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Treatment of hirsutism folk remedies

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The growth of thick hair on the face, abdomen, thighs, back, chest and around the nipples in women brings a lot of problems. Increase the amount of hair in women is called hirsutism. First, it is not aesthetically pleasing looks, and secondly, means there are certain diseases. When hirsutism in women is usually reveal an excess of male hormones.

Strong signs of hirsutism can be a sign of genetic differences or as a consequence of the intake of certain medications. The danger of hirsutism in disorder of internal organs and psychological complexes. Along with medication, hirsutism can be treated with folk remedies.

Treatment of hirsutism mint. Mint also helps to reduce the growth of unwanted hair. Mint tea reduces the amount of male hormones and then the excess hair are made less rigid and grow slower. And mint refers to the female plants and reduces men's sexual libido. Two tablespoons mint pour half a liter of boiling water and stand for 40 min. Drink a third Cup three months three times a day. Mint tea is contraindicated in severe hypotension.

Treatment of hirsutism nuts

The walnut juice. This is a known and effective tool used by more than one generation of people. To get the nut juice, it is necessary to collect the unripe fruits, cut them into several pieces and carefully press down, the liquid grease seat body hair. After a few treatments the results will be visible.

The shell of pine nuts. The people of the popular is the treatment of hirsutism pine nuts. Take 2 liters water, 2 kg. pine nut, place in oven and simmer for approximately 1 hour, during this time, the liquid volume will decrease by a liter. Then cool, strain and use to wipe the problem areas. It is recommended that a decoction applied carefully, avoiding contact with eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth.

Chestnuts. 1 Cup brown peel of the fruit of the horse chestnut trees pour 2 tbsp.boiling water. Boil away the liquid by three quarters, so in the remainder it turned out the glass. Strain, cool and lubricate in places of growth of superfluous hair.

Treatment dope

Recipe of broth. On what to treat hirsutism you can use the decoction of Datura to people know for a long time. Excess hair shedding, lubricating designated body hair decoction of leaves, roots and stems of the plant. Powdered mixture of raw pour one liter of water, boil fifty minutes. Ready to apply the product with great care, because Datura is a very poisonous plant.

The tincture recipe. 100 g of raw material is poured 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 15 days in a dark place in the room. Lubricate body hair 3 weeks. Who have glaucoma, the infusion is contraindicated!

Treatment hirsutism sugar

Recipe No. 1: Take 10 pieces of lump sugar and a pinch of citric acid, dissolved in 3 tbsp water and boil on low heat until Golden brown. Warm the mixture is applied to the skin above the upper lip and with a quick movement break.

Recipe No. 2: 1 tea spoon of sugar pour 0.5 teaspoon of water and kept on the fire until the sugar is dissolved. Then remove from heat, cool slightly and add juice of one lemon, continue to cook until until the liquid will turn dark korichnevyy color. Then 1 teaspoon of the mixture ready to put on a saucer, so she froze, and watered it from the syringe with water. The index finger, the resulting brown liquid should be rubbed into the site of enhanced hair growth within 2 hours, rinse with warm water. Hair will become lighter and thinner, their growth will slow down significantly.

Traditional methods of getting rid of hirsutism

Method 1. A depilatory for removal of body hair is easy to cook at home from 30 gr. zinc oxide, 60 g. barium sulfate and about 30 grams. starch. Mix all ingredients and dilute with water to a homogeneous slurry. Apply to clean skin in 4-8 minutes.

2 method. This epilator is required to connect 10 gr. of sodium sulfate and 10 oz. starch with 6 gr. glycerin and dilute in water. The finished mixture should be applied on the face for ten to 12 minutes then rinse with warm water.

3 method. Many girls and women suffer from the growth they have a mustache, the Council, which they shared, in practice, tested with a positive result repeatedly. Take 1a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, dissolve in it 5 drops of ammonia and 2-3 times a day lubricate the hair growth area. After the skin is dry you need to wash this area with cooled boiled water with lemon juice, not dry, and when dry lubricate the baby cream. Hair through time discolored, thinned out and disappear completely.

4 method. For the treatment of hirsutism suitable means obtained by bonding 10 oz. burnt lime and 10 GRS. pharmacy drug sulphite of calcium. This mixture is applied in a thin layer on the skin for 30 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Treatment with tar. Unwanted volosistoj eliminate with a mixture of tar and juice of green walnuts. 1 glass of juice of green walnuts, add 1 tbsp of tar, tightly sealed and insist 3 weeks in a warm dark place. RUB onto the skin, covered with hair daily until complete removal.