyopathy. The heart adapts its structure to the needs of the body. Additional muscle tissue allows it to be compressed stronger. It would seem, than it could be dangerous? "Swollen" heart can compress adjacent blood vessels, and uneven muscle growth to close the output of the left ventricle. Hypertrophy of the heart sometimes leads to sudden death.

Complications of hypertension of 1 degree is extremely rare. To avoid such problems, it is sufficient to minimize the risk ofarterial hypertension, ie, to eliminate its preconditions, causes.

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Treatment of hypertension 1 degree

First, the doctor will advise the patient to change lifestyle. The patient will be recommended a peaceful sleep, avoidance of stress, focused relaxation exercises, a special diet, exercise, etc. If these measures prove insufficient, drug therapy is applied.

A cardiologist is assigned to the following medications:

  • vasodilator;
  • neurotransmitters;
  • diuretics – diuretics;
  • anticholesterolemic - statins;
  • a sedative (sedative) and other antihypertensive drugs.

Medications are selected strictly individually, because many hypertensive patients have comorbidities. The choice of drugs is affected and the patient's age, and they are consumed medicines. Antigipertenzivny often prescribed in combinations. Available even tablets with a fixed combination of medicines.

If we can stop the disease in its early stages, to completely get rid of it, in the future we should not neglect prevention. Its principle is simple – the avoidance of all risk factors of hypertension. Healthy lifestyle can prevent the appearance even of hereditary pathologies.

Hypertension 2 degree

Is hypertension in a moderate form. The top pressure is 160 to 179 mm Hg.St., and the lower 100 - 109 mm Hg.St. At this stage of the disease the periods of increasing pressure longer. HELL he rarely returns to normal.

Depending on the speed of transition to hypertension from one stage to another distinguish between non - malignant and malignant hypertension. The second disease progresses so rapidly that is often fatal. Hypertension is dangerous because the increase in the rate of blood flow through the vessels leads to thickening of the walls and further narrowing of the lumen.

Symptoms of hypertension of 2 degrees

Typical signs of hypertension appear in mild form of the disease.

In the second stage they are joined by the following symptoms:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of pulsation in the head;
  • vascular insufficiency;
  • narrowing of arterioles;
  • hyperemia – overflowblood vessels, for example, redness of the skin;
  • sweating;
  • microalbuminuria – the presence of protein albumin in the urine;
  • swelling of the face;

  • blurry vision;
  • numb and cold fingers;
  • pathology of the ocular fundus;
  • hypertensive crises – sudden pressure surges (sometimes from 59 units);
  • the appearance or worsening of signs of defeat of target organs.

Fatigue, lethargy and puffiness appear, because in the pathological process involved the kidneys. Hypertensive attack may be accompanied by vomiting, urination disorder and a chair, shortness of breath, with tears. Sometimes it lasts a few hours. Complications hypertension is myocardial infarction and pulmonary edema or brain.

Forms hypertensive crisis:

  • neuro-autonomic (increased heart rate, agitation, hand tremor, unwarranted panic, dry mouth);
  • edema (lethargy, swelling of the eyelids, lethargic consciousness);
  • convulsions (seizures, fainting).

Symptoms 2 degrees of hypertension harder to bear for patients. He constantly suffers from pathological manifestations of high blood pressure. The disease at this stage retreats reluctantly and often returns.

Complications of hypertension of 2 degrees

Complications of hypertension 2 degree include the following diseases:

To organs-targets, i.e. the internal organs affected due to hypertension include:

  • heart;
  • blood vessels;
  • the brain;
  • eye;
  • kidneys.

Hemorrhages in various organs occur because the walls of blood vessels more thicken, lose their elasticity and become brittle. The increased blood flow easily destroys these vessels. The reverse process occurs during the development of aneurysms. Here the walls from enhanced blood circulation stretch and become thinner. They are so weakened that easily torn.

Pathologically narrow gap increases the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis – fat deposits onthe walls and thrombosis, a blockage of their blood clot. Bleeding of brain cells leads to oxygen starvation and their death. This phenomenon is called encephalopathy. Ischemia is an oxygen starvation of the heart. Angina – persistent sternal pain.

Joined to an underlying disease, pathological processes develop in connection with it. Accordingly, if you do not start timely treatment, or to violate the medical restrictions, target organs will be more, and restore health will become almost impossible.

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Disability hypertension 2 degrees

High blood pressure are constant the dispensary and examined periodically. In addition to daily measurements of pressure they regularly run an EKG. In some cases, you may need an ultrasound ultrasound of the heart, urine, blood, and other diagnostic procedures. Hypertensive patients with a moderate form of the disease less productive than healthy people.

If there is persistent impairment of body functions caused by hypertension, then the patient is sent to the Bureau for examination to obtain an opinion of medico-social examination. In rare cases of hypertensive patients visiting at home, hospital or even in absentia. Sometimes the program is set up to further investigation. For disabled experts of the Bureau of medical-social expertise to develop binding individual rehabilitation program.

For establishing the disability group of the expert Commission, along with the degree of hypertension considers the following factors:

  • complications;
  • information from the medical history of hypertensive crises;
  • working conditions of the patient.

