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Treatment of hypoglycemia folk remedies

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Hypoglycemia may indicate diabetes or some other diseases, so you should first conduct a medical examination and to identify the disease causing this condition. It is necessary to assign the correct treatment and medications. But to deal with hypoglycemia is possible and traditional methods at home.

Primarily in case of hypoglycaemia people need to pay special attention to their nutrition. Food should be taken regularly, at the same time, at least five times a day. Every 3 hours you should eat small portions of complex carbohydrate rich food. Preference should be given rice, fish, cabbage, fruit juices, crackers with peanut butter, dairy products, honey, nuts and so on. Therefore, the level of blood sugar will be maintained at a sufficient level.

You should limit the use of products containing high levels of sugar (candy, cookies, cakes), though the increase of glucose in the blood, but at the same time stimulate the production of insulin, responsible for its processing. After some time the blood sugar level may be even lower, which will cause deterioration of health.

Treatment of hypoglycemia herbs and berries

Medicinal plants can have positive influence on the metabolism in the body, improve the appetite and digestive organs.

St. John's wort, plantain, cranberries and garlic improve metabolism in the body. Cranberries and garlic eaten fresh oradd in food, and of St. John's wort and plantain is possible to prepare medicinal infusions.

Rosehip, black currant and lemon – fortified foods, and is useful for hypoglycemia.

Rose hips extract should be prepared from unpeeled fruit, Bay 1 tablespoon chopped berries in two cups of boiling water. Then, the infusion is kept on the steam bath for 15 minutes, strain and drink half a Cup twice a day. For a taste of the medicine can slightly sweetened.

Black currants may help with irritability, nervousness, to calm headaches and normalize sleep.

Yarrow, sea-buckthorn berries and oregano are able to inhibit the oxidation of organic substances. Calendula, thyme and Aronia improves the appetite and the digestive system.

When the hypoglycemic syndrome use prescription treatment fees. We need to take 2 g St. John's wort, Burnet, wheat grass, plantain, chamomile and cudweed herb swamp and grams of wormwood and licorice. The mixture pour two cups of water and boil it. Decoction is taken three times a day (before meals) - 50–75 g. medication lasts a month.

Treatment of hypoglycemia lewsey.

Rhaponticum is a plant that can improve the composition of the blood, to normalize the number of red blood cells and white blood cells, increase hemoglobin, improve overall health, give strength and energy. Take lewsey three times a day in tincture, diluting 15-30 drops in a tablespoon of warm boiled water.

Lemongrass is also a wonderful tonic, able not only to strengthen the immune systembut also notably improved the General condition of hypoglycemia. From its leaves you can prepare a healthy salad: lemongrass finely chopped onions, fresh nettles, dandelion leaves, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and sour cream. Thanks to this simple recipe patients with hypoglycemia people will be able to avoid such symptoms as General weakness, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, irritability, decrease in blood pressure.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"