The procedure of establishing groups of disability required for proper employment. Will it be easy to find an employer willing to put up with "inferior" officer, is another question. If the applicant for employment to submit the documents proving disability, under Federal law he must be provided with the necessary working conditions.

Employers are reluctant to accept people with disabilities, because working hours reduced while preserving the full payment (for groups 1 and 2). In addition, they are forced to go to the hospital more often than other workers, and annual leave have increased. In connection withthe majority of disabled 3 groups hide their ailments, to get a high place. Violation of the prescriptions concerning the working conditions eventually leads to the worsening of the condition.

Disabled people of 3 groups to receive a cash benefit and are admitted to professional activity, with some limitations:

  • contraindicated strong vibration and noise;
  • you can not work overtime on weekends or the night shift without the consent of the employee;
  • not allowed a permanent physical or emotional stress;
  • prohibition of working at high altitude, in hot shops, of dangerous machinery;
  • reduction in hours of work associated with high concentration;
  • seven-hour working day.

A particular case of malignant hypertension 2 degrees. Her development is so rapidly, and the condition of the patient difficult, the Commission assigns a disability 2 groups. It's already outside the group. When the 2nd and 3rd degrees of disability, medico-social examination is carried out annually. Exempt from re-examination of invalids of the following categories:

  • men over the age of 60 years;
  • women over the age of 55 years;
  • people with irreversible anatomic defects.

The assignment of disability caused by the necessity of social protection of hypertensive patients. His ability to work is limited.

Treatment of hypertension 2nd degree

At this stage of the disease without medication is not necessary. Taking pills regularly, possibly at the same time. The patient should not think that to get rid of the disease will be enough just to take drugs. If he's going to do this at the same time carried away, for example, fatty foods and alcohol, then a positive effect of therapy will disappear quickly. The disease will proceed to the next stage at which any treatment is ineffective.

Hypertension grade 3

Why doctors alarming deviation of blood pressure parameters from the norm, even on the unit? The fact is that when the pressure for a few units, the risk of developing cardiovascular complications is increased by the same percentage. For example, if a person has discovered mild hypertension, and AD deviated from the normal 120 over 80 mmRT.St. at 39 units, the very high probability of occurrence of abnormalities of the various organs (39%). What then can we say about 3 degrees of the disease, in which the deviation is not less than 60 units?

Hypertension 3rd degree - a severe, chronic form of the disease. HELL rises above 180/110 mm Hg.St., it never drops to normal 120/80. The pathological changes are irreversible.

Symptoms of hypertension 3 degrees

Symptoms of hypertension grade 3 include:

  • arrhythmia;

  • gait changes;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • persistent blurred vision;
  • paresis and paralysis in violation of cerebral circulation;

  • prolonged hypertensive crises with speech disorders, turbidity of consciousness and sharp pain in the region of the heart;
  • hemoptysis;
  • a significant limitation of the ability to move independently, communicate or care for himself.

In severe cases high blood pressure can no longer do without assistance, they need constant attention and care. The above symptoms of hypertension show that the patient's General condition gradually worsens, the disease covers the new organs, complications becomes more and more.

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Complications of hypertension of 3 degrees

Complications of hypertension grade 3 include the following diseases:

  • a heart attack of a myocardium – middle muscular layer of the heart;
  • cardiac asthma - asthma;

  • heart failure;
  • stroke;
  • the defeat of the peripheral arteries;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • hypertensive retinopathy affects the retina of the eye;
  • scotoma ("darkness") is a defect, a blind spot in the field of view;
  • blindness;
  • diabetic nephropathy;
  • renal failure;

  • nephroangiosclerosis.

Complications in arterial hypertension 3 degrees called the associated clinical conditions. When cerebrovascular disease a stroke occurs, accompanied by loss of sensitivity in the extremities and fainting. Heart failure is a complex cardiac diseases.Gradually kidneys. If the hypertension is a secondary disease and emerged on the background of diabetes, it is inevitable nephropathy.

The more the disease started, the worse and harder its consequences. The circulatory system is so important for the life of the organism, that the slightest deviation in her work gives a powerful destructive effect.

Disability hypertension 3 degrees

In severe form of the disease set 1 group of disability. At this stage, patients are almost disabled. Sometimes they are recognized as partially working and continue to work, but only at home or in special conditions.

But even with the most severe degree of disability the patient must undergo rehabilitation procedures. In this situation it is necessary to prevent death.

Treatment hypertension grade 3

With the worsening of the disease are assigned more potent drugs or a list of them remains the same, but the dosage increases. At this stage of hypertension the effect of drug therapy is minimal. Chronic high blood pressure are doomed to take pills for life.

When the disease becomes severe, may require surgical intervention. Surgery is indicated in some pathologies of the blood vessels and heart. Innovative is the technique of stem cell therapy in arterial hypertension 3 degrees.

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Hypertension 4 degrees

Individual specialists allocate and stage 4 disease, very heavy. In most cases, death is near. The suffering of the patient try to alleviate, and with each hypertensive crisis provide first aid. The patient is placed, lifting his head. He urgently give drugs, drastically reducing pressure.

In the absence of treatment there are new complications. Some of them provoke the other, and disease is increasingly overwhelm a person. Time to stop this destructive process, only need to monitor the dynamics of changing your AD at least using a conventional sphygmomanometer.